
Alas, Taim, which belongs to ‘Amr and Malik,

ألا إنما تيم لعمرو ومالك

1. Alas, Taim, which belongs to ‘Amr and Malik,
The slaves of the staff whose fetters will never release them,

١. أَلا إِنَّما تَيمٌ لِعَمروٍ وَمالِكٍ
عَبيدُ العَصا لَم يَرجُ عِتقاً قَطينُها

2. In good soil it has struck no roots for Taim,
Nor sprouted leafy branches its trees,

٢. فَما ضَرَبَت لِلتَيمِ في طَيِّبِ الثَرى
عُروقٌ وَلَم تَنبُت وَريقاً غُصونُها

3. Nor has Taim been thankful to a noble people,
Nor has Taim been angry at those who disgrace it,

٣. وَما شَكَرَت تَيمٌ لِقَومٍ كَرامَةً
وَما غَضِبَت تَيمٌ عَلى مَن يُهينُها

4. And if you are asked, O Taim, speak of yourselves,
With narratives that will shame you certainly,

٤. وَإِن تَسأَلوا يا تَيمُ عَنكُم تَحَدَّثوا
أَحاديثَ يُخزيكُم بِنَجدٍ يَقينُها

5. And if you seek, O Taim, mention by reviling us
Then Taim has been mentioned with talk that disgraces it,

٥. وَإِن تَبتَغوا يا تَيمُ ذِكراً بِشَتمِنا
فَقَد ذُكِرَت تَيمٌ بِذِكرٍ يَشينُها

6. Have you not seen that the ignoble, their book
Was drafted by the mouths of Taim when its eyes split,

٦. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ اللُؤمَ خُطَّ كِتابُهُ
بِآنِفِ تَيمٍ حينَ شَقَّت عُيونُها

7. And Ibrahim did not leave any of Taim in the House when he prayed,
Nor any of the clay of Adam was its clay,

٧. وَلَم يَدعُ إِبراهيمُ في البَيتِ إِذ دَعا
لِتَيمٍ وَلا مِن طينِ آدَمَ طينُها

8. And no woman of Taim was satisfied with the religion of a Muslim,
Rather it followed the religion of Ibn Alghaz whose religion it followed,

٨. وَما رَضِيَت تَيمِيَّةٌ دينَ مُسلِمٍ
وَلَكِن عَلى دينِ اِبنِ أَلغَزَ دينُها

9. And no woman of Taim carried for half a night
Except that the wickedness of her fetus increased,

٩. وَما حَمَلَت تَيمِيَّةٌ نِصفَ لَيلَةٍ
مِنَ الدَهرِ إِلّا اِزدادَ لُؤماً جَنينُها

10. When does a woman of Taim boast to her clan,
As if the lanes of Al-Qarr are green with vegetation?!

١٠. مَتى تَفتَخِر تَيمِيَّةٌ عِندَ بَينِها
كَأَنَّ زِقاقَ القارِ خُضراً غُضونُها

11. Indeed, O Taim, the burial of the wicked is among you,
So Taim has become a stirring burial ground,

١١. وَإِنَّ دَفينَ اللُؤمِ يا تَيمُ فيكُمُ
فَقَد أَصبَحَت تَيمٌ مُثاراً دَفينُها

12. And the blood of Taim does not pay for them,
Blood nor hostages pay its blood money,

١٢. وَإِنَّ دِماءَ التَيمِ لَم توفِ عَنهُمُ
دِماءً وَلا يوفي بِرَهنٍ رَهينُها

13. When Taim descends a land,
The wickedness of Taim complains of its plains and depressions,

١٣. إِذا نَزَلَت تَيمٌ مِنَ الأَرضِ بَلدَةً
شَكا لُؤمَ تَيمٍ سَهلُها وَحُزونُها

14. Alas, Taim so no good will come from it,
The left hand is twisted in it and its right hand is paralyzed,

١٤. أَلا إِنَّما تَيمٌ فَلا تَرجُ خَيرَها
شِمالٌ بِها خَبلٌ وَشَلَّت يَمينُها

15. As if the swords of Taim are lightning bolts
When filled with froth in summer their eyes,

١٥. كَأَنَّ سُيوفَ التَيمِ عيدانُ بَروَقٍ
إِذا مُلِأَت بِالصَيفِ زُبداً عُيونُها

16. And I was told that Taim regrets, so it pleased me,
What Taim regretted and its intentions were spoiled,

١٦. وَنُبِّئتُ تَيماً نادِمينَ فَسَرَّني
بِما نَدِمَت تَيمٌ وَساءَت ظُنونُها

17. Indeed, the disgrace of Taim has been prolonged with no dread,
And the mouths of Taim, their eyes have not been gouged,

١٧. لَقَد طالَ خِزيُ التَيمِ غَيرَ مَهيبَةٍ
وَآنُفُ تَيمٍ لَم تُفَقَّء عُيونُها

18. My horses have denied them Al-Hawizah after
It flowed like the gurgling of she-camels pulling their young,

١٨. لَقَد مَنَعَت خَيلي حَويزَةَ بَعدَما
رَغَت كَرُغاءَ النابِ جُرَّ جَنينُها

19. Taim will know who can count the pebbles,
When war flares up in the fangs of its war drums,

١٩. سَتَعلَمُ تَيمٌ مَن لَهُ عَدَدُ الحَصى
إِذا الحَربُ لَجَّت في ضِراسٍ زَبونُها

20. And below me, from the legacy of ‘Amr and Malik,
Are lions who make the forest their protected den,

٢٠. وَدوني مِنَ الأَثرَينِ عَمروٍ وَمالِكٍ
لُيوثٌ تَحُلُّ الغابَ مُحمىً عَرينُها

21. Alas, Taim are but the pigs of a village,
Long are the comings of its black snouts,

٢١. أَلا إِنَّما تَيمٌ خَنازيرُ قَريَةٍ
طَويلٌ بِجيئاتِ السَوادِ عُطونُها

22. If the man of Taim were thirsty, he would suck his mother,
When he sees cloud-like dust in the water skins,

٢٢. وَلَو ظَمِئَ التَيمِيُّ لَاِفتَظَّ أُمَّهُ
إِذا أَبصَرَ المَوماةَ غُبراً صُحونُها