
She glanced at me, so I saw a flashing light

سمت لي نظرة فرأيت برقا

1. She glanced at me, so I saw a flashing light
That brought back memories to my mind

١. سَمَت لي نَظرَةٌ فَرَأَيتُ بَرقاً
تِهامِيّاً فَراجَعَني اِدِّكاري

2. The onlookers at her radiance say
We see a shining sun on the horizon

٢. يَقولُ الناظِرونَ إِلى سَناهُ
نَرى بُلقاً شَمَسنَ عَلى مِهارِ

3. Indeed, your trysts have lied, O mother of mankind
My yearning has been prolonged and my wait

٣. لَقَد كَذَبَت عِداتُكَ أُمُّ بِشرٍ
وَقَد طالَت أَناتي وَاِنتِظاري

4. You hurried to blame us, though your night is not pleasing
Our mounts galloped while your night is not serene

٤. عَجِلتِ إِلى مَلامَتِنا وَتَسري
مَطايانا وَلَيلُكِ غَيرُ ساري

5. You cared little for what my feet endured
And my journey in the glowing desert

٥. فَهانَ عَلَيكِ ما لَقِيَت رِكابي
وَسيري في المُلَمَّعَةِ القِفارِ

6. And days I spent on mounts
As if their poison is blazing fire

٦. وَأَيّامٍ أَتَينَ عَلى المَطايا
كَأَنَّ سَمومَهُنَّ أَجيجُ نارِ

7. As if over their backbones was estrangement
Like the flames of lamps or gushing springs

٧. كَأَنَّ عَلى مَغابِنِهِنَّ هَجراً
كُحَيلُ الليتِ أَو نَبَعانَ قارِ

8. Indeed the wretch has spent the night in humiliation
While the eminent spent it with pride

٨. لَقَد أَمسى البَعيثُ بِدارِ ذُلٍّ
وَما أَمسى الفَرَزدَقُ بِالخِيارِ

9. Bangles of slaves and robes of monkeys
And a braid from an ape with no dignity

٩. جَلاجِلُ كُرَّجٍ وَسِبالِ قِردٍ
وَزَندٌ مِن قُفَيرَةَ غَيرُ واري

10. We recognized the eyebrows of her ape
And the scar on its short fingers

١٠. عَرَفنا مِن قُفَيرَةَ حاجِبَيها
وَجَذّاً في أَنامِلِها القِصارِ

11. We fought and the clan of Tamim said
As if the monkey had plunged from a roof

١١. تَدافَعنا فَقالَ بَنو تَميمٍ
كَأَنَّ القِردَ طَوَّحَ مِن طَمارِ

12. Greedy-eyed clan of Beni Iqal
At Uqba when they missed my valiance

١٢. أَطامِعَةٌ قُيونُ بَني عِقالٍ
بِعُقبى حينَ فاتَهُمُ حِضاري

13. And the clan of Waqdan knew well that I
Am the hornet of calamities, ever unsheathing my sword

١٣. وَقَد عَلِمَت بَنو وَقبانَ أَنّي
ضَبورُ الوَعثِ مُعتَزِمُ الخَبارِ

14. With Yarbu I fell, and the clan of Saad
So no glory you reached, nor pride

١٤. بِيَربوعٍ فَخَرتَ وَآلِ سَعدٍ
فَلا مَجدي بَلَغتَ وَلا اِفتِخاري

15. For Yarbu, a horseman every day
Whose sun is veiled by the dust of turmoil

١٥. لِيَربوعٍ فَوارِسُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
يُواري شَمسَهُ رَهَجُ الغُبارِ

16. Utaibah, and Al Uhaimir, and Son of Saad
And Attab, and the horseman with the scarf

١٦. عُتَيبَةُ وَالأُحَيمِرُ وَاِبنُ سَعدٍ
وَعَتّابٌ وَفارِسُ ذي الخِمارِ

17. And the day we caught up with Banu Judaima
At dawn, between the plain and the hillsides

١٧. وَيَومَ بَني جُذَيمَةَ إِذ لَحِقنا
ضُحىً بَينَ الشُعَيبَةِ وَالعَقارِ

18. Faces of the cowardly dyed with disgrace
Evident on the mantles and coats

١٨. وُجوهُ مُجاشِعٍ طُلِيَت بِلُؤمٍ
يُبَيِّنُ في المُقَلَّدِ وَالعِذارِ

19. And the skin of each coward swore
The shirt of disgrace is not borrowed

١٩. وَحالَفَ جِلدَ كُلِّ مُجاشِعِيٍّ
قَميصُ اللُؤمِ لَيسَ بِمُستَعارِ

20. Did the eminent deceive you about your father
And the tale of two loads on a donkey?

٢٠. أَغَرَّكُمُ الفَرَزدَقُ مِن أَبيكُم
وَذِكرُ مَزادَتَينِ عَلى حِمارِ

21. We found the house of Dhabba in Ma'ad
Like a hyena's den with no ring

٢١. وَجَدنا بَيتَ ضَبَّةَ في مَعَدٍّ
كَبيتِ الضَبِّ لَيسَ لَهُ سَواري

22. We found them crows perched on a barren land
With no spring flowing, nor freshness

٢٢. وَجَدناهُم قَناذِعَ مُلزِقاتٍ
بِلا نَبعٍ نَبَتنَ وَلا نُضارِ