
Lamees knocked, I wish she hadn't knocked

طرقت لميس وليتها لم تطرق

1. Lamees knocked, I wish she hadn't knocked
Until she unties the ropes of the agonized prisoner

١. طَرَقَت لَميسُ وَلَيتَها لَم تَطرُقِ
حَتّى تَفُكَّ حِبالَ عانٍ موثَقِ

2. I greeted your abode with peace and salutation
On the day of departure, yet it did not speak

٢. حَيَّيتُ دارَكِ بِالسَلامِ تَحِيَّةً
يَومَ السُلَيَّ فَما لَها لَم تَنطِقِ

3. The young women were surprised by the white hair of separation
After a long youthfulness and passion

٣. وَاِستَنكَرَ الفَتَياتُ شَيبَ المَفرِقِ
مِن بَعدِ طولِ صَبابَةٍ وَتَشَوُّقِ

4. I used to follow the rope of the guide of youth
When youth has a liveliness that was not created

٤. قَد كُنتُ أَتبَعُ حَبلَ قائِدَةِ الصِبا
إِذ لِلشَبابِ بَشاشَةٌ لَم تُخلَقِ

5. The Zubayr and his folks knew
That the rope of the coward is not the strongest

٥. أَقُفَيرَ قَد عَلِمَ الزُبَيرُ وَرَهطُهُ
أَن لَيسَ حَبلُ مُجاشِعٍ بِالأَوثَقِ

6. When ordeal was mentioned, Mujashe' had
Neither carrying the banner, nor protecting the truthful

٦. ذُكِرَ البَلاءُ فَلَم يَكُن لِمُجاشِعٍ
حَملُ اللِواءَ وَلا حُماةُ المَصدَقِ

7. We are the protectors in every feared frontier
And through us every closed door is relieved

٧. نَحنُ الحُماةُ بِكُلِّ ثَغرٍ يُتَّقى
وَبِنا يُفَرَّجُ كُلُّ بابٍ مُغلَقِ

8. And through us every great matter is defended
Your treasures are not in the clothes of the liar

٨. وَبِنا يُدافَعُ كُلُّ أَمرِ عَظيمَةٍ
لَيسَت كَنَزوِكَ في ثِيابِ الكَرَّقِ

9. Malik denied the resemblance of Farazdaq
And you took the position of the disgraced attached

٩. قَد أَنكَرَت شَبَهَ الفَرَزدَقِ مالِكٌ
وَنَزَلتَ مَنزِلَةَ الذَليلِ المُلصَقِ

10. The donkey's trough, the father of Farazdaq, so know
The contract of the deceivers and the creeping of the elbow

١٠. حَوضُ الحِمارِ أَبو الفَرَزدَقِ فَاِعلَموا
عَقَدَ الأَخادِعِ وَاِنشِناجَ المِرفَقِ

11. The worst of creatures is who we know among you
The donkey's trough, and the worst is who was not created

١١. شَرُّ الخَليقَةِ مَن عَلِمنا مِنكُمُ
حَوضُ الحِمارِ وَشَرُّ مَن لَم يُخلَقِ

12. How much disgrace was stoked against you
Farazdaq after it is not Farazdaq

١٢. كَم قَد أُثيرَ عَلَيكُمُ مِن خِزيَةٍ
لَيسَ الفَرَزدَقُ بَعدَها بِفَرَزدَقِ

13. Dhakwan unleashed your defects at dawn
And gave your father the most bitter drink

١٣. ذَكوانُ شَدَّ عَلى ظَعائِنَكُم ضُحىً
وَسَقى أَباكَ مِنَ الأَمَرِّ الأَعلَقِ