
At dusk, enticed by wavering comet-tail,

عشية أعلى مذنب الجوف قادني

1. At dusk, enticed by wavering comet-tail,
A passion led me to forget my dream, renew my ignorance.

١. عَشِيَّةَ أَعلى مِذنَبِ الجَوفِ قادَني
هَوىً كادَ يُنسي الحِلمَ أَو يُرجِعُ الجَهلا

2. At dusk, my weeping disobeyed me;
When I would sometimes say: "Those tears! Give me a respite!"

٢. عَشِيَّةَ تَعصيني غُروبُ مَدامِعي
وَإِن قُلتُ أَحياناً لِعَبرَتِها مَهلا

3. I feared not the seperation till I saw them
Turn back a weak, easy prey, the Gureerians.

٣. وَما خِفتُ وَشكَ البَينِ حَتّى رَأَيتُهُم
لِظَعنِهِمُ رَدّوا الغُرَيرِيَّةَ البُزلا

4. For the love of an A'sami, a tribe I cherished
Who were not originally my friends or kin;

٤. أُحِبُّ لِحُبِّ العاصِمِيَّةِ مَعشَراً
مِنَ الناسِ ما كانوا صَديقاً وَلا أَهلا

5. And I protected them in absence for the sake of that love,
Giving them my utmost, and being openhanded.

٥. وَأَرعاهُمُ بِالغَيبِ مِن أَجلِ حُبِّها
وَأوليهِمُ مِنّي الكَرامَةَ وَالبَذلا

6. The wedding party of Farazdaq faltered and leaned
When a people who deemed not the alliance right for her attacked Unaiza

٦. لَقَد جَمَحَت عِرسُ الفَرَزدَقِ وَاِلتَوى
بِحَدراءِ قَومٌ لَم يَرَوهُ لَها أَهلَ

7. They saw the girl's betrothal as their disgrace
Since Tamim is better than Rabi'a in their eyes.

٧. رَأَوا أَنَّ صِهرَ القَومِ عارٌ عَلَيهِمُ
وَأَنَّ لِبِسطامٍ عَلى غالِبٍ فَضلا

8. "Nay! Leave off Mijash'", she said, spurning him for another,
As if, after Unaiza none would wish to marry Mijash'!

٨. دَعَت يالَ ذُهلٍ رَغبَةً عَن مُجاشِعٍ
وَهَل بَعدَها حَدراءُ داعِيَةٌ ذُهلا

9. What is the son of Zee al-Kileh to the house of Khalid,
Would the hive join forces with the bees?

٩. وَفيمَ اِبنُ ذي الكيرَينِ مِن بَيتِ خالِدٍ
وَهَل يَجمَعُ البَيتُ الخَنانيصَ وَالنَحلا

10. If only your dishrags could patch the rents
Picking barren, sterile soil over fertile land!

١٠. وَلَو رَقَّعَت كيرَيكَ كانَت كَظاعِنٍ
مِنَ الغَيثِ يَختارُ الجُدوبَةَ وَالمَحلا

11. The marriage bond is denied; and he may yet see
Shayban at Aynul-Ma, and A'tn lush meadows.

١١. فَقَد مُنِعَ القَينُ الجَوازَ وَقَد يَرى
لِشَيبانَ عَينَ الماءِ وَالعَطَنَ السَهلا

12. They denied Farazdaq's wedding, and allied
Against him, so he met with only blame and ill-will.

١٢. هُمُ مَنَعوا عُرسَ الفَرَزدَقِ وَاِلتَوَوا
عَلَيهِ فَلاقى دونَها عَتَباً بَسلا

13. Your tribesmen sought no justification against you
Saying: "Give us time!" Nor said they: "Restrain yourself!"

١٣. وَما رَدَّ قَومُ الحَوفَزانِ عَلَيكُمُ
ظُلامى وَما قالوا لِصاحِبِهِم مَهلا

14. While duped by Unaiza your tribesman lies,
Sleeping, with no lock fastening her in place;

١٤. وَقَد باتَ مُغتَرّاً بِحَدراءَ قَينُكُم
وَنامَ وَلَم يَجعَل عَلى قَيدِها قُفلا

15. He sleeps, though he has set no guard on her,
And wakes to look upon the shifting sands for traces.

١٥. وَنامَ وَما أَسرى وَأَسرَت وَأَصبَحَت
تَأَمَّلُ مِن أَنقاءَ أَسنُمَةٍ رَملا

16. Spared to Shayban, she will no more be seen
As Qeyn's bride, or having any lord but him.

١٦. فَقَد عوفِيَت حَدراءُ شَيبانَ أَن تُرى
حَليلَةَ قَينٍ أَو يَكونَ لَها بَعلا

17. When she slips out from Misahlan, and wards him off
With Shayban, Qeyn will find, instead, preoccupation.

١٧. إِذا فَوَّزَت عَن مَسحُلانَ وَدافَعَت
بِشَيبانَ لاقى القَينُ مِن دونِها شُغلا

18. They drew with violence on the heart of Habes' son
As a troop of cavalry, taking spoils from a train of camels.

١٨. وَهُم نَزَعوا بِالرَوعِ قَلبَ اِبنِ حابِسٍ
كَما اِستَوفَضَت خَيلٌ بِكَبَّتِها الإِبلا

19. You were angered we held back Mijash' long ago
Who once freely watered the waterless hollows.

١٩. غَضِبتَ عَلَينا أَن مَنَعنا مُجاشِعاً
قَديماً مَعينَ الماءِ فَاِحتَفَروا الضَحلا

20. But only fear for Malik drove the hearts
That shared the Suk's water-skin, and shared in ignorance.

٢٠. أَلا إِنَّما جَرَّت عَلى خَوفِ مالِكٍ
قُلوبٌ تَساقَينَ النَواكَةَ وَالجَهلا

21. Long had I shunned Mijash', while he was at Unaiza,
Meeting lightenings and calamities because of her.

٢١. وَقَد طالَ أَبسي قَبلَ ذاكَ مُجاشِعاً
بِحَدراءَ يَلقَونَ الصَواعِقَ وَالأَزلا

22. They never threatened your Qeyn of Zawtar
So the sandal would stamp on the motivated foot.

٢٢. وَما نَوَّخوها قَينَكُم آلَ ضَوطَرٍ
لَأَلأَمَ مَن يَحذى عَلى قَدَمٍ نَعلا

23. They had no wish that Mijash's clan be allied to them
Nor did they see your features as resembling theirs.

٢٣. وَما رَغِبوا في صِهرِ آلِ مُجاشِعٍ
وَما إِن رَأوا شَكلَ القُيونِ لَهُم شَكلا

24. After our swearing allegience these thirty pilgrimages,
You've become, Ibnu Qeyn, indefatigable.

٢٤. أَبَعدَ تَرامينا ثَلاثينَ حِجَّةً
فَقَد صِرتَ يا اِبنَ القَينِ لا تُدرِكُ التَبلا

25. When we draw back you beat your dishrags, fancying
That after the bones' decay, it will still have some ruin.

٢٥. إِذا ما تَراجَعنا صَكَكتُكَ صَكَّةً
تَرى بَعدَ تَزيِيلِ العِظامِ لَها دَحلا

26. Your covenant misled Az-Zubair, who could not
After that, feel safe from you as a neighbor.

٢٦. وَحَبلُكُمُ غَرَّ الزُبَيرَ فَلَم يَكُن
لِيَأمَنَ جارٌ بَعدَهُ لَكُمُ حَبلا

27. Stop! Ask the tribes: who pours the wine?
Who removes afflictions, precludes the roots?

٢٧. قِفوا فَاِسأَلوا الأَقوامَ مَن يُنهِلُ القَنا
وَمَن يَكشِفُ البَلوى وَمَن يَمنَعُ الأَصلا

28. And who kills the warriors while the horses charge,
Their stallions trampling the stubble with thundering hooves?

٢٨. وَمَن يَقتُلُ الأَبطالَ وَالخَيلُ تَنبَري
بِفُرسانِها وِردَ القَطا غَلَلاً ضَحلا

29. Oh, how many tyrants we stripped of their crowns
Who now live among us, complaining of shackles!

٢٩. أَلا رُبَّ جَبّارٍ سَلَبناهُ تاجَهُ
فَأَصبَحَ فينا عانِياً يَشتَكي الكَبلا