
Is it from a pact of the one with whom there was a pact that tears overflow

أمن عهد ذي عهد تفيض مدامع

1. Is it from a pact of the one with whom there was a pact that tears overflow
As if the motes in my eyes were from love of falfel

١. أَمِن عَهدِ ذي عَهدٍ تَفيضُ مَدامِعِ
كَأَنَّ قَذى العَينَينِ مِن حَبِّ فُلفُلِ

2. If the jinn see Salma they befriend her
And if the monk of the mountain sees Salma he descends

٢. فَإِن يَرَ سَلمى الجِنُّ يَستَأنِسوا بِها
وَإِن يَرَ سَلمى راهِبُ الطورِ يَنزِلِ

3. Of the white she did not go far nor walk
On the ground except the step of a saddled trained horse

٣. مِنَ البيضِ لَم تَظعَن بَعيداً وَلَم تَطَأ
عَلى الأَرضِ إِلّا نيرَ مِرطٍ مُرَحَّلِ

4. When she walked she did not hasten and was gentle
As the neigh of horses, pure and unshod

٤. إِذا ما مَشَت لَم تَنتَهِز وَتَأَوَّدَت
كَما اِنآدَ مِن خَيلٍ وَجٍ غَيرُ مُنعَلِ

5. As the excellence of the excellent over the back of a fleeing refuge
She circled around a stallion in a long tether

٥. كَما مالَ فَضلُ الجُلِّ عَن مَتنِ عائِذٍ
أَطافَت بِمُهرٍ في رِباطٍ مُطَوَّلِ

6. She has the color of the full moon on a pitch black night
And the fragrance of musk in subdued soft leather

٦. لَها مِثلُ لَونِ البَدرِ في لَيلَةِ الدُجى
وَريحُ الخُزامى في دِماثٍ مُسَهَّلِ

7. What! Were Qain and the son of Qain angry that I blamed
The wastefulness of Sa'd's quarters for waste

٧. أَإِن سُبَّ قَينٌ وَاِبنُ قَينٍ غَضِبتُمُ
أَبَهدَلَ يا أَفناءَ سَعدٍ لِبَهدَلِ

8. I have tasted the bitterness of Eyyash's bow
And kindled my fire, so come closer to me and light it

٨. أَعَيّاشُ قَد ذاقَ القُيونُ مَرارَتي
وَأَوقَدتُ ناري فَاِدنُ دونَكَ فَاِصطَلِ

9. I will remember what Hutya said, your neighbor
And create a brand over the brand of the fired clay

٩. سَأَذكُرُ ما قالَ الحُطَيأَةُ جارُكُم
وَأُحدِثُ وَسماً فَوقَ وَسمِ المُخَبَّلِ

10. Eyyash, cursing does not benefit you after I
Gave you poison to drink in the bitterness of oak apples

١٠. أَعَيّاشُ ما تُغني قُفَيرَةُ بَعدَما
سَقَيتُكَ سَمّاً في مَرارَةِ حَنظَلِ

11. Eyyash, Qufeyra has entrusted her progeny
To the house of disgrace which has no change

١١. أَعَيّاشُ قَد آوَت قُفَيرَةُ نَسلَها
إِلى بَيتِ لُؤمٍ ما لَهُ مِن مُحَوَّلِ

12. She makes the stallions infertile and Qufeyra
Did not know the crime of cross-pollinating cloves

١٢. تُذَئِّرُ أَبكارَ اللِقاحِ وَلَم تَكُن
قُفَيرَةُ تَدري ما جَناةُ القَرَنفُلِ

13. If you call for help against Zubraqan we are
The sons of Qain's daughter possessors of might and club

١٣. فَإِن تَدَّعوا لِلزِبرِقانِ فَإِنَّكُم
بَنو بِنتِ قَينٍ ذي عَلاةٍ وَمِرجَلِ

14. Prepare the ropes for betrayal, I am resolved
When the battle was inflamed to bear my burdens

١٤. فَشُدّوا الحُبى لِلغَدرِ إِنّي مُشَمِّرٌ
إِذا ما عَلا مَتنَ المُفاضَةِ مِحمَلي

15. And do not, my two sons, seek to precede Qufeyra
Every axe and sword brandishing its blade

١٥. وَلا تَطلُبا يا اِبنَي قُفَيرَةَ سابِقاً
يَدُقُّ جِماحاً كُلَّ فَأسٍ وَمِسحَلِ

16. As Qain intended against us in the days of Sowar
But met with wings of hastened doves

١٦. كَما رامَ مِنّا القَينُ أَيّامَ صَوأَرٍ
فَلاقى جِماحاً مِن حِمامٍ مُعَجَّلِ

17. The ape chewed when exhaustion afflicted him and complained
The sons of Qain against us have the bite and anklet bells

١٧. ضَغا القِردُ لَمّا مَسَّهُ الجَهدُ وَاِشتَكى
بَنو القَينِ مِنّا حَدَّ نابٍ وَكَلكَلِ

18. Perhaps you hope, son of the blower of Kirah
For steeds whose canines have not been blunted

١٨. لَعَلَّكَ تَرجو يا اِبنَ نافِخِ كيرِهِ
قُروماً شَبا أَنيابِها لَم يُفَلَّلِ

19. Are the four sacred months equal to the days of Khayl and her horses
When we were outcasts in war, deposed

١٩. أَتَعدِلُ يَربوعاً وَأَيّامَ خَيلِها
بِأَيّامِ مَضفونينَ في الحَربِ عُزَّلِ

20. Do you not ask the rearers in the evening
With the tribe whose leg cannot be hidden by the mantles

٢٠. أَلا تَسأَلونَ المُردَفاتِ عَشِيَّةً
مَعَ القَومِ لا يَخبَأنَ ساقاً لِمُجتَلي

21. Who prevented the captives, you did not prevent them
And the chieftains of the fettered eminent leader

٢١. مَنِ المانِعونَ السَبيَ لا تَمنَعونَهُ
وَأَصحابُ أَعلالِ الرَئيسِ المُكَبَّلِ

22. And on which day were our swords not unleashed
That we plant them into the skulls of tyrants

٢٢. وَفي أَيِّ يَومٍ لَم تُسَلَّل سُيوفُنا
فَنَعلو بِها هامَ الجَبابِرِ مِن عَلِ

23. He substituted among a group of nine like him
A father, evil, with two sandals or unshod

٢٣. تَبَدَّل بِهِ في رَهطِ تِسعَةَ مِثلَهُ
أَباً شَرَّ ذي نَعلَينِ أَو غَيرِ مُنعَلِ

24. So I did not blame myself in a discourse nor wish
Nor blame what the people did at first

٢٤. فَما لُمتُ نَفسي في حَديثٍ وَليتُهُ
وَلا لُمتُ فيما قَدَّمَ الناسُ أَوَّلي