1. Lo! Say to the tribe in all regions, "Peace be upon you,
Though you spoke not a word of greeting."
١. أَلا قُل لِرَبعٍ بِالأُفاقَينِ يَسلَمِ
يُحَيّا عَلى شَحطٍ وَإِن لَم يُكَلَّمِ
2. He who is given love of maidens, he then
Is wealthy, and he who is deprived of love is deprived.
٢. وَمَن يُعطَ وُدَّ الغانِياتِ فَإِنَّهُ
غَنِيٌّ وَمَن يَحرِمنَهُ الوُدَّ يُحرَمِ
3. Today you frightened upon us wildly
And you startled the savage from its ruins, alarmed.
٣. ذَعَرتَ عَلَينا اليَومَ وَحشاً غَريرَةً
وَنَفَّرتَ مِن أَطلالِها وَحشَ مُستَمي
4. O clan of Abd Amr, I am through with you,
Though long has been my warning, had you but heeded.
٤. بَني عَبدِ عَمروٍ قَد فَرَغتُ إِلَيكُمُ
وَقَد طالَ زَجري لَو نَهاكُم تَقَدُّمي
5. O clan of Abd Amr, the palms of your hands
Have been struck by the injuries of a canal not to be repaired.
٥. بَني عَبدِ عَمروٍ قَد أَصابَ أَكُفَّكُم
مَشاظي قَناةٍ دَرؤُها لَم يُقَوَّمِ
6. Hizam sent hither Jafnah as a visitor,
But he returned and brought his folk the worst of booty.
٦. لَقَد بَعَثَت هِزّانُ جَفنَةَ وافِداً
فَآبَ وَأَحذى قَومَهُ شَرَّ مَغنَمِ
7. So rider of the sand-dune, what will you do
With Hizam, now that I have joined them in the worst conjoining?
٧. فَيا راكِبَ القَوصاءِ ما أَنتَ صانِعٌ
بِهَزّانَ إِذ أَلحَمتُهُم شَرَّ مُلحَمِ
8. When I repulsed the clan of Hizam,
They were writhing like snakes in a crumbled cave.
٨. فَإِنَّ بَني هِزّانَ لَمّا رَدَيتُهُم
وَبارٌ تَضاغَت تَحتَ كَهفٍ مُهَدَّمِ
9. When Mudar's she-camel breasted the barren tract,
No Hizami on the plain was left moaning.
٩. إِذا ما عَلَت جَوزَ الفَلاةِ مُضِرَّةً
عَلى الوَبرِ مِن هِزّانَ لَم يَتَرَمرَمِ
10. Abd Hizam met misery, so he met it.
His hands reached not the rungs of a ladder.
١٠. عَوى عَبدُ هِزّانٍ شَقاءً فَقَد هَوى
مِنَ السُحقِ لَم تَلحَق يَداهُ بِسُلَّمِ