
A ransom for the clan of Sa'd son of Dhubyan my aunt

فدى لبني سعد بن ضبة خالتي

1. A ransom for the clan of Sa'd son of Dhubyan my aunt
When the fright startles the submissive camels

١. فِدىً لِبَني سَعدِ بنِ ضَبَّةَ خالَتي
إِذا أَفزَعَ الرَوعُ السَوامَ المُنَفَّرا

2. They killed patiently Shuraih son of Khalid
And lamented for Bistam in long mourning dresses

٢. هُمُ قَتَلوا صَبراً شُتَيرَ بنَ خالِدٍ
وَأَبكَوا لِبِسطامٍ مَآتِمَ حُسَّرا

3. And they wrapped on the day of ash-Shaqq his head
Soft sides no embroidered gown

٣. وَهُم عَصَّبوا يَومَ الشَقيقَةِ رَأسَهُ
رَقيقَ النَواحي لا رِداءً مُحَبَّرا

4. So when it came upon as-Sahba' their place with it
It called for woe and hastened to be veiled

٤. فَلَمّا أَتى الصَهباءَ مَوقِعُهُم بِهِ
دَعَت وَيلَها وَاِستَعجَلَت أَن تَخَمَّرا