
Your prince called for endurance

لقد نادى أميرك باحتمال

1. Your prince called for endurance
And cracked the intention of lawful companionship

١. لَقَد نادى أَميرُكَ بِاِحتِمالِ
وَصَدَّعَ نِيَّةَ الأَنَسِ الحِلالِ

2. Did you out of confusion look the next morning
To see where beauty was directed

٢. أَمِن طَرَبٍ نَظَرتَ غَداةَ رَهبى
لِتَنظُرَ أَينَ وُجِّهَ بِالجِمالِ

3. You did not burden yourself with a loyal friend
Who wishes us well and is generous with gifts

٣. وَما كَلَّفتَ نَفسَكَ مِن صَديقٍ
يُمَنّينا وَيَبخَلُ بِالنَوالِ

4. You left the enclosures of chaste women
And refuse the pure drink of the beloved's fresh water

٤. لَقَد تَرَكَت حَوائِمَ صادِياتٍ
وَتَمنَعُ صَفوَ ذي حَبَبٍ زُلالِ

5. And she said why are you so standoffish
When were you known for passion and romance?

٥. وَقالَت فيمَ أَنتَ مِنَ التَصابي
مَتى عَهدُ التَشَوُّقِ وَالدَلالِ

6. What do you hope for when the desire of youth
Is not for those who cough and wheeze

٦. فَما تَرجو وَلَيسَ هَوى الغَواني
لِأَصحابِ التَنَحنُحِ وَالسُعالِ

7. Leave me alone, my grey hair has forbidden me
And my experience, greyness and frailty

٧. دَعيني إِنَّ شَيبِيَ قَد نَهاني
وَتَجريبي وَشَيبِيَ وَاِكتِهالي

8. She saw the passing years take from me
As the crescent takes from the full moon

٨. رَأَت مَرَّ السِنينَ أَخَذنَ مِنّي
كَما أَخَذَ السَرارُ مِنَ الهِلالِ

9. He who remains with death as his goal
And days passing with the nights

٩. وَمَن يَبقى عَلى غَرَضِ المَنايا
وَأَيّامٍ تَمُرُّ مَعَ اللَيالي

10. Imagination struck us with a vision
So praise God for that imagination

١٠. أَلَمَّ بِنا الخَيالُ بِذاتِ عِرقٍ
فَحَيّا اللَهُ ذَلِكَ مِن خَيالِ

11. Your secrets fall short of our secrets
And the cheek of the well-served, swift she-camel

١١. فَإِنَّ سُراكِ تَقصُرُ عَن سُرانا
وَعَن وَخدِ المُخَدَّمَةِ العِجالِ

12. We shamed Farazdaq when we shot
Devastating arrows that cracked the pride of contest

١٢. لَقَد أَخزى الفَرَزدَقَ إِذ رَمَينا
قَوارِعُ صَدَّعَت غَرَضَ النِضالِ

13. For I have for the last of the poets
What I have for the first ones - forcefulness

١٣. فَإِنَّ لِآخِرِ الشُعَراءِ مِنّي
كَما لِلأَوَّلينَ مِنَ النَكالِ

14. Seasons while I live and after me
Seasons with Hazra or Bilal

١٤. مَواسِمَ ما بَقيتُ لَهُم وَبَعدي
مَواسِمُ عِندَ حَزرَةَ أَو بِلالِ

15. On the nose of Farazdaq if they had not prevented him
Fresh from my branding, not healed

١٥. عَلى أَنفِ الفَرَزدَقِ لَو نَهاهُم
جَديدٌ مِن وُسومَيَ غَيرُ بالِ

16. When Farazdaq dies, stone him
As you stone the grave of Abu Righal

١٦. إِذا ماتَ الفَرَزدَقُ فَاِرجُموهُ
كَما تَرمونَ قَبرَ أَبي رِغالِ

17. When you were a guest in a people's land
Due to the reputation of your clan, evil and miserable

١٧. وَكُنتَ إِذا اِغتَرَبتَ بِدارِ قَومٍ
لِأَحسابِ العَشيرَةِ شَرَّ والي

18. You were humiliated while you stayed there base
And shamed, ranked with the outcast

١٨. تُجَدَّعُ ما أَقَمتَ بِها ذَليلاً
وَتَخزى عِندَ مَنزِلَةِ الزِيالِ

19. Do you forget Zubair, Saad's victim
And Jufayna when every situation turns

١٩. أَتَنسَونَ الزُبَيرَ قَتيلَ سَعدٍ
وَجِعثِنَ إِذ تُصَرَّفُ كُلَّ حالِ

20. While Abu Farazdaq prayed
With the prayer of humiliation, not comfort and ease

٢٠. وَباتَ أَبو الفَرَزدَقِ وَهوَ يَدعو
بِدَعوى الذُلِّ غَيرَ نَعيمِ بالِ

21. Quffayra wore out the meadows
And the armor of the coats of mail

٢١. لَقَد ضَرِيَت قُفَيرَةُ بِالخَلايا
وَحَوكِ الدَرعِ مِن وَبَرِ الفِصالِ

22. Mujash'a and the Banu Humais wander
Between an evil father and maternal uncle

٢٢. تُطيفُ مُجاشِعٌ وَبَنو حُمَيسٍ
بِقَينٍ بَينَ شَرِّ أَبٍ وَخالِ

23. Quffayra, may she be reviled for what she did for her sons
And Layla of the Qayn tribe, Qayn of the Banu Iqlal

٢٣. قُفَيرَةُ ساءَ ما كَسَبَت بَنيها
وَليلى القَينِ قينِ بَني عِقالِ

24. She brought them Farazdaq, that mother of evil
By the donkey's trough, a clear example

٢٤. أَتَتهُمُ بِالفَرَزدَقِ أُمُّ سوءٍ
لَدى حَوضِ الحِمارِ عَلى مِثالِ

25. The Caliph will disgrace you, then you will be shamed
By the might of the Bountiful and Majestic

٢٥. سَيُخزيكَ الخَليفَةُ ثُمَّ تَخزى
بِعِزَّةِ ذي التَكَرُّمِ وَالجَلالِ

26. Change, O Farazdaq, my people for yours, if you can
Substitute, if you have power over change

٢٦. تَبَدَّل يا فَرَزدَقُ مِثلَ قَومي
بِقَومِكَ إِن قَدَرتَ عَلى البِدالِ

27. Then if you seek that in the morning, move
Shamma and Miqarr to the mountain valley

٢٧. فَإِن أَصبَحتَ تَطلُبُ ذاكَ فَاِنقُل
شَماماً وَالمِقَرَّ إِلى وِعالِ

28. Liyarbu has virtue over the elite
As the right hand has over the left

٢٨. لِيَربوعٍ عَلى النَخَباتِ فَضلٌ
كَتَفضيلِ اليَمينِ عَلى الشِمالِ

29. And Liyarbu defends Tameem
And falls short of their exaggerations

٢٩. وَيَربوعٌ تُذَبِّبُ عَن تَميمٍ
وَيَقصُرَ دونَ غَلوِهِمُ المُغالي

30. And we met kings in a cavernous place
And the cliffs were dyed red from the streams

٣٠. وَنازَلنا المُلوكَ بِذاتِ كَهفٍ
وَقَد خُضِبَت مِنَ العَلَقِ العَوالي

31. And we struck the son of Kabsha when we reached him
Among bushes where the streams branch out

٣١. وَقَد ضَرَبَ اِبنَ كَبشَةَ إِذ لَحِقنا
حُشَيشٌ حَيثُ تَفرُقُهُ الفَوالي

32. Virtues you cannot attain until
You remove what is firm from the mountains

٣٢. مَكارِمُ لَستَ مُدرِكُهُنَّ حَتّى
تُزيلُ الراسِياتِ مِنَ الجِبالِ

33. Take kohl and heated stones and perfume
For you, Farazdaq, are not men

٣٣. خُذُوا كُحلاً وَمِجمَرَةً وَعِطراً
فَلَستُم يا فَرَزدَقُ بِالرِجالِ

34. And smell the stench of your shame, for you are not
The people of intimacy, nor battle

٣٤. وَشُمّوا ريحَ عَيبَتِكُم فَلَستُم
بِأَصحابِ العِناقِ وَلا النِزالِ

35. The affliction of the Banu Qabaqib was disgrace
And dishonor whenever it was mentioned

٣٥. بَلاءُ بَني قَباقِبَ كانَ خِزياً
وَعاراً كُلَّما ذُكِرَ التَبالي

36. You clapped for the shameless cheat
So the cowardly debauchees failed miserably

٣٦. صَفَقتُم لِلبُزاةِ حُبارِياتٍ
فَأَخزى الخُنثَيَينِ مُنى الضَلالِ

37. When you met the Banu Hilal
And Ka'b and the horsemen of Hilal

٣٧. وَكُنتَ إِذا لَقيتَ بَني هِلالٍ
وَكَعباً وَالفَوارِسَ مِن هِلالِ

38. You, Farazdaq, bubbled in fright when you panicked
Like a pig who spent the night in a smelly sheepfold

٣٨. تُقَرقِرُ يا فَرَزدَقُ إِذ فَزِعتُم
خَزيراً باتَ في أُدَرٍ ثِقالِ

39. And 'Abs in the valley the day of 'Amr
The creeping vines of spears watered him fatally

٣٩. وَعَبسٌ بِالثَنيَّةِ يَومَ عَمروٍ
سَقَوهُ ذَواعِفَ الأَسَلِ النِهالِ

40. And your Mufabbidh called 'Udas ibn Zaid
Who submitted to shame in the worst way

٤٠. وَمَعبِدُكُم دَعا عُدَسَ بنِ زَيدٍ
فَأُسلِمَ لِلكُبولِ بِشَرِّ حالِ

41. When you met the Banu Numayr
You met death, the darkest shadow

٤١. وَكُنتَ إِذا لَقيتَ بَني نُمَيرٍ
لَقيتَ المَوتَ أَقتَمَ ذا ظِلالِ

42. As if you were she-camels arriving at water
Ostriches of summer mixed with does

٤٢. كَأَنَّكُمُ بِإِمعَزِ وارِداتٍ
نَعامُ الصَيفِ زَفَّ مَعَ الرِئالِ

43. So send the Mujashi'i among the weaklings
The wide-nostrilled, father of evil

٤٣. فَأَرسِل في الضِئينَ مُجاشِعِيّاً
أَزَبَّ المِنخَرَينِ أَبا رِخالِ