
Do not suppose the pleasure palaces of Iraq

لا تحسبي سباسب العراق

1. Do not suppose the pleasure palaces of Iraq,
Nor its slender-waisted lovelies with eyes like gazelles,

١. لا تَحسِبي سَباسِبَ العِراقِ
وَنَغَضانَ القُلُصِ المَناقي

2. Languorous as they recline at dawn's break to rest,
Languid with drowsiness in the arcades;

٢. كَأَنَّما يَرقَينَ في مَراقي
نَومَ الضُحى واضِعَةَ الرِواقِ

3. Little the wild deer cares for the network snare.
Nor have I in my soul met with compassion,

٣. هانَ عَلى ذاتِ الحَشا الخَفّاقِ
ما لَقِيَت نَفسي مِنَ الإِشفاقِ

4. And my feet and my legs encounter not
Care for me nor guard against peril-

٤. وَما تُلاقي قَدَمي وَساقي
مِنَ الحَفا وَعَدَمِ السُواقِ

5. A girl of the common people of the market stalls,
Clad for her master in gossamer thin silks.

٥. جارِيَةٌ مِن ساكِني الأَسواقِ
لَبّاسَةٌ لِلقُمُصِ الرِقاقِ

6. To her what remains of her garments is hateful.
She feeds out of the purse of a fanciful, extravagant man,

٦. أَبغَضُ ثَوبَيها إِلَيها الباقي
تَأكُلُ مِن كيسِ اِمرِئٍ وَرّاقِ

7. Certain that, should he pass away in hypocrisy,
Parting with him would be easy for her.

٧. قَد وَثِقَت إِن ماتَ بِالنَفاقِ
فَهوَ عَلَيها هَيِّنُ الفِراقِ

8. She laughs loudly in the face of a rascally dotard,
Bobbing like a float that danced about wildly in the sea.

٨. تَضحَكُ عَن ذي أُشُرٍ بَرّاقِ
كَالأُقحُوانِ اِهتَزَّ في البِراقِ