1. Do you visit the mother of Muhammad or do you shun her?
Or has your heart regained some of what you remember?
١. أَتَزورُ أُمَّ مُحَمَّدٍ أَم تَهجُرُ
أَم عادَ قَلبَكَ بَعضُ ما تَتَذَكَّرُ
2. If the virtuous were to hear her words
The wailings of two blind women would flow.
٢. إِنَّ الفَوادِرَ لَو سَمِعنَ كَلامَها
ظَلَّت وُعولُ عَمايَتَينِ تَحَدَّرُ
3. Do not forget your forbearance, for with them
Is your destiny, and you are not ahead of what is destined.
٣. لا تَنسَ حِلمَكَ إِنَّ مالَكَ مَعهُمُ
قَدَرٌ وَلَستَ بِسابِقٍ ما يُقدَرُ
4. Cares traveled with the stars and tasked
A pilgrim tasked by persistent insomnia.
٤. سَرَتِ الهُمومُ مَعَ النُجومِ فَكَلَّفَت
حاجاً يُكَلَّفُهُ السَمامُ الضُمَّرُ
5. They are the succor when journeys become difficult
And when sorrow blazes in the bosom.
٥. هُنَّ الغِياثُ إِذا تَهَوَّلَتِ السُرى
وَإِذا تَوَقَّدَ في النِجادِ الحَزوَرُ
6. They miscarried hastily at six months
Their skins peeling off like those of chicks.
٦. أَجهَضنَ مُعجَلَةً لِسِتَّةِ أَشهُرٍ
مِثلَ الفِراخِ جُلودُهُنَّ تَمَوَّرُ
7. Al-Ba'ith said, "I am the son of Baybah of the Da'wah tribe."
Al-Ba'ith lied, and his nose was flaking.
٧. قالَ البَعيثُ أَنا اِبنُ بَيبَةَ دَعوَةً
كَذَبَ البَعيثُ وَأَنفُهُ يَتَقَشَّرُ
8. You are Al-Ba'ith, in whom servitude is evident,
And your father is a slave of the Zuraah tribe of Baghthar.
٨. أَنتَ البَعيثُ تَبينُ فيهِ عُبودَةٌ
وَأَبوكَ عَبدُ بَني زُراةَ بَغثَرُ