
The lightning raged on a night of downpours

أهاج البرق ليلة أذرعات

1. The lightning raged on a night of downpours
A passion beyond what seekers can demand

١. أَهاجَ البَرقُ لَيلَةَ أَذرِعاتٍ
هَوىً ما تَستَطيعُ لَهُ طِلابا

2. So I tasked the she-camels each day
With fire in June, burning bright

٢. فَكَلَّفتُ النَواعِجَ كُلَّ يَومٍ
مِنَ الجَوزاءِ يَلتَهِبُ اِلتِهابا

3. Melting their haughtiness even if they pray
The iron shackles would melt under its heat

٣. يُذيبُ غُرورَهُنَّ وَلَو يُصَلّى
حَديدُ الأَقوَلَينِ بِهِ لَذابا

4. You see the cattle prods make the riding beasts
On their fifth evening show them the whip

٤. وَنَضّاحِ المَقَذِّ تَرى المَطايا
عَشِيَّةَ خِمسِهِنَّ لَهُ ذُنابى

5. We walked by its side with a weary gait
As it crept slowly under the saddlebags

٥. نَعَبنا بِجانِبَيهِ المَشيَ نَعباً
خَواضِعَ وَهوَ يَنسَلِبُ اِنسِلابا

6. I sent envoys to you in succession
Yet by evening no envoy or chiding remained

٦. بَعَثتُ إِلَيكُمُ السُفَراءَ تَترى
فَأَمسى لا سَفيرَ وَلا عِتابا

7. And their calamities befell the Taym tribe
Though I warned them lest they face punishment

٧. وَقَد وَقَعَت قَوارِعُها بِتَيمٍ
وَقَد حَذَّرتُ لَو حَذَروا العِقابا

8. I found no excuse for the Taym people
Nor did Ibn Barzah's patience earn reward

٨. فَما لاقَيتُ مَعذِرَةً لِتَيمٍ
وَلا حِلمَ اِبنِ بَرزَةَ مُستَثابا

9. Indeed, Ibn Barzah of Taym deserved
To be censured or face bitter rebuke

٩. لَقَد كانَ اِبنُ بَرزَةَ في تَميمٍ
حَقيقاً أَن يُجَدَّعَ أَو يُعابا

10. You insult me though Taym did not know
Any pact with Teym but our alliance

١٠. أَتَشتُمُني وَما عَلِمَت تَميمٌ
لِتَيمٍ غَيرَ حِلفِهِمُ نِصابا

11. Will you praise Malik and abandon Taym
When they were the true mark to strike

١١. أَتَمدَحُ مالِكاً وَترَكتَ تَيماً
وَقَد كانوا هُمُ الغَرَضَ المُصابا

12. If you count the generous, you'll find Taym
Were unique in their nobility and intellect

١٢. إِذا عُدَّ الكِرامُ وَجَدتَ تَيماً
نُخالَتَهُم وَغَيرَهُمُ اللُبابا

13. Your father was no Khandifi Bedouin
The darkness of your complexion darkened you

١٣. أَبوكَ التَيمُ لَيسَ بِخِندِفِيٍّ
أَرابَ سَوادُ لَونِكُمُ أَرابا

14. Consider the brand between Taym's lips
And the blackness of their eyes a proof

١٤. تَرى لِلُّؤمِ بَينَ سِبالِ تَيمٍ
وَبَينَ سَوادِ أَعيُنِهِم كِتابا

15. We recognized the shame from Saba upon Taym
And in Sanaa their disgraceful state

١٥. عَرَفنا العارَ مِن سَبَأٍ لِتَيمٍ
وَفي صَنعاءَ خَرزَهُمُ العِيابا

16. So you are humiliated despite your nobility
And among the living who ignited the flames

١٦. فَأَنتَ عَلى يَجودَةَ مُستَذَلِّ
وَفي الحَيِّ الَّذينَ عَلا لِهابا

17. Do you not see that Zayd Manat are despised
Wretched folk we humiliate with ease

١٧. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ زَيدَ مَناةَ قَرمٌ
قُراسِيَةٌ نُذِلُّ بِهِ الصِعابا

18. Will you deny the one who gives you refuge, O Taym
And who quenched your thirst with their rivers

١٨. أَتَكفُرُ مَن يُجيرُكَ يا اِبنَ تَيمٍ
وَمَن تَرعى بِقَودِهُمُ السَحابا

19. Taym is nothing without my ancestors of Nazar
Nor did Taym pluck the strings of the rababah

١٩. وَما تَيمٌ إِلى سَلَفي نِزارٍ
وَما تَيمٌ تَرَبَّبَتِ الرِبابا

20. Taym is naught but slaves except for Abd
Who obeyed the bridle and followed the camel dung

٢٠. وَما تَيمٌ لِضَبَّةَ غَيرُ عَبدٍ
أَطاعَ القَودَ وَاِتَّبَعَ الجِنابا

21. You know nothing of leadership, O Huwayzah
Except fleeing under your wrinkled cloak

٢١. وَما تَدري حُوَيزَةُ ما المَعالي
وَجَلهَمُ غَيرَ أَطرِهِمُ العِلابا

22. On the day we met the Bani Rabiah army
We repelled them at Dhi Najab's battle

٢٢. وَيَومَ بَني رَبيعَةَ قَد لَحِقنا
وَذُدنا يَومَ ذي نَجَبٍ كِلابا

23. And on the day of Al-Hawazin, where was Taym?
Were you called or answered on that day?

٢٣. وَيَومَ الحَوفَزانِ فَأَينَ تَيمٌ
فَتُدعى يَومَ ذَلِكَ أَو تُجابا

24. Bistam loftily named them, but instead found
Lions guarding their cubs in wrath

٢٤. وَبِسطامٌ سَما لَهُمُ فَلاقى
لُيوثاً عِندَ أَشبُلِها غِضابا

25. Taym was nowhere on the morrow of Hunow
Nor were they among the horses when war flared

٢٥. فَما تَيمٌ غَداةَ الحِنوِ فينا
وَلا في الخَيلِ يَومَ عَلَت إِرابا

26. We were named the valiant warriors reigning them in
As the veils peeked out from behind the dunes

٢٦. سَمَونا بِالفَوارِسِ مُلجِميها
مِنَ الغَورَينِ تَطَّلِعُ النِقابا

27. They entered the forts of Madhij in groups
Leaving not a door of Sanaa untaken

٢٧. دَخَلنَ حُصونَ مَذحِجَ مُعلِماتٍ
وَلَم يَترُكنَ مِن صَنعاءَ بابا

28. Mayhaps Taym's horses will bolt in panic
And the spittle of the swiftest melt in fear

٢٨. لَعَلَّ الخَيلَ تَذعَرُ سَرحَ تَيمٍ
وَتُعجِلُ زُبدَ أَيسَرَ أَن يُذابا