
The mixture became clear even if I were bent, it would not become clear

بان الخليط ولو طوعت ما بانا

1. The mixture became clear even if I were bent, it would not become clear
They cut the ropes of connection into pairs

١. بانَ الخَليطُ وَلَو طُوِّعتُ ما بانا
وَقَطَّعوا مِن حِبالِ الوَصلِ أَقرانا

2. Long live the dwellings when we do not seek an alternative
A house for a house, nor neighbors for neighbors

٢. حَيِّ المَنازِلَ إِذ لا نَبتَغي بَدَلاً
بِالدارِ داراً وَلا الجيرانِ جيرانا

3. I used to be in the footsteps of the solitary, confused
Terrified of the estrangement, grieved and saddened

٣. قَد كُنتُ في أَثَرِ الأَظعانِ ذا طَرَبٍ
مُرَوَّعاً مِن حِذارِ البَينِ مِحزانا

4. O Lord of the depressed, if I were announced dead to him
One cries and the other happy with our prevention

٤. يا رَبُّ مُكتَإِبٍ لَو قَد نُعيتُ لَهُ
باكٍ وَآخَرَ مَسرورٍ بِمَنعانا

5. If only you knew what we are going through, oh how you would shelter us
Or if you heard us complaining to the Lord of the Throne

٥. لَو تَعلَمينَ الَّذي نَلقى أَوَيتِ لَنا
أَو تَسمَعينَ إِلى ذي العَرشِ شَكوانا

6. Like the owner of the waves when his ship tilted
He prays to God secretly and openly

٦. كَصاحِبِ المَوجِ إِذ مالَت سَفينَتُهُ
يَدعو إِلى اللَهِ إِسراراً وَإِعلانا

7. O you who rides, prodding his she-camel
Convey our greetings, if you meet our caravan

٧. يا أَيُّها الراكِبُ المُزجي مَطِيَتَهُ
بَلِّغ تَحِيَّتَنا لُقّيتَ حُملانا

8. Convey messages about us which their load is light
On pouches that did not carry confused people before

٨. بَلِّغ رَسائِلَ عَنّا خَفَّ مَحمَلُها
عَلى قَلائِصَ لَم يَحمِلنَ حيرانا

9. So we say when you convey our need
You are trustworthy when entrusted, you have not betrayed

٩. كَيما نَقولُ إِذا بَلَّغتَ حاجَتَنا
أَنتَ الأَمينُ إِذا مُستَأمَنٌ خانا

10. Give regards to the people of Al-Ghor from salty land
Alas! No regards from salty land to Al-Ghor

١٠. تُهدي السَلامَ لِأَهلِ الغَورِ مِن مَلَحٍ
هَيهاتَ مِن مَلَحٍ بِالغَورِ مُهدانا

11. I loved the place of sadness in that barren valley
With Al-Talh equally and Al-A'tan equally

١١. أَحبِب إِلَيَّ بِذاكَ الجِزعِ مَنزِلَةً
بِالطَلحِ طَلحاً وَبِالأَعطانِ أَعطانا

12. O if only this heart would find one who comforts it
Or a water-bearer who quenched its thirst today with fresh water

١٢. يا لَيتَ ذا القَلبَ لاقى مَن يُعَلِّلُهُ
أَو ساقِياً فَسَقاهُ اليَومَ سُلوانا

13. Or if only it had not tied us with its ties
And love had not been there that existed between us

١٣. أَو لَيتَها لَم تُعَلِّقنا عُلاقَتَها
وَلَم يَكُن داخِلَ الحُبُّ الَّذي كانا

14. Why are you not shy from what you do to us
O the most fragrant of people, flexible and delicate

١٤. هَلّا تَحَرَّجتِ مِمّا تَفعَلينَ بِنا
يا أَطيَبَ الناسِ يَومَ الدَجنِ أَردانا

15. She said, "Does it hurt you that I am leaving
And I will not meet you after today again?"

١٥. قالَت أَلِمَّ بِنا إِن كُنتَ مُنطَلِقاً
وَلا إِخالُكَ بَعدَ اليَومِ تَلقانا

16. O goodness, is there any commodity you endow
A guest, soon O goodness, hurry!

١٦. يا طَيبَ هَل مِن مَتاعٍ تُمتِعينَ بِهِ
ضَيفاً لَكُم باكِراً يا طَيبَ عَجلانا

17. I was not the first lover confused, whose sibling was disturbed
Whose yearnings of estrangement were grieved

١٧. ما كُنتُ أَوَّلَ مُشتاقٍ أَخا طَرَبٍ
هاجَت لَهُ غَدَواتُ البَينِ أَحزانا

18. O mother of Amr, may God reward you with forgiveness
Return my heart to me as it once was

١٨. يا أُمَّ عَمروٍ جَزاكِ اللَهُ مَغفِرَةً
رُدّي عَلَيَّ فُؤادي كَالَّذي كانا

19. Are you not best than who walks on a foot
O most salty of people, the saltiest of people indeed

١٩. أَلَستِ أَحسَنَ مَن يَمشي عَلى قَدَمٍ
يا أَملَحَ الناسِ كُلِّ الناسِ إِنسانا

20. Your enemy finds without your hardship
Stinginess with generosity and grace with deprivation

٢٠. يَلقى غَريمُكُمُ مِن غَيرِ عُسرَتِكُم
بِالبَذلِ بُخلاً وَبِالإِحسانِ حِرمانا

21. Do not feel safe, for I am not like the safe ones
The betrayal of a confidant when he was colorful

٢١. لا تَأمَنَنَّ فَإِنّي غَيرُ آمِنِهِ
غَدرَ الخَليلِ إِذا ما كانَ أَلوانا

22. You have betrayed one who did not fear your betrayal
I was not the first entrusted who then betrayed

٢٢. قَد خُنتِ مَن لَم يَكُن يَخشى خِيانَتَكُم
ما كُنتُ أَوَّلَ مَوثوقٍ بِهِ خانا

23. I have concealed love until it bewildered me
I cannot conceal this love anymore

٢٣. لَقَد كَتَمتُ الهَوى حَتّى تَهَيَّمَني
لا أَستَطيعُ لِهَذا الحُبُّ كِتمانا

24. Love almost killed me the day of Salamun
And it almost killed me one day in Bayda

٢٤. كادَ الهَوى يَومَ سَلمانينَ يَقتُلُني
وَكادَ يَقتُلُني يَوماً بِبَيدانا

25. And it almost killed me the day Luway twisted the snake
If I was one of the groans of estrangement, hurt

٢٥. وَكادَ يَومَ لِوى حَوّاءَ يَقتُلُني
لَو كُنتُ مِن زَفَراتِ البَينِ قُرحانا

26. May God not bless whoever thought you
Except for the promise until what happened, happened

٢٦. لا بارَكَ اللَهُ فيمَن كانَ يَحسِبُكُم
إِلّا عَلى العَهدِ حَتّى كانَ ما كانا

27. Know about my love, the leader loves
He desires even if he was lowly

٢٧. مِن حُبَّكُم فَاِعلَمي لِلحُبِّ مَنزِلَةً
نَهوى أَميرُكُمُ لَو كانَ يَهوانا

28. May God not bless the world if your means
Of livelihood are cut off from my means of livelihood

٢٨. لا بارَكَ اللَهُ في الدُنيا إِذا اِنقَطَعَت
أَسبابُ دُنياكَ مِن أَسبابِ دُنيانا

29. O mother of Uthman, love is surely shameful
It makes the forbearing cry and the eye sometimes weep

٢٩. يا أُمَّ عُثمانَ إِنَّ الحُبُّ عَن عَرضٍ
يُصبي الحَليمَ وَيُبكي العَينَ أَحيانا

30. It niggardly dried up a creek that was legitimate for us
That quenches the echo of the fervent heart

٣٠. ضَنَّت بِمَورِدَةٍ كانَت لَنا شَرَعاً
تَشفي صَدى مُستَهامِ القَلبِ صَديانا

31. How is the meeting when your presence is not near us
One of us is near and your abode is not near

٣١. كَيفَ التَلاقي وَلا بِالقَيظِ مَحضَرُكُم
مِنّا قَريبٌ وَلا مَبداكِ مَبدانا

32. We yearn for the threshing floor of Irq when we have not met you after
Like Irq and not sillyn for sillyn

٣٢. نَهوى ثَرى العِرقِ إِذ لَم نَلقَ بَعدَكُمُ
كَالعِرقِ عِرقاً وَلا السُلّانِ سُلّانا

33. The times have not changed what you know of
No harm for the rope nor forgetfulness for the pact

٣٣. ما أَحدَثَ الدَهرُ مِمّا تَعلَمينَ لَكُم
لِلحَبلِ صُرماً وَلا لِلعَهدِ نِسيانا

34. Did the night change? Its planets do not rise
Or was it prolonged until I thought the star was confused?

٣٤. أَبُدِّلَ اللَيلُ لا تَسري كَواكِبُهُ
أَم طالَ حَتّى حَسِبتُ النَجمَ حَيرانا

35. O Lord of the sheltered one in the cave, if she witnessed
She would be too proud for the cave of Lujj, complaining

٣٥. يا رُبُّ عائِذَةٍ بِالغَورِ لَو شَهِدَت
عَزَّت عَلَيها بِدَيرِ اللُجِّ شَكوانا

36. The eyes in whose corners are bay, have killed us
Then did not resurrect after killing us

٣٦. إِنَّ العُيونَ الَّتي في طَرفِها حَوَرٌ
قَتَلنَنا ثُمَّ لَم يُحيِينَ قَتلانا

37. It fells this gentle one until there is no movement in him
And they are the weakest of God's creation

٣٧. يَصرَعنَ ذا اللُبَّ حَتّى لا حِراكَ بِهِ
وَهُنَّ أَضعَفُ خَلقِ اللَهِ أَركانا

38. O Lord of those who pine, if he sought you
He would find rejection from you and deprivation

٣٨. يا رُبُّ غابِطِنا لَو كانَ يَطلُبُكُم
لاقى مُباعَدَةً مِنكُم وَحِرمانا

39. As if he saw death, so there is no life in him
Your religion were weak before today

٣٩. أَرَينَهُ المَوتَ حَتّى لا حَياةَ بِهِ
قَد كُنَّ دِنَّكَ قَبلَ اليَومِ أَديانا

40. The heart flew with the cheek that charmingly appeared
In the dream, of beautiful physique and mouth

٤٠. طارَ الفُؤادُ مَعَ الخَودِ الَّتي طَرَقَت
في النَومِ طَيِّبَةَ الأَعطافِ مِبدانا

41. Frigid saliva after sleep, placing
From smooth skin, kneading musk and ambergris

٤١. مَثلوجَةَ الريقِ بَعدَ النَومِ واضِعَةً
عَن ذي مَثانٍ تَمُجُّ المِسكَ وَالبانا

42. We passed by each other as if we owned
Oh, if only she was truthful in the vision

٤٢. بِتنا نَرانا كَأَنّا مالِكونَ لَنا
يا لَيتَها صَدَّقَت بِالحَقِّ رُؤيانا

43. She said, be patient, for the people have made
Besides visitation, doors and storehouses

٤٣. قالَت تَعَزَّ فَإِنَّ القَومَ قَد جَعَلوا
دونَ الزِيارَةِ أَبواباً وَخُزّانا

44. When I realized that they hindered them
Armies like death remained covering us

٤٤. لَمّا تَبَيَّنتُ أَن قَد حيلَ دونَهُمُ
ظَلَّت عَساكِرُ مِثلُ المَوتِ تَغشانا

45. What did I face from the lonesome on the day of hardship
Following the estranged, ravenous and hungry

٤٥. ماذا لَقيتُ مِنَ الأَظعانِ يَومَ قِنىً
يَتبَعنَ مُغتَرِباً بِالبَينِ ظَعّانا

46. I followed them with teary eyes, its person drowned
Does he who leaves the eye a person remain?

٤٦. أَتبَعتُهُم مُقلَةً إِنسانُها غَرِقٌ
هَل يا تُرى تارِكٌ لِلعَينِ إِنسانا

47. As if their bosoms challenge rifled palms
A palm tree with firm bunches or a palm tree with fruits

٤٧. كَأَنَّ أَحداجَهُم تُحدى مُقَفِّيَةً
نَخلٌ بِمَلهَمَ أَو نَخلٌ بِقُرّانا

48. O mother of Uthman, our she-camels did not meet
As our morning was measured from where we traveled at night

٤٨. يا أُمَّ عُثمانَ ما تَلقى رَواحِلُنا
لَو قِستِ مُصبَحَنا مِن حَيثُ مُمسانا

49. She throws at us gazelles whose gatherings bloodied
Conveying the meadows, grieved, so grieved

٤٩. تَخدي بِنا نُجُبٌ دَمّى مَناسِمَها
نَقلُ الحَزابِيِّ حِزّاناً فَحِزّانا

50. They throw with their eyes Najd, though they cut off
Between Sulaytah and al-Ruhān the pass

٥٠. تَرمي بِأَعيُنِها نَجداً وَقَد قَطَعَت
بَينَ السَلَوطَحِ وَالرَوحانِ صُوّانا

51. Blessed is Mount Rayyan from a mountain
And blessed is the dweller of Rayyan whoever he was

٥١. يا حَبَّذا جَبَلُ الرَيّانِ مِن جَبَلٍ
وَحَبَّذا ساكِنُ الرَيّانِ مَن كانا

52. And blessed are breezes from Yemenite
That come to you from the side of Rayyan sometimes

٥٢. وَحَبَّذا نَفَحاتٌ مِن يَمانِيَةٍ
تَأتيكَ مِن قِبَلِ الرَيّانِ أَحيانا

53. A north wind blew, so the memory I mentioned you
At dawn, oriental and bay-like

٥٣. هَبَّت شَمالاً فَذِكرى ما ذَكَرتُكُمُ
عِندَ الصَفاةِ الَّتي شَرقَيَّ حَورانا

54. Will they return while time does not go back?
A life in which hopelessness settled, and we did not refuse

٥٤. هَل يَرجِعَنَّ وَلَيسَ الدَهرُ مُرتَجِعاً
عَيشٌ بِها طالَما اِحلَولى وَما لانا

55. Times call me a devil because of my flirting
And they passionately loved me when I was a devil

٥٥. أَزمانَ يَدعونَني الشَيطانَ مِن غَزَلي
وَكُنَّ يَهوَينَني إِذ كُنتُ شَيطانا

56. Who is it that kept boiling so I visit you
The King of people became angry with him tonight?

٥٦. مَن ذا الَّذي ظَلَّ يَغلي أَن أَزورَكُمُ
أَمسى عَلَيهِ مَليكُ الناسِ غَضبانا

57. The poets of people do not know - woe to them
From the onslaught of the accustomed, running poet

٥٧. ما يَدَّري شُعَراءُ الناسِ وَيلَهُمُ
مِن صَولَةِ المُخدِرِ العادي بِخَفّانا

58. Ignorantly, they wished my guidance from their misguidance
For I have guided them together and individually

٥٨. جَهلاً تَمَنّى حُدائي مِن ضَلالَتِهِم
فَقَد حَدَوتُهُمُ مَثنى وَوُحدانا

59. I left them from perished Haseer who died in Qarn
And others who forgot the conversation, castrated

٥٩. غادَرتُهُم مِن حَسيرٍ ماتَ في قَرَنٍ
وَآخَرينَ نَسوا التَهدارَ خِصيانا

60. My rope remained coiled around their necks
Until I became sated and until who judged, judged

٦٠. ما زالَ حَبلِيَ في أَعناقِهِم مَرِساً
حَتّى اِشتَفَيتُ وَحَتّى دانَ مَن دانا

61. Who among them wants to war with me
Then let them be certain I will respond without a canine tooth

٦١. مَن يَدعُني مِهُمُ يَبغي مُحارَبَتي
فَاِستَيقِنَنَّ أُجِبهُ غَيرَ وَسنانا

62. My fang did not bite a people or I say to them
Beware, then beware and beware of us

٦٢. ما عَضَّ نابِيَ قَوماً أَو أَقولَ لَهُم
إِيّاكُمُ ثُمَّ إِيّاكُمُ وَإِيّانا

63. I am a man who did not intend to wrong
People in war or make war delicious

٦٣. إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ لَم أُرِد فيمَن أُناوِئُهُ
لِلناسِ ظُلماً وَلا لِلحَربِ إِدهانا

64. I protect my glory at the highest place of glory
From Kindif and the lineage from Qays and Ailan

٦٤. أَحمي حِمايَ بِأَعلى المَجدِ مَنزِلَتي
مِن خِندِفٍ وَالذُرى مِن قَيسِ عَيلانا

65. The Caliph said and the Khinzir are defeated
You were not the first cupper who betrayed

٦٥. قالَ الخَليفَةُ وَالخِنزيرُ مُنهَزِمٌ
ما كُنتَ أَوَّلَ عَبدٍ مُحلِبٍ خانا

66. Al-Ukhaidhir met in Al-Jawlan desolate
Like the rhyming of meters and the rugged verse maker

٦٦. لَقى الأُخَيطِلُ بِالجَولانِ فاقِرَةً
مِثلَ اِجتِداعِ القَوافي وَبرَ هِزّانا

67. O Khazar, what is wrong with your women?
They do not wake up to the two monasteries yearning

٦٧. يا خُزرَ تَغلِبَ ماذا بالُ نِسوَتِكُم
لا يَستَفِقنَ إِلى الدَيرَينِ تَحنانا

68. You will not attain glory or buy your dignity
With rags or make fur garments your livelihood

٦٨. لَن تُدرِكوا المَجدَ أَو تَشروا عَباءَكُمُ
بِالخَزِّ أَو تَجعَلوا التَنّومَ ضَمرانا