1. The imagination has captivated me, and I see no ruins
More beloved than the striking figments of imagination.
١. أَسَرى لِخالِدَةَ الخَيالُ وَلا أَرى
طَلَلاً أَحَبَّ مِنَ الخَيالِ الطارِقِ
2. Indeed misery awaits him whose talk is cumbersome -
So cheer your heart from the conversation of the despondent.
٢. إِنَّ البَلِيَّةَ مَن يُمَلُّ حَديثُهُ
فَاِنشَح فُؤادَكَ مِن حَديثِ الوامِقِ
3. My love for you transcends the love of souls, ever since
You were a throbbing heart in my chest.
٣. أَهواكِ فَوقَ هَوى النُفوسِ وَلَم يَزَل
مُذ بِنتِ قَلبِيَ كَالجَناحِ الخافِقِ
4. Yearning for you in agitation while you don't care for my need -
The truthful friend is not like the liar.
٤. طَرَباً إِلَيكَ وَلَم تُبالي حاجَتي
لَيسَ المُكاذِبُ كَالخَليلِ الصادِقِ
5. Has the garden of Qata, after our halting place,
Aimed at two meadows near a choking pond?
٥. هَل رامَ بَعدَ مَحَلِّنا رَوضُ القَطا
فَرُوَيَّتانِ إِلى غَديرِ الخانِقِ
6. Whatever defiant one clashes with me,
I preceded - so excellent are the early starters.
٦. ما يُقحِمونَ عَلَيَّ مِن مُتَمَرِّدٍ
إِلّا سَبَقتُ فَنِعمَ قَومُ السابِقِ