1. Tuhayya awoke as chaste as an untouched virgin
After the priest a torrent of insults went out of control
١. أَمسَت طُهَيَّةُ كَالبِكارِ أَفَزَّها
بَعدَ الكَشيشِ هَديرُ قَرمٍ بازِلِ
2. O Yahya, does an impoverished, dying soul like me
Still have a wish left in your life to fulfill?
٢. يا يَحيَ هَل لِيَ في حَياتِكَ حاجَةٌ
مِن قَبلِ فاقِرَةٍ وَمَوتٍ عاجِلِ
3. Because of her foolishness, Tuhayya is finished with me
My biting sarcasm rains down on her without fail
٣. حَلَّت طُهَيَّةُ مِن سَفاهَةِ رَأيِها
مِنّي عَلى سَنَنِ المُلِحِّ الوابِلِ
4. People of Tuhayy, the Farazdaq has drowned, know this well
Then he threw himself into the sea from atop a cliff
٤. أَطُهَيُّ قَد غَرِقَ الفَرَزدَقُ فَاِعلَموا
في اليَمِّ ثُمَّ رَمى بِهِ في الساحِلِ
5. Who was it, O Tuhayya, that would stop your women
Or who herds behind the cattle left out to graze?
٥. مَن كانَ يَمنَعُ يا طُهَيُّ نِساءَكُم
أَم مَن يَكُرَّ وَراءَ سَرحِ الجامِلِ
6. The one you and your father know is Malik
And the truth brands absurdities as false
٦. ذاكَ الَّذي وَأَبيكِ تَعرِفُ مالِكٌ
وَالحَقُّ يَدمَغُ تُرَّهاتِ الباطِلِ
7. Our virtues exceed other virtues by far
Our ignorance surpasses the ignorance of the ignorant
٧. إِنّا تَزيدُ عَلى الحُلومِ حُلومُنا
فَضلاً وَنَجهَلُ فَوقَ جَهلِ الجاهِلِ