1. Thou'ayr and 'Asim will feel shame
When the camels of Malik grow lean.
١. سَيَخزى إِذا ضَنَّت حَلائِبُ مالِكٍ
ثُوَيرٌ وَيَخزى عاصِمٌ وَجَميعُ
2. Before thee never did archers so weary,
Aiming their arrows at unbroken line.
٢. فَقَبلَكَ ما أَعيا الرُماةَ إِذا رَمَوا
صَفاً لَيسَ في عادِيِّهِنَّ صُدوعُ
3. From thee the veins do give an evil smell
Like the foul breath of nostrils unclean.
٣. لَقَد نَفَحَت مِنكَ الوَريدَينِ عِلجَةٌ
خَبيثَةُ ريحِ المِنخَرَينِ قَبوعُ
4. Bring not thy saddle near to ed-Dalhamus
For he's wise to the evil of men, and can hear.
٤. فَلا تُدنِيا رَحلَ الدَلَهمَسِ إِنَّهُ
بَصيرٌ بِما يَأتي اللِئامِ سَميعُ
5. In his heart there is screen beyond screen;
The choicest part under ribs lies concealed.
٥. هُوَ النَخبَةُ الخَوّارُ ما دونَ قَلبِهِ
حِجابٌ وَما فَوقَ الحِجابِ ضُلوعُ
6. If mother of ed-Dalhamus never bore child,
None of our horsemen his life would have spared.
٦. فَلَو أَنجَبَت أُمُّ الدَلَهمَسِ لَم يَعِب
فَوارِسَنا لا عاشَ وَهوَ جَميعُ
7. He hit the womb's core where villains are shaped,
And suckled the teat whence the vilest are reared.
٧. أَصابَ قَرارَ اللُؤمِ في بَطنِ أُمِّهِ
وَراضَعَ ثَديَ اللُؤمِ فَهوَ رَضيعُ