1. Sleep stays away as his eyes mix with tears,
His heart filled with the fear of parting, distressed.
١. بانَ الخَليطُ فَعَينُهُ لا تَهجَعُ
وَالقَلبُ مِن حَذَرِ الفِراقِ مُرَوَّعُ
2. The visiting women blamed the day of Rama,
When they cut the ropes, if only they weren't cut!
٢. وَدَّ العَواذِلُ يَومَ رامَةَ أَنَّهُم
قَطَعوا الحِبالَ وَلَيتَها لا تَقطَعُ
3. The visiting women said, not out of true advice:
"You're still young, yet you've aged from crying."
٣. قالَ العَواذِلُ غَيرَ جِدِّ نَصاحَةٍ
أَعلى الشَبابِ وَقَد بَليتَ تَفَجَّعُ
4. If only they had raised Eidiyya's rope necklaces
Swaying on the road, shaken.
٤. يا لَيتَ لَو رَفَعَت بِنا عيدِيَّةٌ
أَعناقُهُنَّ عَلى الطَريقِ تَزَعزَعُ
5. They left Duma at dawn, after five nights' journey
Riding all night, the remnants of their provisions diverse.
٥. صَبَّحنَ دومَةَ بَعدَ خِمسٍ جاهِدٍ
غَلَساً وَفَضلُ نُسوعِها يَتَنَوَّعُ
6. Clouds rise up, weeping over their misfortune,
While the family is atop scattered, shining sands.
٦. تَعلو السَماوَةُ تَلتَظي حِزّانُها
وَالآلُ فَوقَ ذُرى وُعالٍ يَلمَعُ
7. The foal's galloping suffices as proof after their ill suspicions
When the landmarks diminish and the shadows shrink
٧. يَكفي الأَدِلَّةَ بَعدَ سوءِ ظُنونِهِم
مَرُّ المَطِيِّ إِذا الحُداةُ تَشَنَّعوا
8. The spacious sands entice the lost soul
A letter you're wary of in depleted wine skins
٨. وَالأَرحَبِيُّ إِذا الظِلالُ تَقاصَرَت
يُغري الغَرِيَّ وَذاتُ غَربٍ مَيلَعُ
9. Like a harvest that whirls as the bracelet whirls.
Shrubbery from Samaja palm trunks
٩. حَرفٌ تُحاذِرُ في خِشاشٍ ناشِبٍ
حَصِداً يَسورُ كَما يَسورُ الأَشجَعُ
10. Sweeping the smooth sands while twigs crackle.
Stirring the flint stones in the kindling
١٠. شَذِبُ المَكارِبِ مِن جُذوعِ سُمَيحَةٍ
يَمطو الجَديلَ وَسُرطُمانٌ شَعشَعُ
11. A ewe bleats when smoke from twigs rises.
You see the sparks flying from the flint
١١. وَتُثيرُ مُظهِرَةً وَقَد وَقَدَ الحَصى
شاةَ الكِناسِ إِذا اِسمَأَلَّ التُبَّعُ
12. Clasped between flints colliding and sparking.
Doe gazelles wring out their slender bodies
١٢. وَتَرى الحَصى زَجِلاً يُطيرُ نَفِيَّهُ
قَبضُ المَناسِمِ وَالحَصى يَتَصَعصَعُ
13. Like sap drips from pine trees from every cleft.
We travelled from Udhma sands and Mukhafeq sands
١٣. وَالعيسُ تَعتَصِرُ الهَواجِرُ بُدنَها
عَصرَ الصُنَوبَرِ كُلُّ غَرٍّ يَنبَعُ
14. Seeking life, hoping for pouring rain.
How much grace you've bestowed on us continuously
١٤. سِرنا مِنَ الأُدَمى وَرَملِ مُخَفِّقٍ
نَرجو الحَيا وَجَنابَ غَيثٍ يُربَعُ
15. Though it nearly ceased when ropes were cut.
You've revived the fresh springs after
١٥. كَم قَد تَتابَعَ مِنكُمُ مِن أَنعُمٍ
وَالمَحلُ يَذهَبُ أَن تَعودَ الأَمرُعُ
16. The rope pulleys were nearly severed.
I complain to you - provide me children
١٦. أَثبَتُّمُ زَلَلَ المَراقي بَعدَما
كادَت قُوى سَبَبِ الحِبالِ تَقَطَّعُ
17. Insatiable, and their mother no less so,
Multiplying, neither eldest nor youngest die
١٧. أَشكو إِلَيكَ فَأَشكِني ذُرِّيَّةً
لا يَشبَعونَ وَأُمُّهُم لا تَشبَعُ
18. Until time ends, or the nursing babe grows up,
When I look at them, their mother makes me doubt
١٨. كَثُروا عَلَيَّ فَما يَموتُ كَبيرُهُم
حَتّى الحِسابِ وَلا الصَغيرُ المُرضَعُ
19. Squinting eyes and a grimacing cheek.
When the children share their toys
١٩. وَإِذا نَظَرتُ يَريبُني مِن أُمِّهِم
عَينٌ مُهَجَّجَةٌ وَخَدٌّ أَسفَعُ
20. Crying rises, and tears flow from them.
Gift me, though neediness has befallen me
٢٠. وَإِذا تَقَسَّمَتِ العِيالُ غَبوقَها
كَثُرَ الأَنينُ وَفاضَ مِنها المَدمَعُ
21. From what you've gathered, as you gather all good.
٢١. رِشني فَقَد دَخَلَت عَلَيَّ خَصاصَةٌ
مِمّا جَمَعتَ وَكُلُّ خَيرٍ تَجمَعُ