
A longing stirred from need has come over me

ألم خيال هاج من حاجة وقرا

1. A longing stirred from need has come over me
Peace be upon you, why this journey of yours?

١. أَلَمَّ خَيالٌ هاجَ مِن حاجَةٍ وَقرا
عَلَيكَ السَلامُ ما زِيارَتُكَ السَفرا

2. In the dark depths of the valley, its guide
Complains to it of terror, and dwells

٢. بِيَهماءَ غَورِ الماءِ يُمسي دَليلُها
مِنَ الهَولِ يَشكو في مَسامِعِهِ وَقرا

3. You see the five [daily prayers] dragging their trains along
When people contend as though they were to be killed with patience

٣. تَرى الخِمسَ فيها مُسلَحِبّاً قِطارَهُ
إِذا القَومُ جاروا مِثلَ أَن يُقتَلوا صَبرا

4. It makes every heavily-laden camel kneel
As though the riding beasts were avoiding live coals with us

٤. تَشُجُّ بِها أَجوازَ كُلِّ تَنوفَةٍ
كَأَنَّ المَطايا يَتَّقينَ بِنا جَمرا

5. Night has veiled it with the lids of slumber and it was hidden
Away in the conscience that no bright fortune was left for it

٥. طَواها السُرى طَيَّ الجُفونِ وَأُدرِجَت
مِنَ الضُمرِ حَتّى ما تُقِرَّ لَها ضَفرا

6. When it breaks free of the one with strong fetters it helps
From the depths and its rain clouds darken the horizons

٦. إِذا فَوَّزَت عَن ذي جَراوِلَ أَنجَدَت
مِنَ الغَورِ وَاِعرَورَت حَزابِيَها الغُبرا

7. Not a month's journey have our mounts been tasked with
Rather, it is a month's time we have spent journeying

٧. وَما سَيرُ شَهرٍ كُلِّفَتهُ رِكابُنا
وَلَكِنَّهُ شَهرٌ وَصَلنَ بِهِ شَهرا

8. Ships ply the winds unto you
From the sands till their riders course the sea

٨. نَواحِلُ يَخبِطنَ السَريحَ إِلَيكُمُ
مِنَ الرَملِ حَتّى خاضَ رُكبانُها البَحرا

9. When we moan in the wilderness, it is as though
We sob at dawn's break, terrified

٩. إِذا نَحنُ هِجنا بِالفَلاةِ كَأَنَّما
نَهيجُ غَداةَ الخِمسِ خاضِبَةً زُعرا

10. Ibn Layla sought from hoping beyond hope
And had it not been for Ibn Layla, we would not have come to Egypt

١٠. طَلَبنَ اِبنَ لَيلى مِن رَجاءِ فُضولِهِ
وَلَولا اِبنُ لَيلى ما وَرَدنَ بِنا مِصرا

11. You were praised and we were given good tidings of your grace
As though we were fully aware of it already

١١. حُمِدتُم وَبُشِّرنا بِفَضلِ نَداكُمُ
وَكانَ كَشَيءٍ قَد أَحَطنا بِهِ خُبرا

12. When the hopeful pause at your door
Along with the delegation, their banners do not return empty

١٢. إِذا ما أَناخَ الراغِبونَ بِبابِكُم
مَعَ الوَفدِ لَم تَرجَع عِيابُهُمُ صِفرا

13. And they said to us, "Servant of al-'Aziz - upon you
There you will find resolution, and the attainment of objects of desire

١٣. وَقالوا لَنا عَبدُ العَزيزِ عَلَيكُمُ
هُنالِكَ تَلقى الحَزمَ وَالنائِلَ الغَمرا

14. The best of births was directed at you, so it corresponded
To a full moon night whose time was preordained

١٤. سَمَت بِكَ خَيرُ الوَلِداتِ فَقابَلَت
لِلَيلَةِ بَدرٍ كانَ ميقاتُها قَدرا

15. And so there came a light by whose face
Is illuminated - its ancestry and purity are sufficient for it

١٥. فَجاءَت بِنورٍ يُستَضاءُ بِوَجهِهِ
لَهُ حَسَبٌ عالٍ وَمَن يُنكِرُ الفَجرا

16. And she is derived from the loins of her people white
You have made the lances' points her dowry

١٦. وَمَنسوبَةٍ بَيضاءَ مِن صُلبِ قَومِها
جَعَلتَ الرِماحَ الخاطِراتِ لَها مَهرا

17. When rumors come from the striking of tongues with her
They are thought to be mere gossip or lies

١٧. إِذا الدُهمُ مِن وَقعِ الأَسِنَّةِ عِندَها
حُسِبنَ وِراداً أَو حُمَيلِيَّةً شُقرا

18. And a need has led her to you we could not find
Beyond you respite, nor could we ward off

١٨. وَساقَت إِلَيكُم حاجَةٌ لَم نَجِد لَها
وَراءَكُمُ مَعدىً وَلا عَنكُمُ قَصرا

19. So help me and my companions with reliable protection
As though its proper fulfillment were binding and obligatory

١٩. أَغِثني وَأَصحابي بِضامِنَةِ القِرى
كَأَنَّ بِأَحقيها مُقَيَّرَةً وَفرا

20. When she let loose the light of every garden
Her cheeks turned saffron

٢٠. إِذا هِيَ سافَت نَورَ كُلِّ حَديقَةٍ
لَها أَرَجٌ أَضحَت مَشافِرُها صُفرا

21. The branch is yours from my living self, Quraysh, so you have not diminished
The pilgrimage rite, neither the morning star nor full moon

٢١. لَكَ الفَرعُ مِن حَيِّي قُرَيشٍ فَلَم تُضِع
إِذا عُدَّتِ المَسعاةُ نَجماً وَلا بَدرا

22. You have branched out from the house of Al-Asbah, yet have not found
A building excelling the Asbah's, nor one of age

٢٢. تَفَرَّعتَ بَيتَ الأَصبَغَينِ فَلَم تَجِد
بِناءً يَفوقُ الأَصبَغَينِ وَلا عَمرا

23. Marwan singled them out from the house of Rifa'ah
And they were of equal rank, and were allied in-laws

٢٣. تَخَيَّرَهُم مَروانُ مِن بَيتِ رِفعَةٍ
وَكانَ لَهُم كُفءً وَكانَ لَهُم صِهرا

24. Know well, Tamim are your brothers
And the best people to live long lives in good health are those who give thanks

٢٤. فَإِنَّ تَميماً فَاِعلَمَنَّ أَخوكُمُ
وَمِن خَيرِ مَن أَبلَيتَ عافِيَةً شُكرا

25. When you wish, you rouse Tamim, and when roused
They make your enemies shrink in fear

٢٥. إِذا شِئتُمُ هِجتُم تَميماً فَهِجتُمُ
لُيوثَ الوَغى يَهصِرنَ أَعداءَكُم هَصرا

26. Payment of the stampeding steeds is [made] with fury in battle
Until we have severed your enemies by force

٢٦. نَقودُ الجِيادَ المُقرَباتِ عَلى الوَجى
لِأَعدائِكُم حَتّى أَبَرناهُمُ قَسرا