1. Worries crept in, so I couldn't sleep,
And the brother of worries plots every scheme.
١. سَرَتِ الهُمومُ فَبِتنَ غَيرَ نِيامِ
وَأَخو الهُمومِ يَرومُ كُلَّ مَرامِ
2. Homes became confined after the broad plain,
And life became hard after those people.
٢. ذُمَّ المَنازِلُ بَعدَ مَنزِلَةِ اللِوى
وَالعَيشُ بَعدَ أُلائِكَ الأَقوامِ
3. After we left, the caravan leaders went their own ways,
And the camel-drivers marched on their paths.
٣. ضَرَبَت مَعارِفَها الرَوامِسُ بَعدَنا
وَسِجالُ كُلِّ مُجَلجِلٍ سَجّامِ
4. I saw you as the one who gathered love,
Binding with your promise the best abode.
٤. وَلَقَد أَراكِ وَأَنتِ جامِعَةُ الهَوى
نُثني بِعَهدِكِ خَيرَ دارِ مُقامِ
5. When I stood at the plain, overcome with love,
My unrestrained tears flowed.
٥. فَإِذا وَقَفتُ عَلى المَنازِلِ بِاللِوى
فاضَت دُموعي غَيرَ ذاتِ نِظامِ
6. The hunter of hearts approached you inappropriately,
Not the proper time for visiting, so go back in peace!
٦. طَرَقَتكَ صائِدَةُ القُلوبِ وَلَيسَ ذا
وَقتَ الزِيارَةِ فَاِرجِعي بِسَلامِ
7. You brushed your teeth with the most delicate twig,
As if it were frost descending from rainclouds.
٧. تُجري السِواكَ عَلى أَغَرَّ كَأَنَّهُ
بَرَدٌ تَحَدَّرَ مِن مُتونِ غَمامِ
8. If your promise were as you told us,
It would have reached that, not fallen apart.
٨. لَو كانَ عَهدُكِ كَالَّذي حَدَّثتِنا
لَوَصَلتِ ذاكَ فَكانَ غَيرَ رِمامِ
9. I join those whose company I desire
With ropes, neither rough nor frayed.
٩. إِنّي أُواصِلُ مَن أَرَدتُ وِصالَهُ
بِحِبالِ لا صَلِفٍ وَلا لَوّامِ
10. And I saw myself, though still youthful,
Among honorable young men of pleasant conversation.
١٠. وَلَقَد أَراني وَالجَديدُ إِلى بِلىً
في فِتيَةٍ طُرُفِ الحَديثِ كِرامِ
11. They sought burdens to carry into the lands
To join each outcast and distant wanderer.
١١. طَلَبوا الحُمولَ عَلى خَواضِعَ في البُرى
يُلحِقنَ كُلَّ مُعَذَّلٍ بَسّامِ
12. If not for others' watchful eyes, we would have shown
Lowered spears and intimate conversation.
١٢. لَولا مُراقَبَةُ العُيونِ أَرَينَنا
مُقَلَ المَها وَسَوالِفَ الآرامِ
13. When they heard my greetings, they looked
Like steeds hearing the jingling bridle.
١٣. وَنَظَرنَ حينَ سَمِعنَ رَجعَ تَحِيَّتي
نَظَرَ الجِيادِ سَمِعنَ صَوتَ لِجامِ
14. The maidens lied - had they seen our resting place
With the snorting stallion and galloping mare!
١٤. كَذَبَ العَواذِلُ لَو رَأَينَ مُناخَنا
بِحَزيزِ رامَةَ وَالمَطِيُّ سَوامِ
15. The stallions, spare but with sturdy legs
Like cows with hanging udders or strutting ostriches.
١٥. وَالعيسُ جائِلَةُ الغُروضِ كَأَنَّها
بَقَرٌ جَوافِلُ أَو رَعيلُ نَعامِ
16. I lead the mares, each with a smooth saddlecloth,
Deeply set, bound with strong girth.
١٦. نَصّي القُلوصَ بِكُلِّ خَرقٍ ناضِبٍ
عَمِقِ الفِجاجِ مُخَرَّجٍ بِقَتامِ
17. Their sweat sprinkles the saddlecloth's hem
As the branding iron glows red hot.
١٧. يَدمى عَلى خَدَمِ السَريحِ أَظَلُّها
وَالمَروُ مِن وَهَجِ الهَجيرَةِ حامِ
18. The pillow lies by the arm of my beloved
As I fold its straps with a short rope.
١٨. باتَ الوِسادُ لَدى ذِراعِ شِمِلَّةٍ
وَثَنى أَشاجِعَهُ بِفَضلِ رِمامِ
19. The son of the date-pit eater has unjustly
Waged heavy war against you.
١٩. إِنَّ اِبنَ آكِلَةِ النُخالَةِ قَد جَنى
حَرباً عَلَيكَ ثَقيلَةَ الأَجرامِ
20. Al-Farazdaq was born into the worst family of Malik -
And for successors, the worst boy ever nursed.
٢٠. خُلِقَ الفَرَزدَقُ سَوأَةً في مالِكٍ
وَلَخَلفِ ضَبَّةَ كانَ شَرَّ غُلامِ
21. Wait, Farazdaq! Among your people are
Faint hearts and fleeting dreams.
٢١. مَهلاً فَرَزدَقُ إِنَّ قَومَكَ فيهُمُ
خَوَرُ القُلوبِ وَخِفَّةُ الأَحلامِ
22. Slandering the blind, all of them,
And settling in the worst abode.
٢٢. الظاعِنونَ عَلى العَمى بِجَميعِهِم
وَالنازِلونَ بِشَرِّ دارِ مُقامِ
23. Evil horsemen on the day of Nuqasha's bier!
The horses bolting with snapped reins.
٢٣. بِئسَ الفَوارِسُ يَومَ نَعفِ قُشاوَةٍ
وَالخَيلُ عادِيَةٌ عَلى بِسطامِ
24. Had it been others who hosted az-Zubayr and his camel,
They would have shown proper neighborliness to the commoners.
٢٤. لَو غَيرُكُم عَلِقَ الزُبَيرَ وَرَحلَهُ
أَدّى الجِوارَ إِلى بَني العَوّامِ
25. The reins were forbidden to your father
While wine was not prohibited.
٢٥. كانَ العِنانُ عَلى أَبيكَ مُحَرَّماً
وَالكيرُ كانَ عَلَيهِ غَيرَ حَرامِ
26. I openly acknowledge my humiliation,
Since the vile are not honorable to me.
٢٦. عَمداً أُعَرِّفُ بِالهَوانِ مُجاشِعاً
إِنَّ اللِئامَ عَلَيَّ غَيرُ كِرامِ
27. You have been surpassed in virtues -
So attribute your father to Urwa ibn Hizam!
٢٧. إِنَّ المَكارِمَ قَد سُبِقتَ بِفَضلِها
فَاِنسُب أَباكَ لِعُروَةَ بنِ حِزامِ
28. You persist running confusedly in your foolishness
Until you have become entangled with me and my she-camels.
٢٨. ما زِلتَ تَسعى في خَبالِكَ سادِراً
حَتّى اِلتَبَستَ بِعُرَّتي وَعُرامي
29. When men dislike my sweetness,
I become bitter, whetted like an Indian sword.
٢٩. إِنّي إِذا كَرِهَ الرِجالُ حَلاوَتي
كُنتُ الذُعافَ مُقَشَّباً بِسِمامِ
30. Why argue when I have surpassed you,
Lofty one, with fortresses and sanctuaries?
٣٠. فيمَ المِراءُ وَقَد عَلَوتُ مُجاشِعاً
عَلياءَ ذاتَ مَعاقِلٍ وَحَوامي
31. I penetrated an aloof man - had you thrown him,
He would have fallen before getting his footing.
٣١. وَحَلَلتُ في مُتَمَنِّعٍ لَو رُمتَهُ
لَهَوَيتَ قَبلَ تَثَبُّتِ الأَقدامِ