
They said your share of reward, so I said to them

قالوا نصيبك من أجر فقلت لهم

1. They said your share of reward, so I said to them
Who is for the lair when I leave my cubs

١. قالوا نَصيبَكَ مِن أَجرٍ فَقُلتُ لَهُم
مَن لِلعَرينِ إِذا فارَقتُ أَشبالي

2. But Sawadah brightens my teary eyes, flesh
Of a soaring hawk above the high watchtower

٢. لَكِن سَوادَةُ يَجلو مُقلَتَي لَحمٍ
بازٍ يُصَرصِرُ فَوقَ المَرقَبِ العالي

3. I used to know him when the steeds were pledged
And the banner of glory was unfurled

٣. قَد كُنتُ أَعرِفُهُ مِنّي إِذا غَلِقَت
رُهنُ الجِيادِ وَمَدَّ الغايَةَ الغالي

4. Unless you have a weeping woman in both abodes
Many a weeping woman is leaning in the sand

٤. إِلّا تَكُن لَكَ بِالدَيرَينِ باكِيَةٌ
فَرُبَّ باكِيَةٍ بِالرَملِ مِعوالِ

5. Like a bereaved mother of infant camels at their place of rest
She yearned for a piece of their skin and limbs

٥. كَأُمِّ بَوٍّ عَجولٍ عِندَ مَعهَدِهِ
حَنَّت إِلى جِلَدٍ مِنهُ وَأَوصالِ

6. She grazes on what she forgot until when she remembered
She returned their concern, hot embers in her gut

٦. تَرتَعُ ما نَسِيَت حَتّى إِذا ذَكَرَت
رَدَّت هَماهِمَ حَرّى الجَوفِ مِثكالِ

7. Increase over her passion, passion, and if she returns
In the heart from it, events with clouds

٧. زِدنا عَلى وَجدِها وَجداً وَإِن رَجَعَت
في القَلبِ مِنها خُطوبٌ ذاتُ بُلبالِ

8. You left me when fate weakened my sight
And when I became like the worn out white bone

٨. فارَقتَني حينَ كَفَّ الدَهرُ مِن بَصَري
وَحينَ صِرتُ كَعَظمِ الرَمَّةِ البالي

9. Indeed, resignation at Mount Zaytun, so be resigned
Today hastened in my mind and in my state

٩. إِنَّ الثَويَّ بِذي الزَيتونِ فَاِحتَسِبي
قَد أَسرَعَ اليَومَ في عَقلي وَفي حالي