1. The tribe of Tamim was faced with a terrible affair
But Abbad ibn Abbad relieved their distress
١. عَيَّت تَميمٌ بِأَمرٍ كانَ أَفظَعَها
فَفَرَّجَ الكَربَ عَبّادُ بنُ عَبّادِ
2. You drank from Khalid a draught that set the dogs upon you
While for us the passing rain clouds of Mujanna poured
٢. سافَهتَ مِن خالِدٍ ناباً تُكالِبُهُ
عَنّا سَقاكَ غَمامُ المُدجِنِ الغادي