1. Had you been free when eyes could not sleep,
And your enemies sought you while peace was upon your vengeance,
١. لَو كُنتَ حُرّاً يَومَ أَعيَنَ لَم تَنَم
وَذَحلُكَ مَطلوبٌ وَثَأرُكَ سالِمُ
2. You would sleep while the bows of the night visitors
Were taut against the midnights and your enemies subdued.
٢. تَنامُ وَما زالَت قُيونُ مُجاشِعٍ
عَنِ الوِترِ نُوّاماً وَأَنفُكَ راغِمُ
3. But the growing lad will not attain midnights he misses,
The sleeper in the dust, the dormant, the slumberer.
٣. وَلا يُدرِكُ الوِترَ المُراهِقَ فَوتُهُ
ضَجيعُ الهُوَينا المُطرِقُ المُتَناوِمُ
4. Why then, unlike Muzaini bin Ukhdhar,
Act not, when the oppressors belie your gift of rest?
٤. فَهَلّا كَفِعلِ المازِنِيِّ بنِ أَخضَرٍ
فَعَلتَ وَمَن يَصدُق تَهَبهُ المَظالِمُ