
Abu Malik visited the graves

زار القبور أبو مالك

1. Abu Malik visited the graves
As if he were a mourner visiting them

١. زارَ القُبورَ أَبو مالِكٍ
فَكانَ كَأَلأَمِ زُوّارِها

2. The birds of the night will cry over him
The vicious ones inhaling its dawn

٢. سَتَبكي عَلَيهِ دَرومُ العِشاءِ
خَبيثٌ تَنَسُّمُ أَسحارِها

3. The daughters of Abu Malik wail
With the horns of Christians and their flutes

٣. تَنوحُ بَناتُ أَبي مالِكٍ
بِبوقِ النَصارى وَمِزمارِها

4. Indeed the striking of Al-Hudhayl’s horses pleased me
And the neighing of Taghlib in their abode

٤. لَقَد سَرَّني وَقعُ خَيلِ الهُذَيلِ
وَتَرغيمُ تَغلِبَ في دارِها

5. Al-Hudhayl missed the clan of Taghlib
And the arrows of Qays with their strings

٥. وَفاتَ الهُذَيلُ بَني تَغلِبٍ
وَجَحّافُ قَيسٍ بِأَوتارِها

6. You rouse Qays but cannot withstand
The drumming of wars and their harm

٦. تَحُضّونَ قَيساً وَلا تَصبِرونَ
لِزَبنِ الحُروبِ وَإِضرارِها