
He watered the camels above Bani Shubail,

سقى الأجراع فوق بني شبيل

1. He watered the camels above Bani Shubail,
The battlefields of all who take a stand and flee.

١. سَقى الأَجراعَ فَوقَ بَني شُبَيلٍ
مَساحِجُ كُلَّ مُرتَجِزٍ هَزيمِ

2. I knew them to have generosity and forbearance,
When asked, where are those of tolerance?

٢. عَرَفتُ بِهِنَّ مَكرُمَةً وَحِلماً
إِذا ما قيلَ أَينَ ذَوُو الحُلومِ