
Whoever I wish, I give him my wealth and robe

من شاء بايعته مالي وخلعته

1. Whoever I wish, I give him my wealth and robe
The rest of the host in their register is not complete

١. مَن شاءَ بايَعتُهُ مالي وَخُلعَتَهُ
ما تُكمِلُ الخُلجُ في ديوانِهُم صَطَرا

2. The rest of the host, blind, their leader died
Indeed God has taken from them hearing and sight

٢. بَقِيَّةُ الخُلجِ أَعمى ماتَ قائِدُهُ
قَد أَذهَبَ اللَهُ مِنهُ السَمعَ وَالبَصَرا

3. If not for Ibn Damrah, I would have scattered your council
As the torrent scatters the fodder and litter

٣. لَولا اِبنُ ضَمرَةَ قَد فَرَّقتُ مَجلِسَكُم
كَما يُفَرِّقُ كَيُّ الميسَمِ الوَبَرا

4. They do not carry their dead to the gravedigger
Until Jacob hires for them some men

٤. لا يَنقُلونَ إِلى الجَبّانِ مَيِّتَهُم
حَتّى يُؤاجِرَ يَعقوبٌ لَهُم نَفَرا