1. Was it not enough that you insulted Taim,
The descendants of Zaid from a noble clan,
١. أَلَم يَكُ لا أَبا لَكَ شَتمُ تَيمٍ
بَني زَيدٍ مِنَ الحَدَثِ العَظيمِ
2. When nobility is attributed to their fathers,
Why then strike a noble father with blame?
٢. إِذا نُسِبَ الكِرامُ إِلى أَبيهِم
فَما لِلتَيمِ ضَربُ أَبٍ كَريمِ
3. Taim does not reside in the land of watchtowers,
Nor does Taim arbitrate in governance,
٣. وَتَيمٌ لا تُقيمُ بِدارِ ثَغرٍ
وَتَيمٌ لا تُحَكَّمُ في الحُكومِ
4. It disgraces you to say I am the son of Taim,
For Taim is the utmost of ignoble lineage.
٤. يَشينُكَ أَن تَقولَ أَنا اِبنُ تَيمٍ
وَتَيمٌ مُنتَهى الحَسَبِ اللَئيمِ
5. To equate the nobility of honor with the nobility of Taim,
Is like equating generals with peasants.
٥. بَدا ضَربُ الكِرامِ وَضَربُ تَيمٍ
كَضَربِ الدَيبُليَّةِ وَالخُسومِ
6. And it shames Taim that the carpenter of Taim,
Is far from the carpenter of Banu Tamim.
٦. وَأَخزى التَيمَ أَنَّ نِجارَ تَيمٍ
بَعيدٌ مِن نِجارِ بَني تَميمِ
7. When the new moon rises, O son of Taim,
You are veiled, appearing not from the clouds.
٧. إِذا بَدَتِ الأَهِلَّةُ يا اِبنَ تَيمٍ
غُمِمتَ فَما بَدَوتَ مِنَ الغُمومِ
8. For us is the shining full moon and every star,
While Taim seeks the rising of stars in vain.
٨. لَنا البَدرُ المُنيرُ وَكُلُّ نَجمٍ
وَفيمَ التَيمُ مِن طَلَبِ النُجومِ
9. It is evident your allotment is that Amr
And Zaid took Manat, so recognize who is paired with me.
٩. تَبَيَّن مِن قَسيمُكَ إِنَّ عَمرواً
وَزَيدَ مَناةَ فَاِعتَرِفوا قَسيمي
10. The canal of sorrows is the canal of Taim,
Clarifying the goblets and drinking vessels.
١٠. قَناةُ الأَلأَمينَ قَناةُ تَيمٍ
مُبَيَّنَةُ القَوادِحِ وَالوُصومِ
11. Our father is Malik and your father is Taim,
So the most contemptible of the foolish is known.
١١. أَبونا مالِكٌ وَأَبوكَ تَيمٌ
فَقَد عُرِفَ الأَغَرُّ مِنَ البَهيمِ
12. The faces of Taim are darkened in wagers,
When thoroughbreds are poised for the contest.
١٢. تُغَبَّرُ في الرِهانِ وُجوهُ تَيمٍ
إِذا اِعتَزَمَ الجِيادُ عَلى الشَكيمِ
13. You are driven away from your position, O son of Taim,
Though you have not been driven by any settled person.
١٣. وَتُظعَنُ عَن مَقامِكَ يا اِبنَ تَيمٍ
وَما أَظعَنتَ مِن أَحَدٍ مُقيمِ
14. And every injustice passes upon you,
Though you do not refrain from the injustice of aggressors.
١٤. وَتَمضي كُلُّ مَظلِمَةٍ عَلَيكُم
وَما تَثنَونَ عادِيَةَ الظَلومِ
15. The sons of adulteresses treat you with disdain,
While you are the chicks of a single barren hen.
١٥. وَأَبناءُ الضَرائِرِ جَدَّعَوكُم
وَأَنتُم فَرخُ واحِدَةٍ عَقيمِ
16. Had the son of Shaibah known the disgrace of Taim,
They would not have circumambulated Zamzam and al-Hatim.
١٦. وَلَو عَلِمَ اِبنُ شَيبَةَ لُؤمَ تَيمٍ
لَما طافوا بِزَمزَمَ وَالحَطيمِ
17. I forbade Taim from foolishness but my
Patience was long and I awaited the wise.
١٧. نَهَيتُ التَيمَ عَن سَفَهٍ وَطالَت
أَناتي وَاِنتَظَرتُ ذَوي الحُلومِ
18. So whoever blames Taim in the morning,
They have attained the position of the blamer.
١٨. فَمَن كانَ الغَداةَ يَلومُ تَيماً
فَقَد نَزَلوا بِمَنزِلَةِ المُليمِ
19. With the swords of insult I quenched the thirst of Taim,
And my clouds rain punishment upon them.
١٩. بِذيفانِ السِمامِ سَقَيتُ تَيماً
وَتُمطِرُ بِالعَذابِ لَها غُيومي
20. You see the heroes who are unharmed, while Taim
Have unscarred skin from the wounds of swords.
٢٠. تَرى الأَبطالَ قَد كُلِموا وَتَيمٌ
صَحيحو الجِلدِ مِن أَثَرِ الكُلومِ
21. Taim has no recent or old nobility,
No venerable lineage or family tree.
٢١. وَما لِلتَيمِ مِن حَسَبٍ هَديثٍ
وَما لِلتَيمِ مِن حَسَبٍ قَديمِ
22. From the loins comes the disgrace of Taim,
And in the wombs it is created even in miscarriage.
٢٢. مِنَ الأَصلابِ يَنزِلُ لُؤمُ تَيمٍ
وَفي الأَرحامِ يُخلَقُ وَالمَشيمِ
23. You see the people of Taim crawl like lizards
To a black woman, like the hump of a camel.
٢٣. تَرى التَيمِيَّ يَزحَفُ كَالقَرَنبى
إِلى سَوداءَ مِثلِ قَفا القَدومِ
24. When one of Taim comes to you as a guest be prepared,
For transgressions - his groups are gluttons.
٢٤. إِذا التَيمِيُّ ضافَكَ فَاِستَعِدّوا
لِمُقرِفَةٍ جَحافِلُهُ طَعومُ
25. They complained when the estrangement of a slave came,
And the more bearable of two evils is hellfire.
٢٥. تَشَكّى حينَ جاءَ شُقاقَ عَبدٍ
وَأَدنى الراحَتَينِ مِنَ الجَحيمِ
26. Amr is our uncle and I am the son of Zaid,
So honor me with kinship and uncles.
٢٦. فَعَمروٌ عَمُّنا وَأَنا اِبنُ زَيدٍ
فَأَكرِم بِالأُبوَّةِ وَالعُمومِ
27. And Sa'd encountered you with loyal allegiance,
As a heavy ally conversant in conflict.
٢٧. وَتَلقى في الوَلاءِ عَلَيكَ سَعداً
ثِقالَ الوَطءِ ضالِعَةَ الخُصومِ
28. Those who arrive are not like the talebearers,
Nor are loyal allies like the bosom friends.
٢٨. وَما جُعِلَ القَوادِمُ كَالذُنابى
وَماجُعِلَ المَوالي كَالصَميمِ
29. You are protected by those who protect the houses of Qais,
And those who inhabit the wineskins of Tamim.
٢٩. يَحوطُكَ مَن يَحوطُ ذِمارَ قَيسٍ
وَمَن وَسَطَ القَماقِمَ مِن تَميمِ