
When the travelers halted at a valley and sought refuge in it

إذا أوضع الركبان غورا وأنجدوا

1. When the travelers halted at a valley and sought refuge in it
Then beware, O sons of Mu'eyyah, or leave it alone

١. إِذا أَوضَعَ الرُكبانُ غَوراً وَأَنجَدوا
بِها فَاِرجُزا يا اِبنَي مُعَيَّةَ أَو دَعا

2. O sons of Al-Abd, had you been honorable to Malik
You would have guarded yourselves against shameful deeds

٢. بَني العَبدِ لَو كُنتُم صَريحاً لِمالِكٍ
لَوَرَّعتُمُ دونَ الظَعائِنِ مِربَعا

3. One of them guarded against shame on the day he was reasonable
Having seen and heard of shameful acts

٣. تَدارَكَ مِنهُم مِربَعٌ يَومَ عاقِلٍ
ظَعائِنَ قَد راءى بِهِنَّ وَسَمَّعا

4. Indeed, the wrath of the protector was only
The day after drinking, not preventing harm

٤. أَلا إِنَّما كانَت غَضوبُ مُحامِياً
غَداةَ اللِوى لَم يَدفَعِ الشَرَّ مَدفَعا

5. To ransom you when you peeled its nose with a sword
And made it yield, not cutting it off

٥. فِدىً لَكَ إِذ جَدَّعتَ بِالسَيفِ أَنفَها
وَأَبدَيتَ مِنها عاسِياً غَيرَ أَجدَعا