
To you we entrust every day of migration

إليك كلفنا كل يوم هجيرة

1. To you we entrust every day of migration
A twisted rope of intertwined sorrows

١. إِلَيكَ كَلِفنا كُلَّ يَومِ هَجيرَةٍ
صَدٍ مَعمَعانِيٍّ تَلَظّى أَعابِلُه

2. It crosses the barren desert as if it were
The black camels whose hobbles have slackened

٢. عَلى العيسِ تَعرَوري الفَلاةَ كَأَنَّها
قَطا الأُدَمى الجونِيُّ نَشَّت ثَمائِلُه

3. It has folded its mounts until they seem to be
Indian steeds whose trappings have withered

٣. طَوى رَكبَهُ الإِخماسُ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
جِيادُ القَنا الهِندِيِّ ثُقِّفَ ذابِلُه

4. When you tell me, Abd al-Aziz, you have sufficed me
A lifetime overflowing with flaws and meannesses

٤. إِذا قُلتَ لي عَبدُ العَزيزِ كَفَيتَني
زَماناً فَشَت عِلّاتُهُ وَمَباخِلُه

5. Two days of Abd al-Aziz are unequal
On which of the two do you blame his oversights?

٥. فَيَومانِ مِن عَبدِ العَزيزِ تَفاضَلا
فَفي أَيِّ يَومَيهِ تَلومُ عَواذِلُه

6. One day his steeds protect the Muslims
Another day a gift he does not stint to give

٦. فَيَومٌ تَحوطُ المُسلِمينَ جِيادُهُ
وَيَومٌ عَطاءٌ ما تُغِبُّ نَوافِلُه

7. And the Turks have received a blow from Abd al-Aziz
While the Romans have a day when their hopes are not fulfilled

٧. وَلِلتُركِ مِن عَبدِ العَزيزِ وَقيعَةٌ
وَلِلرومِ يَومٌ ما تُتِمُّ حَوامِلُه

8. They did not find Abd al-Aziz downcast
Nor failing in a matter he undertakes

٨. فَما وَجَدوا عَبدَ العَزيزِ مُغَمَّراً
وَلا ذا سِقاطٍ عِندَ أَمرٍ يُحاوِلُه

9. Nor withdrawing his hand from the standing sword
When the flashing lightning stayed his fingers

٩. وَلا جافِياً عَن قائِمِ السَيفِ قَبضُهُ
إِذا الفَشِلُ الرِعديدُ قُفَّت أَنامِلُه

10. With superior merit he reduces the merit
Of generosity, whose ties are not severed

١٠. يُقَلِّصُ بِالفَضلَينِ فَضلِ مُفاضَةٍ
وَفَضلِ نِجادٍ لَم تُقَطَّع حَمائِلُه

11. He wastes not his share of the world
Nor does the world distract him from religion

١١. فَلا هُو مِنَ الدُنيا مُضيعٌ نَصيبَهُ
وَلا عَرَضُ الدُنيا عَنِ الدَينِ شاغِلُه

12. This is matchless, none like him among men
And this is praise no speaker would belie

١٢. فَهاذا بَديعٌ لَيسَ في الناسِ مِثلُهُ
وَهاذا مَديحٌ لا يُكَذَّبُ قائِلُه

13. We have refused, so desire leads us to none but you
No friend in exchange for the son of Layla do we have

١٣. أَبَينا فَما يَدعو إِلى غَيرِكَ الهَوى
وَما مِن خَليلٍ بِاِبنِ لَيلى نُبادِلُه

14. After you the White City came and withdrew
Until it surrendered its shoulders

١٤. أَتى زَمَنُ البَيضاءِ بَعدَكَ فَاِنتَحى
عَلى العَظمِ حَتّى أَسلَمَتهُ حَوامِلُه

15. Spread your wing over me and take me as your falcon
Snatching away the hearts' beads as I dispute with them

١٥. فَرِش لي جَناحي وَاِتَّخِذنِيَ بازِياً
تَخَطَّفُ حَبّاتِ القُلوبِ أُجادِلُه