
O you who let down his turban,

يا أيها الرجل المرخي عمامته

1. O you who let down his turban,
This is your time, mine has passed.

١. يا أَيُّها الرَجُلُ المُرخي عِمامَتَهُ
هَذا زَمانُكَ إِنّي قَد مَضى زَمَني

2. Tell our caliph, if you meet him,
That I stand by the gate like one fettered.

٢. أَبلِغ خَليفَتَنا إِن كُنتَ لاقِيَهُ
أَنّي لَدى البابِ كَالمَصفودِ في قَرَنِ

3. Forget not our need if you would find forgiveness.
Long has been my absence from kin and home.

٣. لا تَنسَ حاجَتَنا لاقَيتَ مَغفِرَةً
قَد طالَ مُكثِيَ عَن أَهلي وَعَن وَطَني