
You fled the day of the battle of Mazin

أنتم فررتم يوم عدوة مازن

1. You fled the day of the battle of Mazin
When they broke the noses of the cowards deliberately

١. أَنتُم فَرَرتُم يَومَ عَدوَةِ مازِنٍ
وَقَد هَشَموا أَنفَ الحُتاةِ عَلى عَمدِ

2. They paved the way for his return after his weakness
While you are witnesses, protected for no reason

٢. هُمُ مَهَّدوهُ رَجعَهُ بَعدَ رَثمِهِ
وَأَنتُم شُهودٌ مُعصِمونَ عَلى حَردِ

3. You wish for the fortunes of time and its twists and turns
When the rose's horizon is too narrow for the rose

٣. تَمَنَّونَ دَولاتِ الزَمانِ وَصَرفَهُ
إِذا ضاقَ مِنكُم مَطلَعُ الوِردِ بِالوِردِ

4. And you call on Marouk Abu Al-Amm as a supporter
Against them when the morrow protects the morrow

٤. وَتَدعونَ ماروكاً أَبا العَمِّ ناصِراً
عَلَيهِم إِذا ما أَعصَمَ الوَغدُ بِالوَغدِ

5. But you did not attain vengeance through the uncle
Nor can vengeance be attained with tricks and wiles

٥. فَلَم تُدرِكوا بِالعَمِّ ثَأراً وَلَم يَكُن
لِيُدرَكَ ثَأرٌ بِالتَنابِلَةِ القُفدِ