
When they turned away two thousand strong, I stood my ground

إذا أعرضوا ألفين منها تعرضت

1. When they turned away two thousand strong, I stood my ground
For the mother of Hakim there is a need in my heart

١. إِذا أَعرَضوا أَلفَينِ مِنها تَعَرَّضَت
لِأُمِّ حَكيمٍ حاجَةٌ في فُؤادِيا

2. Indeed, in my eyes you have made the genteel more refined
And endeared the loyal many times over

٢. لَقَد زِدتِ أَهلَ الرِيِّ عِندي مَلاحَةً
وَحَبَّبتِ أَضعافاً إِلَيَّ المَوالِيا