
What galleries that faced a torrent

ما ذات أرواق تصدى لجؤذر

1. What galleries that faced a torrent,
Where a solitary met him and the laters,

١. ما ذاتُ أَرواقٍ تَصَدّى لِجُؤذَرٍ
بِحَيثُ تَلاقى عازِبٌ فَالأَواعِسُ

2. With better than it the day she said: behold
Those around us, among them a jealous and a rival,

٢. بِأَحسَنَ مِنها يَومَ قالَت أَلا تَرى
لِمَن حَولَنا فيهِم غَيورٌ وَنافِسُ

3. You see then a cold drink none can attain
In its fear but a refusal or a slinker,

٣. تَرى ثَمَّ شِرباً بارِداً لا يَنالُهُ
عَلى هَولِهِ إِلّا رَدٍ أَو مُخالِسُ

4. O Bani Malik, none will drive you back when your affliction,
And kindle you from the heat of my fiery kindler,

٤. بَني مالِكٍ لا يُردِكُم حَينُ قَينِكُم
فَيَقبِسَكُم مِن حَرِّ ناري قابِسُ

5. And beware of affliction, let it not ill-affect you,
As it was inauspicious for Dhubian's Dahes,

٥. وَإِيّاكُمُ وَالقَينَ لا يَشأَمَنَّكُم
كَما كانَ مَشؤوماً لِذُبيانَ داحِسُ

6. O Bani Malik, the excellence of our glory is past,
And the son of Layla died while in hopelessness from that,

٦. بَني مالِكٍ فاتَ الفَرَزدَقَ مَجدُنا
وَماتَ اِبنُ لَيلى وَهوَ مِن ذاكَ يائِسُ

7. So the mind has not ceased being reasonable about the Most High,
And the imprisoned has not ceased from glory by the confiner.

٧. فَما زالَ مَعقولاً عِقالٌ عَنِ العُلى
وَما زالَ مَحبوساً عَنِ المَجدِ حابِسُ