
O Abul Awfa, though the wounds inflicted by spears may heal

أبا العوف إن الشول ينقع رسلها

1. O Abul Awfa, though the wounds inflicted by spears may heal,
The blood spilled in vengeance for Numayri will not be staunched.

١. أَبا العَوفِ إِنَّ الشَولَ يَنقَعُ رِسلُها
وَلَكِن دَمُ الثَأرِ النُمَيرِيِّ أَنقَعُ

2. You weep for Salma when the living ascend,
Yet leave Rayyan's slain corpse neglected.

٢. تُبَكّي عَلى سَلمى إِذا الحَيُّ أَصعَدوا
وَتَترُكُ رَيّانَ القَتيلَ المُضَيَّعا

3. When what is in the leather bottle is poured out, know that it is
The blood of the elder, so partake of the blood of the elder or leave it.

٣. إِذا صُبَّ ما في القَعبِ فَاِعلَم بِأَنَّهُ
دَمُ الشَيخِ فَاِشرَب مِن دَمِ الشَيخِ أَو دَعا