
Jadilah and al-Gauth, whom the generous fault

جديلة والغوث الذين تعيبهم

1. Jadilah and al-Gauth, whom the generous fault
Yet none who faults them is deemed generous still

١. جَديلَةُ وَالغَوثُ الَّذينَ تَعيبُهُم
كِرامٌ وَما مَن عابَهُم بِكَريمِ

2. And long before you the genealogists traced
Tayy back to a peak of Madhij, pure stock and true

٢. وَقَد نَسَبَ النُسّابُ قَبلَكَ طَيِّئاً
إِلى ذِروَةٍ مِن مَذحِجٍ وَصَميمِ