1. Umma is not for the one whose secret is widespread
With friendship or with that dubious cheek
١. أُمامَةُ لَيسَت لِلَّتي شاعَ سِرُّها
بِإِلفٍ وَلا ذاكَ المُريبُ خَدينُ
2. She has growth in the youth of Dhubyan
And in the high nest, a whimper
٢. لَها في بَني ذُبيانَ نَبتٌ بِمَفرَعٍ
وَفي مِنقَرٍ عالي البِناءِ كَنينُ
3. And I had no faultfinder in Umma
Obeyed or the slanderer firmly established with me
٣. وَما كانَ عِندي في أُمامَةَ عاذِلٌ
مُطاعاً وَلا الواشي لَدَيَّ مَكينُ
4. Indeed she healed me among the mixed throng with conversation
And the imprisonment of beauties, for them yearning
٤. لَقَد شَفَّني بَينُ الخَليطِ بِساجِرٍ
وَمَحبِسُ أَجمالٍ لَهُنَّ حَنينُ
5. So how about joining the singers, and he has not stopped
For your heart from their peers, a companion
٥. فَكَيفَ بِوَصلِ الغانِياتِ وَلَم يَزَل
لِقَلبِكَ مِن أَقرانِهِنَّ قَرينُ
6. So if you are my dogs, then I have your cure
And for the jinn if madness afflicted you, madness
٦. فَإِن كُنتُمُ كَلبى فَعِندي شِفاؤُكُم
وَلِلجِنِّ إِن كانَ اِعتَراكَ جُنونُ
7. In the valley of Ushayy, evil's family, O savior's kin
Excuses in it, theft and immorality
٧. بِوادي أُشَيَّ الخُبثِ يا آلَ مُنقِذٍ
مَعاذِرُ فيها سِرقَةٌ وَمُجونُ
8. And you wonder at Qays and Al-Quba’a when they recoiled
Conversations inclined to youth and eyes
٨. وَتُعجِبُ قَيساً وَالقُباعَ إِذا اِنتَشَوا
سَوالِفُ مالَت لِلصِبا وَعُيونُ
9. Saviors' kin, no peace until you are struck
By the deafness of war, toads
٩. بَني مُنقِذٍ لا صُلحَ حَتّى تُصيبَكُم
مِنَ الحَربِ صَمّاءُ القَناةِ زَبونُ
10. And until you taste the cup of those before you
And blue from you twists in ropes, a mate
١٠. وَحَتّى تَذوقوا كَأسَ مَن كانَ قَبلَكُم
وَيَزرِقَ مِنكُم في الحِبالِ قَرينُ
11. And until war includes with you a pursuer
And a gulf with it heals, and madness
١١. وَحَتّى تَضُمَّ الحَربُ مَعكُم عُطارِداً
وَيَبرَأَ تَخليجٌ بِهِ وَجُنونُ
12. Saviors' kin, what is wrong with your neighbor's gift
Buried shadows for it and horns
١٢. بَني مُنقِذٍ ما بالُ مِنحَةِ جارِكُم
تَدَفَّنُ أَظلافٌ لَها وَقُرونُ
13. And if they descended upon the house, no dove
Near the Sacred House would sleep secure, cotton
١٣. وَلَو نَزَلوا بِالبَيتِ ما باتَ آمِناً
حَمامٌ لَدى البَيتِ الحَرامِ قَطونُ
14. And if the sultan knew what you do
An oath from you and oath would appear
١٤. وَلَو يَعلَمُ السُلطانُ ما تَفعَلونَهُ
لَبانَت يَمينٌ مِنكُمُ وَيَمينُ