
O abode, I dwelt beside the twisted sands

يا دار أقوت بجانب اللبب

1. O abode, I dwelt beside the twisted sands
Between the knolls of 'Aqiq and Kuthub.

١. يا دارُ أَقوَت بِجانِبِ اللَبَبِ
بَينَ تِلاعِ العَقيقِ فَالكُثُبِ

2. There they pitched camp and quenched their thirst
Beneath clouds rumbling with thunder and rain.

٢. حَيثُ اِستَقَرَّت نَواهُمُ فَسُقوا
صَوبَ غَمامٍ مُجَلجِلٍ لَجِبِ

3. She disdained not to suckle D'ad, though clad
In a tattered cloak, nor did D'ad scorn her milk.

٣. لَم تَتَلَفَّع بِفَضلِ مِئزَرَها
دَعدٌ وَلَم تُغذَ دَعدُ بِالعُلَبِ