
Perhaps parting from friends to the estranged was my purpose

لعل فراق الحي للبين عامدي

1. Perhaps parting from friends to the estranged was my purpose
On the eve of easterly departures of the ships

١. لَعَلَّ فِراقَ الحَيِّ لِلبَينِ عامِدي
عَشِيَّةَ قاراتِ الرُحَيلِ الفَوارِدِ

2. By my life! My youthfulness did not reward me
With them, nor the weaving of poems

٢. لَعَمرُ الغَواني ما جَزَينَ صَبابَتي
بِهِنَّ وَلا تَحبيرَ نَسجِ القَصائِدِ

3. And how many a faithful friend that was severed
And devout men of firm religion were tempted

٣. وَكَم مِن صَديقٍ واصِلٍ قَد قَطَعنَهُ
وَفَتَّنَّ مِن مُستَحكِمِ الدينِ عابِدِ

4. So she who one day was coltish
Has a repentant heart bowing to God

٤. فَإِنَّ الَّتي يَومَ الحَمامَةِ قَد صَبا
لَها قَلبُ تَوّابٍ إِلى اللَهِ ساجِدِ

5. I saw flirtatious singing girls
Graceful in granting favors, stingy when keeping trysts

٥. رَأَيتُ الغَواني مولِعاتٍ لِذي الهَوى
بِحُسنِ المُنى وَالبُخلِ عِندَ المَواعِدِ

6. Long has it been since hearts were tempted by eyes
To the stems that adorned humanity and supported it

٦. لَقَد طالَ ما صِدنَ القُلوبَ بِأَعيُنٍ
إِلى قَصَبٍ زَينِ البُرى وَالمَعاضِدِ

7. Could you be blamed if after patience you showed
Fragments of sincere love that kept being rekindled

٧. أَتُعذَرُ إِن أَبدَيتَ بَعدَ تَجَلُّدٍ
شَواكِلَ مِن حُبٍّ طَريفٍ وَتالِدِ

8. And we seek your love, if we could gain it
It would be the dearest of boons for us

٨. وَنَطلُبُ وُدّاً مِنكِ لَو نَستَفيدُهُ
لَكانَ إِلَينا مِن أَحَبِّ الفَوائِدِ

9. So gather not the mention of sins to be stingy
And impose estrangement and distance

٩. فَلا تَجمَعي ذِكرَ الذُنوبِ لِتَبخَلي
عَلَينا وَهِجرانَ المُدِلِّ المُباعِدِ

10. When you visit singing girls with a staff
Wishing to be quenched by drinking the blood of lions

١٠. إِذا أَنتَ زُرتَ الغانِياتِ عَلى العَصا
تَمَنَّينَ أَن تُسقى دِماءَ الأَساوِدِ

11. I pardon a close neighbor though his tomb is neglected
And seek distant worries that wander far off

١١. أَعِفُّ عَنِ الجارِ القَريبِ مَزارُهُ
وَأَطلُبُ أَشطانَ الهُمومِ الأَباعِدِ

12. Indeed in Iraq there was an ailment, but they did not find
A healer who cured their diseases like Khalid

١٢. لَقَد كانَ داءٌ بِالعِراقِ فَما لَقوا
طَبيباً شَفى أَدوائَهُم مِثلَ خالِدِ

13. He healed them gently mixing wisdom and piety
And the path of a rightly-guided leader

١٣. شَفاهُم بِرِفقٍ خالَطَ الحِلمَ وَالتُقى
وَسيرَةِ مَهدِيٍّ إِلى الحَقِّ قاسِدِ

14. Indeed the Commander of the Faithful blessed you
With one enlightened in religion, pride of mosques

١٤. فَإِنَّ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ حَباكُمُ
بِمُستَبصِرٍ في الدينِ زَينِ المَساجِدِ

15. And we hope that you will accompany a group
Who will be the first people entering Paradise

١٥. وَإِنّا لَنَرجو أَن تُرافِقَ رُفقَةً
يَكونونَ لِلفِردَوسِ أَوَّلَ وارِدِ

16. For the son of Abdallah, his positions are known
Where he is not disgraced before witnesses

١٦. فَإِنَّ اِبنَ عَبدِ اللَهِ قَد عُرِفَت لَهُ
مَواطِنُ لا تُخزيهِ عِندا المَشاهِدِ

17. So he was true to the Commander of the Faithful's trust
And was truthful in dire affairs

١٧. فَأَبلى أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ أَمانَةً
وَأَبلاهُ صِدقاً في الأُمورِ الشَدائِدِ

18. When people wanted injustice from him
He refused wrongdoing and defied every ruler

١٨. إِذا ما أَرادَ الناسُ مِنهُ ظُلامَةً
أَبى الضَيمَ فَاِستَعصى عَلى كُلِّ قائِدِ

19. And how could people gain anything he prevented
Which desire kept between the jaws of attacking lions

١٩. وَكَيفَ يَرومُ الناسُ شَيئاً مَنَعتَهُ
هَوى بَينَ أَنيابِ اللُيوثِ الحَوارِدِ

20. When enemies gathered for a treacherous plot
God protected you from the cunning of plotters

٢٠. إِذا جَمَعَ الأَعداءُ أَمرَ مَكيدَةٍ
لِغَدرٍ كَفاكَ اللَهُ كَيدَ المُكايِدِ

21. You prepare coats of mail and spears
And disheveled forelocks like driving lions

٢١. تُعِدُّ سَرابيلَ الحَديدِ مَعَ القَنا
وَشُعثَ النَواصي كَالضِراءِ الطَوارِدِ

22. When you meet the foe in the fray
He gasps from your passionate onslaught

٢٢. إِذا ما لَقيتَ القِرنَ في حارَةِ الوَغى
تَنَفَّسَ مِن جَيّاشَةٍ ذاتِ عانِدِ

23. And if the devil tempted the misguided people
They found in you a harsh unabating war

٢٣. وَإِن فَتَنَ الشَيطانُ أَهلَ ضَلالَةٍ
لَقوا مِنكَ حَرباً حَميُها غَيرُ بارِدِ

24. When there is safety, your heart is faithful
And when there is fear, you are the firmest protector

٢٤. إِذا كانَ أَمنٌ كانَ قَلبُكَ مُؤمِناً
وَإِن كانَ خَوفٌ كُنتَ أَحكَمَ ذائِدِ

25. You continued aspiring to nobility and eminence
And built glory illuminated by flowing streams

٢٥. وَما زِلتَ تَسمو لِلمَكارِمِ وَالعُلى
وَتَعمُرُ عِزّاً مُستَنيرَ المَوارِدِ

26. When the days of generosity are counted, then boast
Of your tall noble forefathers of strong arms

٢٦. إِذا عُدَّ أَيّامُ المَكارِمِ فَاِفتَخِر
بِآبائِكَ الشُمِّ الطِوالِ السَواعِدِ

27. How many for you are lofty buildings whose height
And among the Sa'bs, orators and newcomers

٢٧. فَكَم لَكَ مِن بانٍ طَويلٍ بِناؤُهُ
وَفي آلِ صَعبٍ مِن خَطيبٍ وَوافِدِ

28. The days of battle delight you in remembering them
And when virtue's abode is mentioned with necklaces

٢٨. يَسُرُّكَ أَيّامَ المُحَصَّبِ ذِكرُهُم
وَعِندَ مَقامِ الهَديِ ذاتِ القَلائِدِ

29. You took hold firmly in Ma'ad's lifetime
And in Yemen the noblest place of birth

٢٩. تَمَكَّنتَ في حَيِّي مَعَدٍّ مِنَ الذُرى
وَفي يَمَنٍ أَعلى كَريمِ المَوالِدِ

30. Branches and origin from Bajilah in Ma'ad
To the son of Nizar, who was an uncle and father

٣٠. فُروعٍ وَأَصلٍ مِن بَجيلَةَ في الذُرى
إِلى اِبنِ نِزارٍ كانَ عَمّاً وَوالِدِ

31. You defended the frontiers of Islam, never weakening
Remaining a leader and son of a leader

٣١. حَمَيتَ ثُغورَ المُسلِمينَ فَلَم تُضِع
وَما زِلتَ رَأساً قاَئِداً وَاِبنَ قائِدِ

32. For you were granted victory over enemies
So you became a light whose glow does not dim

٣٢. فَإِنَّكَ قَد أُعطيتَ نَصراً عَلى العِدى
فَأَصبَحتَ نوراً ضَوءُهُ غَيرُ خامِدِ

33. You built a structure the likes of which people never built
Its wall almost rivals the highest minarets

٣٣. بَنَيتَ بِناءً ما بَنى الناسُ مِثلَهُ
يَكادُ يُساوى سورُهُ بِالفَراقِدِ

34. And you were given what confused past generations
So we praise the Bestower, Lord of praise

٣٤. وَأُعطيتَ ما أَعيا القُرونَ الَّتي مَضَت
فَنَحمَدُ مِفضالاً وَلِيَّ المَحامِدِ

35. What you spent was wise and strong
So receive multiples of profit as surplus

٣٥. إِنَّ الَّذي أَنفَقتَ حَزمٌ وَقُوَّةٌ
فَأَبشِر بِأَضعافٍ مِنَ الرِبحِ زائِدِ

36. There used to be bounty in the Euphrates rivers
And favor of an ancestor of the ascendant Caliph

٣٦. لَقَد كانَ في أَنهارِ دِجلَةَ نِعمَةٌ
وَحُظوَةُ جَدٍّ لِلخَليفَةِ صاعِدِ

37. Bestowal of Him who gave the Caliph his kingdom
And the sighs of envious souls are enough for him

٣٧. عَطاءَ الَّذي أَعطى الخَليفَةَ مُلكَهُ
وَيَكفيهِ تَزفارُ النُفوسِ الحَواسِدِ

38. Rivers of prosperity and good fortune flowed to you
To a paradise among the wild beasts' dens

٣٨. جَرَت لَكَ أَنهارٌ بِيُمنٍ وَأَسعُدٍ
إِلى جَنَّةٍ في صَحصَحانِ الأَجالِدِ

39. Growing grapes and blessed palm trees
And bundles of goodness in harvested bushels

٣٩. يُنَبِّتنَ أَعناباً وَنَخلاً مُبارَكاً
وَأَنقاءَ بُرٍّ في جُرونِ الحَصائِدِ

40. When we send a scout seeking dew
He brings us, praising God, the most praised scout

٤٠. إِذا ما بَعَثنا رائِداً يَبتَغي النَدى
أَتانا بِحَمدِ اللَهِ أَحمَدَ رائِدِ

41. Do you have an ungrateful slave, so you may release him
From the long bite of shackles

٤١. فَهَل لَكَ في عانٍ وَلَيسَ بِشاكِرٍ
فَتُطلِقَهُ مِن طولِ عَضِّ الحَدائِدِ

42. He returns though evil was innate in him
Saying, "I regret," but not returning

٤٢. يَعودُ وَكانَ الخُبثُ مِنهُ سَجِيَّةً
وَإِن قالَ إِنّي مُعتِبٌ غَيرُ عائِدِ

43. You regret, but regret avails naught after
You fell from the snare of hunting falcons

٤٣. نَدِمتَ وَما تُغني النَدامَةُ بَعدَما
تَطَوَّحتَ مِن صَكِّ البُزاةِ الصَوائِدِ

44. How can Farazdaq survive after
Biting while in the grip of a conquering lion

٤٤. وَكَيفَ نَجاةٌ لِلفَرَزدَقِ بَعدَما
ضَغا وَهوَ في أَشداقِ أَغلَبَ حارِدِ

45. Did you not see Khalid's palms which benefited
People with abundant provision from plentiful streams

٤٥. أَلَم تَرَ كَفَّي خالِدٍ قَد أَفادَتا
عَلى الناسِ رِفداً مِن كَثيرِ الرَوافِدِ

46. O clan of Malik, Farazdaq was always
Degrading and disgracing indecent acts

٤٦. بَني مالِكٍ إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ لَم يَزَل
كَسوباً لِعارِ المُخزِياتِ الخَوالِدِ

47. So do not accept Farazdaq's slander, he is
Fraudulent, rejected by every critic

٤٧. فَلا تَقبَلوا ضَربَ الفَرَزدَقِ إِنَّهُ
هُوَ الزيفُ يَنفي ضَربَهُ كُلُّ ناقِدِ

48. We found, when we came visiting you
Horses' chests and cavalry, most successful newcomers

٤٨. وَإِنّا وَجَدنا إِذ وَفَدنا عَلَيكُمُ
صُدورَ القَنا وَالخَيلَ أَنجَحَ وافِدِ

49. Did you not see Yarbo when I mention them
And their days, they compose the finest poems

٤٩. أَلَم تَرَ يَربوعاً إِذا ما ذَكَرتُهُم
وَأَيّامَهُم شَدّوا مُتونَ القَصائِدِ

50. Who can compare if you count my knights
Who embraced wisdom, and Al-Hadhrami son of Khalid

٥٠. فَمَن لَكَ إِن عَدَّدتَ مِثلَ فَوارِسي
حَوَوا حَكَماً وَالحَضرَمِيَّ بنَ خالِدِ

51. He asked the blessed river, so he plunged
Like the foaming floods of overflowing terrain

٥١. أَسالَ لَهُ النَهرَ المُبارَكَ فَاِرتَمى
بِمِثلِ الرَوابي المُزبِداتِ الحَواشِدِ

52. Increase for Khalid the like of what is in his right hand
You will find him, for Islam, the noblest protector

٥٢. فَزِد خالِداً مِثلَ الَّذي في يَمينِهِ
تَجِدهُ عَنِ الإِسلامِ أَكرَمَ ذائِدِ

53. As if, wrongfully, I fear no injustice for Khalid
From fear I am given poison of reptiles to drink

٥٣. كَأَنّي وَلا ظُلماً أَخافُ لِخالِدٍ
مِنَ الخَوفِ أُسقى مِن سِمامِ الأَساوِدِ

54. And I hope that Khalid will release me
And unleash from me the shackles of fetters

٥٤. وَإِنّي لَأَرجو خالِداً أَن يَفُكَّني
وَيُطلِقَ عَنّي مُقفَلاتِ الحَدائِدِ

55. The darkness lifted from the light of his face
With the light of a comet whose glow does not fade

٥٥. تَكَشَّفَتِ الظَلماءُ عَن نورِ وَجهِهِ
لِضَوءِ شِهابٍ ضَوءُهُ غَيرُ خامِدِ

56. Do you not remember kinship or lend me money?
You have a nature of immense glorious generosity

٥٦. أَلا تَذكُرونَ الرِحمَ أَو تُقرِضونَني
لَكُم خُلُقاً مِن واسِعِ الخُلقِ ماجِدِ

57. You are like Khalid's palms when he buys
With every gentle act, every new honor

٥٧. لَكُم مِثلُ كَفَّي خالِدٍ حينَ يَشتَري
بِكُلِّ طَريفٍ كُلَّ حَمدٍ وَتالِدِ

58. If my fetters are removed, worries might leave me
And I may touch the edges of distant worries

٥٨. فَإِن يَكُ قَيدي رَدَّ هَمّي فَرُبَّما
تَناوَلتُ أَطرافَ الهُمومِ الأَباعِدِ

59. Praises be when worries were uncovered from me
And humiliated, hating the eulogizer

٥٩. مِنَ الحامِلاتِ الحَمدِ لَمّا تَكَشَّفَت
ذَلاذِلُها وَاِستَوأَرَت لِلمُناشِدِ

60. Does the son of Abdullah have a grateful slave
That you may release his fetters, praising?

٦٠. فَهَل لِاِبنِ عَبدِ اللَهِ في شاكِرٍ لَهُ
بِمَعروفٍ أَن أَطلَقتَ قَيدَيهِ حامِدِ

61. No affliction but every eve and dawn
Increases without retreating

٦١. وَما مِن بَلاءٍ غَيرَ كُلِّ عَشِيَّةٍ
وَكُلِّ صَباحٍ زائِدٍ غَيرِ عائِدِ

62. The blacksmith says, "Are you standing?"
Yet I am like another still seated

٦٢. يَقولُ لِيَ الحَدّادُ هَل أَنتَ قائِمٌ
وَما أَنا إِلّا مِثلُ آخَرَ قاعِدِ

63. As if I am a lost donkey atop Kaaba
Thirty cunning beasts plotting against me

٦٣. كَأَنّي حَروري ضَلَّهُ فَوقَ كَعبَةٍ
ثَلاثونَ قَيناً مِن صَريمٍ وَكايِدِ

64. They did not openly show enmity above my leg
And they know my religion cannot be wiped out

٦٤. وَما إِن بِدينٍ ظاهَروا فَوقَ ساقِهِ
وَقَد عَلِموا أَن لَيسَ ديني بِنافِدِ

65. And they recite poetry to me I did not say
Like one blocking the wind between prey

٦٥. وَيَروي عَلَيَّ الشِعرَ ما أَنا قُلتُهُ
كَمُعتَرِضٍ لِلريحِ بَينَ الطَرائِدِ