1. I do not give judgment from a lofty office,
Nor am I desirous of the daughters of Hanzala.
١. لَستُ بِمُعطي الحُكمَ عَن شَفِّ مَنصِبٍ
وَلا عَن بَناتِ الحَنظَلِيِّنَ راغِبُ
2. I see them as the water of Muzn that cures thirst,
While others were brackish water to drink.
٢. أَراهُنَّ ماءَ المُزنِ يُشفى بِهِ الصَدى
وَكانَت مِلاحاً غَيرَهُنَّ المَشارِبُ
3. You were indeed qualified when you paid blood-money
To the family of Ziyad, though the critic found fault.
٣. لَقَد كُنتَ أَهلاً إِذ تَسوقُ دِياتِكُم
إِلى آلِ زيقٍ أَن يَعيبَكَ عائِبُ
4. The cross-marked one did not straighten her humpback
Utaibah, with the saddlebags on either side of her neck.
٤. وَماعَدَلَت ذاتُ الصَليبِ ظَعينَةً
عُتَيبَةُ وَالرِدفانِ مِنها وَحاجِبُ
5. Oh, sometimes we did not give Ziyad his due judgment
And he submitted the judgment and booty to us.
٥. أَلا رُبَّما لَم نُعطِ زيقاً بِحُكمِهِ
وَأَدّى إِلَينا الحُكمَ وَالغُلُّ لازِبُ
6. We protected Abu Ziyad, Ziyad and his paternal uncle,
And the grandmother of Ziyad whom spears had protected.
٦. حَوَينا أَبا زيقٍ وَزيقاً وَعَمَّهُ
وَجَدَّةُ زيقٍ قَد حَوَتها المَقانِبُ
7. Did you not recognize, O people of Ziyad, my steeds
When the dust swirled from the racing of warriors?
٧. أَلَم تَعرِفوا يا آلَ زيقٍ فَوارِسي
إِذا اِغبَرَّ مِن كَرِّ الطَرادِ الحَواجِبُ
8. Our horses hemmed in Hani on the day of Ghubaytain
And reached Bistam and his horses that were nimble.
٨. حَوَت هانِئً يَومَ الغَبيطَينِ خَيلُنا
وَأَدرَكنَ بِسطاماً وَهُنَّ شَوازِبُ
9. We attacked them at dawn when their dust
Was like the gray hair of summer, thriving, growing.
٩. صَبَحناهُمُ جُرداً كَأَنَّ غُبارَها
شَآبيبُ صَيفٍ يَزدَهيهِنَّ حاصِبُ
10. With each reddish-black horse whose back was protected
As if a master had tried the two trotting beasts.
١٠. بِكُلِّ رُدَينِيٍّ تَطارَدَ مَتنُهُ
كَما اختَبَّ سيدٌ بِالمَراضَينِ لاغِبُ
11. May God requite Ziyad and the son of Ziyad with blame
Because I am desirous of the love of Shayban.
١١. جَزى اللَهُ زيقاً وَاِبنَ زيقٍ مَلامَةً
عَلى أَنَّني في وُدِّ شَيبانَ راغِبُ
12. Did you give, O Ziyad son of Ziyad, a strange woman
As a gift to the worst man gifts are given?
١٢. أَأَهدَيتَ يازيقَ بنَ زيقٍ غَريبَةً
إِلى شَرِّ ما تُهدى إِلَيهِ الغَرائِبُ
13. The best thing about your in-laws is that your in-laws
Are excellent to you, O spider of the valley and boulders!
١٣. فَأَمثَلُ ما في صِهرِكُم أَنَّ صِهرَكُم
مُجيدٌ لَكُم لَيَّ الكَتيفِ وَشاعِبُ
14. We recognized you from the rump of a donkey for adultery,
And for couplings from the tribe of Qain you were dominant.
١٤. عَرَفناكَ مِن حوقِ الحِمارِ لِزِنيَةٍ
وَكانَ لِضَمّاتٍ مِنَ القَينِ غالِبُ
15. O tribe of Malik, give the Qain their due,
For the Qain have a right against Farazdaq.
١٥. بَني مالِكٍ أَدّوا إِلى القَينِ حَقَّهُ
وَلِلقَينِ حَقٌّ في الفَرَزدَقِ واجِبُ
16. Descendants of Hadra' who are dragged by the hock,
Is there among the descendants of Hadra' one who seeks vengeance?
١٦. أَثائِرَةٌ حَدراءُ مَن جُرَّ بِالنَقا
وَهَل في بَني حَدراءَ لِلوِترِ طالِبُ
17. You mentioned the daughters of the sun, but the sun does not give birth,
Strange indeed is the rump of the donkey and the stars!
١٧. ذَكَرتَ بَناتِ الشَمسِ وَالشَمسُ لَم تَلِد
وَأَيهاتَ مِن حوقِ الحِمارِ الكَواكِبُ
18. If you were a free man, ten would suffice
Against the family of Ziyad, and the neighbor who borders.
١٨. وَلَو كُنتَ حُرّاً كانَ عَشرٌ سِياقَةً
إِلى آلِ زيقٍ وَالوَصيفُ المُقارِبُ