
Watering the urge of a dove and its mate

سقيا لنهي حمامة وحفير

1. Watering the urge of a dove and its mate
With the plucking of a lute of raining clouds

١. سَقياً لِنِهيِ حَمامَةٍ وَحَفيرِ
بِسِجالِ مُرتَجِزِ الرَبابِ مَطيرِ

2. Watering those abodes which excited me
As if the rest of them were a revelation of psalms

٢. سَقياً لِتِلكَ مَنازِلاً هَيَّجنَني
وَكَأَنَّ باقِيَهُنَّ وَحيُ زَبورِ

3. How often I've seen yet nothing remains
Of a visitor of the passion's allure and pilgrimage

٣. كَم قَد رَأَيتُ وَلَيسَ شَيءٌ باقِياً
مِن زائِرٍ طَرِفِ الهَوى وَمَزورِ

4. Don't be prideful though in the skin of submission
There is dream yet its fetters aren't fetters

٤. لا تَفخَرَنَّ وَفي أَديمِ مُجاشِعٍ
حَلَمٌ فَلَيسَ سُيورُهُ بِسُيورِ

5. My sons, we didn't find for al-Mujashi'
A dream that equals the feather of a sparrow

٥. أَبُنَيَّ شِعرَةَ لَم نَجِد لِمُجاشِعٍ
حِلماً يُوازِنُ ريشَةَ العُصفورِ

6. We know what tomorrow is for al-Mujashi'
A pledge and what they owned and a captive's shackle

٦. إِنّا لَنَعلَمُ ما غَدا لِمُجاشِعٍ
وَفدٌ وَما مَلَكوا وَثاقَ أَسيرِ

7. What did you hope for from powerlessness after
Your ropes were cut and bitterness persevered

٧. ماذا رَجَوتَ مِنَ العُلالَةِ بَعدَما
نُقِضَت حِبالُكَ وَاِستَمَرَّ مَريري

8. Indeed, al-Farazdaq when he enters a mosque
Is filth so his purification isn't purity

٨. إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ حينَ يَدخُلُ مَسجِداً
رِجسٌ فَلَيسَ طَهورُهُ بِطَهورِ

9. Indeed, al-Farazdaq does not care for sacredness
And the blood of sacrifice with cubits and throats

٩. إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ لا يُبالي مَحرَماً
وَدَمَ الهَدِيِّ بِأَذرُعٍ وَنُحورُ

10. The folks of al-Farazdaq are Christians of Taghlib
Or he falsely claims the lies of a cheating monk

١٠. رَهطُ الفَرَزدَقِ مِن نَصارى تَغلِبٍ
أَو يَدَّعي كَذِباً دَعاوَةَ زورِ

11. Make pilgrimage to the cross and offer your sacrifices
And take your share from the pig

١١. حُجّوا الصَليبَ وَقَرِّبوا قُربانَكُم
وَخُذوا نَصيبَكُمُ مِنَ الخِنزيرِ

12. I will tell about the affliction of al-Mujashi'
Who was inexperienced with stratagems

١٢. إِنّي سَأُخبِرُ عَن بَلاءِ مُجاشِعٍ
مَن كانَ بِالنَخَباتِ غَيرَ خَبيرِ

13. The shame of Banu Waqban, the mutilator of their remnants
And their neighbor was deceived by a rope of delusion

١٣. أَخزى بَني وَقبانَ عُقرُ فَتاتِهِم
وَاِغتَرَّ جارُهُمُ بِحَبلِ غُرورُ

14. Al-Zubayr said and al-Mujashi' submitted it
No good in the filth of clothes, cheating

١٤. قالَ الزُبَيرُ وَأَسلَمَتهُ مُجاشِعٌ
لا خَيرَ في دَنِسِ الثِيابِ غَدورِ

15. Oh youth, Quraysh mentioned your betrayal
Between the ritual shaving of Mina and al-Thabir

١٥. يا شَبَّ قَد ذَكَرَت قُرَيشٌ غَدرَكُم
بَينَ المُحَصَّبِ مِن مِنىً وَثَبيرِ

16. And al-Farazdaq left Minqar in an unhealthy state
Without well-being or happiness

١٦. وَغَدا الفَرَزدَقُ حينَ فارَقَ مِنقَراً
في غَيرِ عافِيَةٍ وَغَيرِ سُرورِ

17. Al-Farazdaq was disgraced after the incident of Sabi'a
Like a fortress from the progeny of the most vicious male

١٧. خَزِيَ الفَرَزدَقُ بَعدَ وَقعَةِ سَبعَةٍ
كَالحِصنِ مِن وَلَدِ الأَشَدِّ ذُكورِ

18. Hunayda brought disgrace to al-Mujashi'
When she blamed them with the worst of curses

١٨. أَمَّت هُنَيدَةُ خِزيَةً لِمُجاشِعٍ
إِذ أَولَمَت لَهُمُ بِشَرِّ جَزورِ

19. Your lute rode a contemptible camel
In the market, exposing the most shameful rider and camel

١٩. رَكِبَت رَبابُكُمُ بَعيراً دارِساً
في السوقِ أَفضَحَ راكِبٍ وَبَعيرِ

20. And Ghazma called al-Mujashi' with coquetry
So you were found, O Banu Waqban, without jealousy

٢٠. وَدَعَت غَمامَةُ بِالوُقَيطِ مُجاشِعاً
فَوُجِدتَ يا وَقبانُ غَيرَ غَيورِ

21. Al-Farazdaq lied, he will not compete with 'Amir
The day of the wager with a confused gambler

٢١. كَذَبَ الفَرَزدَقُ لَن يُجارِيَ عامِراً
يَومَ الرِهانِ بِمُقرِفٍ مَبهورِ

22. For al-Farazdaq to criticize horsemen
Who carried his father on a refractory mule

٢٢. فَاِنهَ الفَرَزدَقَ أَن يَعيبَ فَوارِساً
حَمَلوا أَباهُ عَلى أَزَبَّ نَفورِ

23. You were ignorant in insulting Qays after
They took the feathers of your broken wing

٢٣. وَلَقَد جَهِلتَ بِشَتمِ قَيسٍ بَعدَما
ذَهَبوا بِريشِ جَناحِكَ المَكسورِ

24. Qays, your father was among their disgraces
The pimp of every rabble horde

٢٤. قَيسٌ وَجَدُّ أَبيكَ في أَكيارِهِ
قُوّادُ كُلِّ كَتيبَةٍ جُمهورِ

25. You will not catch up to Ghatfan even if you spur
O son of prostitutes, nor the clan of Mansur

٢٥. لَن تُدرِكوا غَطَفانَ لَو أَجرَيتُمُ
يا اِبنَ القُيونِ وَلا بَني مَنصورِ

26. So they attacked you with every ancient, learned sword
So boast of the owner of two bitch-whelps and a sphere

٢٦. فَخَروا عَلَيكَ بِكُلِّ سامٍ مُعلِمٍ
فَاِفخَر بِصاحِبِ كَلبَتَينِ وَكيرِ

27. How many they sired with a Caliph and a Caliph
And the prince of two summer raids and the son of a prince

٢٧. كَم أَنجَبوا بِخَليفَةٍ وَخَليفَةٍ
وَأَميرِ صائِفَتَينِ وَاِبنِ أَميرِ

28. The noble ones were born among them in Quraysh
O Lord of an honored, good birth

٢٨. وَلَدَ الحَواصِنُ في قُرَيشٍ مِنهُمُ
يا رُبَّ مَكرُمَةٍ وَلَدنَ وَخيرِ

29. With the day of renowned virtues made known
A day which blinded a renowned, bleary-eyed camel

٢٩. فَضَلوا بِيَومِ مَكارِمِ مَعلومَةٍ
يَومٍ أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلٍ مَشهورِ

30. The steeds of Qays spend nights on the frontiers
And spend nights with the owners of taverns

٣٠. قَيسٌ تَبيتُ عَلى الثُغورِ جِيادُهُم
وَتَبيتُ عِندَ صَواحِبِ الماخورِ

31. Do you remember your affliction the day of Safa
Or do you remember the horsemen of the commanded?

٣١. هَل تَذكُرونَ بَلاءَكُم يَومَ الصَفا
أَو تَذكُرونَ فَوارِسَ المَأمورِ

32. Or Dukhtanus the morning after their skulls were cut
And she called with the supplication of humiliation and destruction

٣٢. أَو دُختَنوسَ غَداةَ جُزَّ قُرونُها
وَدَعَت بِدَعوَةِ ذِلَّةٍ وَثُبورِ

33. Al-Qayun betrayed and advanced the day of Safa
Thus corrupting the worst corruption

٣٣. خانَ القُيونُ وَقَدَّموا يَومَ الصَفا
وِرداً فَغُوَّرَ أَسوَأَ التَغويرِ

34. And Laqit slandered ‘Amir that day
So they made him descend with cursed ruin

٣٤. وَسَما لَقيطٌ يَومَ ذاكَ لِعامِرٍ
فَاِستَنزَلوهُ بِلَهذَمٍ مَطرورِ