1. Today your neighbor departed on a journey
Do not yearn for the one who packs up and leaves
١. أَجَدَّ اليَومَ جيرَتُكَ اِرتِحالا
وَلا تَهوى بِذي العُشُرِ الزِيالا
2. Stand crookedly over a desolate abode
And bid it farewell though it departs
٢. قِفا عُوِجا عَلى دِمَنٍ بِرَهبى
فَحَيّوا رَسمَهُنَّ وَإِن أَحالا
3. At daybreak, I likened the sand dunes
To an Indian ship sailing away
٣. وَشَبَّهتُ الحُدوجَ غَداةَ قَوٍّ
سَفينَ الهِندِ رَوَّحَ مِن أَوالا
4. They took to the right, deviating from the shore
And to the left, away from the mountains
٤. جَعَلنَ القَصدَ عَن شَطِبٍ يَمينَن
وَعَن أَجمادِ ذي بَقَرِن شِمالا
5. They brought us wondrous gatherings
And were stingy without being asked or weakened
٥. جَمَعنَ لَنا مَواعِدَ مُعجِباتٍ
وَبُخلاً دونَ سُؤلِكَ وَاِعتِلالا
6. Companions who lived no wretched life
Renewing trysts and promises
٦. أَوانِسُ لَم يَعِشنَ بِعَيشِ سَوءٍ
يُجَدِّدنَ المَواعِدَ وَالمِطالا
7. You spent your days, each one
With a promise they never kept
٧. فَقَد أَفنَينَ عُمرَكَ كُلَّ يَومٍ
بِوَعدٍ ما جَزَينَ بِهِ قِبالا
8. Had they craved that, they'd have watered
The peaks from hilltop springs
٨. وَلَو يَهوَينَ ذاكَ سَقَينَ عَذباً
عَلى العِلّاتِ آوِنَةً زُلالا
9. But zealots kept you from it
So you weren't sated when parched
٩. وَلَكِنَّ الحُماةَ حَمَوكَ عَنهُ
فَما تُسقى عَلى ظَمَإٍ بِلالا
10. Does my devotion those nights and days
Of long loyalty not suffice?
١٠. أَلا تَجزينَ وُدّي في لَيالٍ
وَأَيّامٍ وَصَلتُ بِهِ طِوالا
11. I love the stragglers at daybreak
And desire not those who settle
١١. أُحِبُّ الظاعِنينَ غَداةَ قَوٍّ
وَلا أَهوى المُقيمَ بِهِ الحِلالا
12. You shed tears the day they returned
To the abode, bearing their burdens
١٢. لَقَد ذَرَفَت دُموعُكَ يَومَ رَدّوا
لِبَينِ الحَيِّ فَاِحتَمَلوا الجِمالا
13. The doe-eyed ones are like lances
Aimed at me, cords and snares set out
١٣. وَفي الأَظعانِ مِثلُ مَها رُماحٍ
نَصَبنَ لَهُ المَصايِدَ وَالحِبالا
14. They did not hesitate, shooting my heart
With arrows needing no feathering
١٤. فَما أَشوَينَ حينَ رَمَينَ قَلبي
سِهاماً لَم يَرِشنَ لَها نِبالا
15. Rather, with their eyes and cheeks
Adorned as if with fine necklaces
١٥. وَلَكِن بِالعُيونِ وَكُلِّ خَدٍّ
تَخالُ بِهِ لِبَهجَتِهِ صِقالا
16. By your life! Their nearness increases you not
Except in anxiety and inner turmoil
١٦. لَعَمرُكَ ما يَزيدُكَ قُربُ هِندٍ
إِذا ما زُرتَها إِلّا خَبالا
17. Evil tongues alarmed us
With some unpleasant words
١٧. وَقَد قالَ الوُشاةُ فَأَفزَعونا
بِبَعضِ القَولِ نَكرَهُ أَن يُقالا
18. I saw you, brother, when we raced
And horsemanship was tested, you excelled
١٨. رَأَيتُكَ يا أُخَيطِلُ إِذ جَرَينا
وَجُرِّبَتِ الفَراسَةُ كُنتَ فالا
19. Al-Farazdaq tired after straining
And cast aside his bow, exhausted in the fight
١٩. وَقَد نُخِسَ الفَرَزدَقُ بَعدَ جَهدٍ
فَأَلقى القَوسَ إِذ سَإِمَ النِضالا
20. We are the superior ones, so what day
Will the Taghlibi claim excellence?
٢٠. وَنَحنُ الأَفضَلونَ فَأَيَّ يَومٍ
تَقولُ التَغلِبِيُّ رَجا الفِضالا
21. Do you not see the might of Banu Tamim
Was built by God the day He built the mountains?
٢١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ عِزَّ بَني تَميمٍ
بَناهُ اللَهُ يَومَ بَنى الجِبالا
22. He built them lofty pillars
And God elevated their peaks high
٢٢. بَنى لَهُمُ رَواسِيَ شامِخاتٍ
وَعالى اللَهُ ذُروَتَهُ فَطالا
23. Every blossoming Khindif built me a home
Rivaling the north wind in its canopy
٢٣. بَنى لي كُلُّ أَزهَرَ خِندِفِيٌّ
يُباري في سُرادِقِهِ الشَمالا
24. The desert divides its bounty with him
While all people are his dependents by night
٢٤. تَنَصَّفُهُ البَرِيَّةُ وَهوَ سامٍ
وَيُمسي العالَمونَ لَهُ عِيالا
25. The warlords submitted to Khindif
When we desired, he tossed and turned
٢٥. تَواضَعَتِ القُرومُ لِخِندَفِيٍّ
إِذا شِئنا تَخَمَّطَ ثُمَّ صالا
26. And the Taghlibi strives when we call him
Awaiting the new moon with his tribute
٢٦. وَيَسعى التَغلِبيُّ أَذا اِجتَبَينا
بِجِزيَتِهِ وَيَنتَظِرُ الهِلالا
27. You met the horses of Qays on the island
And said, "These are pack-saddles, not for war!"
٢٧. لَقَيتُم بِالجَزيرَةِ خَيلَ قَيسٍ
فَقُلتُم مارَ سَرجِس لا قِتالا
28. You have no horses with patience for horses
Nor do your men match their men
٢٨. فَلا خَيلٌ لَكُم صَبَرَت لِخَيلٍ
وَلا أَغنَت رِجالُكُمُ رِجالا
29. You surrendered Shu'ayth bin Mulayl
Whose shoulder was struck by the sword in defeat
٢٩. وَأَسلَمتُم شُعَيثَ بَني مُلَيلٍ
أَصابَ السَيفُ عاتِقَهُ فَمالا
30. After Abu Ghuwayth, you drank wine
With no joy left in intoxication
٣٠. شَرِبتَ الخَمرَ بَعدَ أَبي غُوَيثٍ
فَلا نَعِمَت لَكَ النَشَواتُ بالا
31. Drunk Taghlibi women stumble
Mistaking the rump of a pig for a gazelle
٣١. تَسوفُ التَغلِبيَّةُ وَهيَ سَكرى
قَفا الخِنزيرِ تَحسِبُهُ غَزالا
32. Wine keeps churning violently in their brains
And they complain of humiliation in their steps
٣٢. تَظَلَّ الخَمرُ تَخلِجُ أَخدَعَيها
وَتَشكو في قَوائِمِها اِمذِلالا
33. Do you reckon your mother's vulva was glory?
It dragged you away from decent money
٣٣. أَتَحسِبُ فَلسَ أُمِّكَ كانَ مَجداً
وَجَذَّكُمُ عَنِ النَقدِ الجُفالا
34. Take what you found your father possessed, my son
As for the Khindifi, you can never attain him
٣٤. تَناوَل ما وَجَدتَ أَباكَ يَبني
فَأَمّا الخِندِفيَّ فَلَن تَنالا
35. Is not Abu Al-Ukht Bilal Taghlibi?
What a foul Taghlibi father and uncle!
٣٥. أَلَيسَ أَبو الأُخَيطِلِ تَغلِبِيّاً
فَبِئسَ التَغلِبِيَّ أَباً وَخالا
36. If your uncle is Taghlibi
Barter him if you can find a replacement
٣٦. إِذا ماكانَ خالُكَ تَغلِبيّاً
فَبادِل إِن وَجَدتَ لَهُ بِدالا
37. While Warbooh frequents the open plains
Building columns over them
٣٧. وَيَربوعٌ تَحُلُّ ذُرى الرَوابي
وَتَبني فَوقَها عَمَداً طِوالا
38. Al-Ukhtal tied the rope of disgrace
So his day amongst them was prolonged
٣٨. وَقَد عَلِقَ الأُخَيطَلُ حَبلَ سَوءٍ
فَأَبرَحَ يَومُهُنَّ بِهِ وَطالا
39. Do you not see, O Ukhtal, the war of Qays
Pass by when you seek its causes?
٣٩. أَلَم تَرَ يا أُخَيطِلُ حَربَ قَيسٍ
تَمُرُّ إِذا اِبتَغَيتَ لَها العِلالا
40. If your intoxication does not subside, then taste
The Indian swords and piercing blades!
٤٠. أَذا لَم تَصحُ نَشوَتُكُم فَذوقوا
سُيوفَ الهِندِ وَالأَسَلَ النِهالا