
I knew by the radiance of love a fine shape

عرفت ببرقة الوداء رسما

1. I knew by the radiance of love a fine shape
Whose essence from shapes of old is sublime

١. عَرَفتُ بِبُرقَةِ الوَدّاءِ رَسماً
مُحيلاً طابَ عَهدُكَ مِن رُسومِ

2. The shape made fair by Dhu 'l-Alwadayn effaced
All the coward's imprints, leaving no sign

٢. عَفا الرَسمَ المُحَيلَ بِذي العَلَندى
مَساحِجُ كُلِّ مُرتَزِجٍ هَزيمِ

3. Would that the slanderers might here have stayed
While some friend of bliss departed in time

٣. فَلَيتَ الظاعِنينَ هُمُ أَقاموا
وَفارَقَ بَعضُ ذا الأَنَسِ المُقيمِ

4. No pact remains binding on us that you made
With blame's forgetter, no word that is crime

٤. فَما العَهدُ الَّذي عَهِدَت إِلَينا
بِمَنسِيِّ البَلاءِ وَلا ذَميمِ

5. And girls once camped, troops riding Maisan steeds
Near a band, attended by moaning and pine

٥. وَزارَت فِتيَةً وَرِحالَ مَيسٍ
لَدى فُتلٍ مَرافِقُهُنَّ هيمِ

6. Trailing the bags, while stooped with humility
In the dust of bleak country, slow and supine,

٦. يُساقِطنَ النَقيلَ وَهُنَّ خوصٌ
بِغُبرِ البيدِ خاشِعَةِ الحُزومِ

7. Bowed under each hardship that comes in the train
Of parting, skin chafed upon skin into brine

٧. تُعَطَّفُ مِن تَوابِعِ كُلِّ هَجرٍ
عَصيماً بِالجُلودِ عَلى عَصيمِ

8. Traveling the night, then alighting a band
Of five, whom the brother of joy cannot fine,

٨. سَرَينَ اللَيلَ ثُمَّ وَرَدنَ خَمساً
وَلا يَسطيعُ ذاكَ أَخو النَعيمِ

9. While you blamed my vigil and did not sleep
And sleep came to blamers and gave them recline

٩. أَعاذِلَ طالَ لَيلُكِ لَم تَنامي
وَنامَ العاذِلاتُ وَلَم تُنيمي

10. If I'm blamed, I excuse myself, though my fault
Shows clear; still, do not be too prompt to malign

١٠. إِذا ما لُمتِني وَعَذَرتُ نَفسي
فَلومي ما بَدا لَكِ أَن تَلومي

11. Humbler of she-camels, whatever the breach
Is healing for shes who knock timidly at shrine

١١. ذَميلُ الناعِجاتِ بِكُلِّ خَرقٍ
شِفاءُ الطارِقاتِ مِنَ الهُمومِ

12. Their critic, old Jusham, son of Bakr, assuages
And they spoke no wise maxims handed from line

١٢. تُريحُ نِقادَها جُشَمُ بنُ بَكرٍ
وَما نَطَقوا بِأَنجِيَةِ الحُكومِ

13. Their light wits have misled them; they race with disdained
To where the vile man runs in dust and distress fine

١٣. لَقَد سَفِهَت حُلومُهُمُ وَأُجروا
مَعَ المَسبوقِ حَيثُ جَرى المَليمِ

14. Gall for them and the nobles--both suffered alike;
They returned and no fragment was safe or condign

١٤. لَهُم مُرٌّ وَلِلنُخَباتِ مَرٌّ
فَقَد رَجَعوا بِغَيرِ شَظىً سَليمِ

15. Al-AkhTal gained from my satires a thrust
At the dullard immersed in defeat and decline

١٥. وَقَد نالَ الأَخيطِلُ مِن هِجائي
دَحولَ السَبرِ غائِرَةَ الهُزومِ

16. What can ArRad servant accomplish with lineage from ancient days gone?
We aspired to glory, and glory made taut every nerve, loin and spine

١٦. وَكَيفَ يَصولُ أَرصَعُ تَغلِبِيٌّ
وَما لِلعَبدِ مِن حَسَبٍ قَديمِ

17. We engaged in the wager and never were bowed
Nor weakened my sturdy, drought-hardened wood fine

١٧. سَمَونا لِلمَكارِمِ فَاِحتَوَينا
بِلا وَغلِ المَقامِ وَلا سَؤومِ

18. The poets you see all wonderment-clapped
One still, one reciting his verses line to line

١٨. وَقَد هَجَموا الرِهانَ فَما كَبَونا
وَما أَوهى قَناتِيَ مِن وُصومِ

19. My shedding of blood they found constant ever;
My pool never fails, unlike pools diaphanous syne

١٩. تَرى الشُعَراءَ مِن صَعِقٍ مُصابٍ
بِصَكَّتِهِ وَآخَرَ مُستَديمِ

20. The like have I sought, and he came to seem
Like a forbearing brother, though having no sign

٢٠. لَقَد وَجَدوا رِشائِيَ مُستَمِرّاً
وَدَلوِيَ غَيرَ واهِيَةِ الأَديمِ

21. Of forbearance--he watches his losses and dreads
His abaser, from the eye of the lesser turns syne

٢١. وَمِثلَكَ قَد قَصَدتُ لَهُ فَأَمسى
أَخا حِلمٍ وَما هُوَ بِالحَليمِ

22. Now if you are bested recall you are Taghlibi
Come down to the worst foolishness, evil and malign

٢٢. يَرى حَسَراتِهِ وَيَخافُ دَرئي
وَيُغضي طَرفَهُ نَظَرَ الأَميمِ

23. You will know my clan is Khindif - and rightly
From a people most noble this lineage fine

٢٣. فَإِن تُغلَب فَإِنَّكَ تَغلِبِيٌّ
نَزَلتَ بِغايَةِ الحَمِقِ اللَئيمِ

24. My soul and all souls are ransom for folk
Who built over high ground a great edifice's shrine

٢٤. سَتَعلَمُ أَنَّ أَصلي خِندِفِيٌّ
جَبا لِيَ أَفضَلَ الحَسَبِ الكَريمِ

25. In Khindif's branch I alighted, where destiny's concerns
Are gathered, affairs disciplined line after line

٢٥. فَنَفسي وَالنُفوسُ فِداءُ قَومٍ
بَنوا لي فَوقَ مُرتَقَبٍ جَسيمِ

26. I vie with Rabab's house, Saad's house, and
The Zayd of Manat, what time my steeds were brought to me fine

٢٦. نَزَلتُ بِفَرعِ خِندِفَ حَيثُ لاقَت
شُؤونُ الهامِ مُجتَمَعَ الصَميمِ

27. Glory in Mu'add we found was taught and prized-
Complete respect among men came to Tamim clan syne

٢٧. أُفاضِلُ بِالرَبابِ وَآلَ سَعدٍ
وَزَيدِ مَناةَ إِذ خَطَرَت قُرومي

28. Stern natures of North, when roused in the bare
Highlands of every dawn fruitless and saline

٢٨. وَجَدنا المَجدَ قَد عَلِمَت مَعَدٌّ
وَعِزَّ الناسِ تَمَّ إِلى تَميمِ

29. We surpassed mankind in each deed of glory
And in rain-stars streaming as blessings divine

٢٩. مَطاعيمُ الشَمالِ إِذا اِستُحِنَّت
وَفي عُرَواءِ كُلِّ صَباً عَقيمِ

30. Does a star set? Another appears in the sky
No blankness, no clouds there, no shadow supine

٣٠. سَبَقنا العالَمينَ بِكُلِّ مَجدٍ
وَبِالمُستَمطَراتِ مِنَ النُجومِ

31. On you I will lavish of bounty and grace
We who do violence to tyranny malign

٣١. إِذا نَجمٌ تَغَيَّبَ لاحَ نَجمٌ
وَلَيسَت بِالمُحاقِ وَلا الغُمومِ

32. They saw the strong-breasted she-leopard's foray
But knew not the coward faint-hearted in brine

٣٢. سَأَبسُطُ مِن يَدَيَّ عَلَيكَ فَضلاً
وَنَحنُ القاطِعونَ يَدَ الظَلومِ

33. Your father we helped till he failed, Abu
Ghuwayth, to fight against all who in enmity shine

٣٣. رَأوا أَثبِيَةَ الفَهَداتِ وِرداً
فَما عَرَفوا الأَغَرَّ مِنَ البَهيمِ

34. The Hudhayl we met with sharp blades that released
The red spittle's flow from the gullet's confine

٣٤. وَأَعيَينا أَباكَ أَبا غُوَيثٍ
فَأَعيا عَن مُجاهَدَةِ الخُصومِ

35. Chewed then with his molars did hardened Taghlibi
The far-biting hero no striking could undermine

٣٥. وَأَدرَكنا الهُذَيلَ بِلافِظاتٍ
دَمَ الأَشداقِ مِن عَلَكِ الشَكيمِ

36. We denied them the meat and the hump-laden camel
And said to the woman, "Begone to your shrine!"

٣٦. ضَغا في القِدِّ آدَرُ تَغلِبِيٌّ
ضَبيحُ الجِلدِ مِن أَثَرِ الكُلومِ

37. Kays' horses attacked--with your mother--and trampled
The cheek-slapping fool with his mouthful of wine

٣٧. مَنَعنا الجَوفَ وَالنَعَمَ المُنَدّى
وَقُلنا لِلنِساءِ بِهِ أَقيمي

38. Not I killed Jusham ibn Bakr in slaughter
With blood spilled profusely or gobbets of chine

٣٨. وَقَد هَجَمَت وَأُمِّكَ خَيلُ قَيسٍ
عَلى رَعنِ السَلَوطَحِ ذي الأُرومِ

39. You're remnant enough with your braying far out
'Twixt Dann, al-Batiya, and wineskins supine

٣٩. وَما قَتلي بَني جُشَمَ بنِ بَكرٍ
بِزاكِيَةِ الدِماءِ وَلا اللُحومِ

40. Judged you by your mother when blendings occur
From a dung-rolling cross of Slavs and worm syne

٤٠. فَحَسبُكَ أَن تَنَوَّحَ بَينَ دَنٍّ
وَباطِيَةٍ وَإِبريقٍ رَذومِ

41. What! your sire the eighth of a cubit
Your dam a class zero scored on the beauties' fine?

٤١. حَكَمتَ بِحُكمِ أُمِّكَ حَيثُ تَلقى
خَليطاً مِن صَقالِبَةٍ وَرومِ

42. What a stallion he was, the night that she wrapped
Him round in her patchwork of rags threadbare syne!

٤٢. أَلَيسَ أَبوكَ ذا زَمَعٍ ثَمانٍ
وَأُمُّكَ ذاتَ مُكتَشَرٍ ذَميمِ

43. From that stallion came a foal ever inclined
To persistence in evil and probity's decline

٤٣. لَبِئسَ الفَحلُ لَيلَةَ أَشعَرَتهُ
عَباءَتَها مُرَقَّعَةً بِنيمِ

٤٤. فَذاكَ الفَحلُ جاءَ بِشَرَّ نَجلٍ
خَبيثاتِ المَثابِرِ وَالمَشيمِ