
The abandoned places after the past living

قد غير الحي بعد الحي إقفار

1. The abandoned places after the past living
Are like a book being read by monks.

١. قَد غَيَّرَ الحَيَّ بَعدَ الحَيِّ إِقفارُ
كَأَنَّهُ مُصحَفٌ يَتلوهُ أَحبارُ

2. I had never experienced sincerity or intimacy
With singing girls, nor did I deprive them.

٢. ما كُنتُ جَرَّبتُ مِن صِدقٍ وَلا صِلَةٍ
لِلغانِياتِ وَلا عَنهُنَّ إِقصارُ

3. I water the abodes between blood and darkness
An eye shedding tears abundantly.

٣. أَسقي المَنازِلَ بَينَ الدامِ وَالأُدَمى
عَينٌ تَحَلَّبُ بِالسَعدَينِ مِدرارُ

4. As if its lightning and drizzle were raging
A shining star amidst the stars.

٤. كَأَنَّما بَرقُها وَالوَدقُ مُنضَرِجٌ
بُلقٌ تَكَشَّفُ بَينَ البُلقِ أَمهارُ

5. O youth, truly the monks will not gaze at her
A smooth-cheeked crying mourner.

٥. يا شَبَّ إِنَّ الحُبارى لَن يُناظِرَها
مُستَلحِمٌ أَسفَعُ الخَدَّينِ مِبكارُ

6. O youth, he will not be able to wage war when
His bone has dried up and the deadly poison remains.

٦. يا شَبَّ لَن يَستَطيعَ الحَربَ إِذ حَمِيَت
عَظمٌ خَريعٌ وَفيهِ المُخَّةُ الرارُ

7. O youth, the hatred for you still remains in Qais
Grudge over grudge and strings over strings.

٧. يا شَبَّ ما زالَ في قَيسٍ لِئانُفِكُم
رَغمٌ وَرَغمٌ وَأَوتارٌ وَأَوتارُ

8. O youth, shame on you, do not disbelieve in our horsemen
The day the son of Kabsha, the tyrannical king attacked.

٨. يا شَبَّ وَيحَكَ لا تَكفُر فَوارِسَنا
يَومَ اِبنُ كَبشَةَ عاتي المُلكِ جَبّارُ

9. If it were not for the protection of Yarbou' over your women
Others would have taken their chastity.

٩. لَولا حِمايَةُ يَربوعٍ نِساءَكُمُ
كانَت لِغَيرِكُمُ مِنهُنَّ أَطهارُ

10. The protector has grown old and the two horses in hardship
In the days of foolish youth there is no protection.

١٠. حامى المُسَيَّبُ وَالخَيلانِ في رَهَجٍ
أَزمانَ شَبَّةُ لا يَحمي وَنَعّارُ

11. Since there is no mind protecting your faults
Nor a coat of mail protecting the armor-clad knight.

١١. إِذ لا عِقالٌ يُحامي عَن ذَمارِكُمُ
وَلا زُرارَةَ لا يَحمي وَزَرّارُ

12. If the herald called upon our horsemen
They would be martyred or the people would be free.

١٢. إِنَّ الحَواريَّ لَو نادى فَوارِسَنا
لَاِستُشهِدوا أَو نَجا وَالقَومُ أَحرارُ

13. Verily Al-Farazdaq, whoever ties relations with him
Will perish in vileness and dishonor will veil disgraces.

١٣. إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ مَن يَعلَق زِيارَتَهُ
يوبَق بِرِجسٍ وَلِلسوآتِ زَوّارُ

14. Verily Al-Farazdaq, O Miqdad, is your visitor
Oh what a loss upon those whose house is locked.

١٤. إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ يا مِقدادُ زائِرُكُم
يا وَيلَ قَدٍّ عَلى مَن تُغلَقُ الدارُ

15. Where are the protectors from the clan of Maslamah?
Or where, where are the people of Badr and the caravan leaders?

١٥. أَينَ المُحامونَ مِن أَولادِ مَسلَمَةٍ
أَم أَينَ أَينَ بَنو بَدرٍ وَسَيّارُ

16. There still remains in the house a protector of your faults,
Amongst the women, hot-tempered and rude.

١٦. ما زالَ في الدارِ حامٍ عَن ذِمارِكُمُ
عِندَ النِساءِ عَذومُ النَفسِ مِغيارُ