
When the caller called to eyes that were not

لما دعا الداعي لأعين لم تكن

1. When the caller called to eyes that were not
Made to act as al-Mazini ibn Akhdhar did,

١. لَمّا دَعا الداعي لِأَعيَنَ لَم تَكُن
لِتَفعَلَ فِعلَ المازِنِيِّ بنِ أَخضَرا

2. So you'd pluck a lute string, O son of bending Qain,
And live nobly or die and be excused,

٢. فَتُدرِكَ وِتراً يا اِبنَ قَينِ مُجاشِعٍ
فَتَحيا كَريماً أَو تَموتَ فَتُعذَرا

3. But the tie of your womb refused consent
When your sweat in extremities flowed, except belatedly

٣. وَلَكِن أَبى إِقرارُ مُهرِكَ إِذ جَرى
بِعِرقِكَ في الغاياتِ إِلّا تَأَخُّرا