
Bid farewell to Ummama, for it is time for you to depart

ودع أمامة حان منك رحيل

1. Bid farewell to Ummama, for it is time for you to depart
Indeed, parting with a beloved is but brief

١. وَدِّع أُمامَةَ حانَ مِنكَ رَحيلُ
إِنَّ الوَداعَ إِلى الحَبيبِ قَليلُ

2. Those hearts became prey, they have been afflicted
And I see healing, yet there is no path to it

٢. تِلكَ القُلوبُ صَوادِياً تَيَّمنَها
وَأَرى الشِفاءَ وَما إِلَيهِ سَبيلُ

3. I apologize for seeking intimacy with you all
If only the one who could grant it would allow

٣. أَعذَرتُ في طَلَبِ النَوالِ إِلَيكُمُ
لَو كانَ مَن مَلَكَ النَوالَ يُنيلُ

4. If being guided to you pleases you, then it is good
Guiding you, O beautiful, graceful Ummama

٤. إِن كانَ طَبَّكُمُ الدَلالُ فَإِنَّهُ
حَسَنٌ دَلالُكِ يا أُمَيمَ جَميلُ

5. The horsemen said you were ignorant of her love
Nay, who would blame your passion but an ignoramus

٥. قالَ العَواذِلُ قَد جَهِلتَ بِحُبِّها
بَل مَن يَلومُ عَلى هَواكَ جَهولُ

6. Like a palm tree of the sand dune with its branches spread
As the wind violently shakes its trunk and strips it bare

٦. كَنَقا الكَثيبِ تَهَيَّلَت أَعطافُهُ
وَالريحُ تَجبُرُ مَتنَهُ وَتُهيلُ

7. As for my heart, it does not forget the memory of you all
As long as the echo calls out in the meadows

٧. أَمّا الفُؤادُ فَلَيسَ يَنسى ذِكرَكُم
ما دامَ يَهتِفُ في الأَراكِ هَديلُ

8. Your ruins, O Ummama, still remain over time
Not like what has remained for them to endure

٨. بَقِيَت طُلولُكِ يا أُمَيمُ عَلى البِلى
لا مِثلَ ما بَقِيَت عَلَيهِ طُلولُ

9. The south winds have woven patterns with the north
Playfully, like gazelles hopping to the tune of the rebab

٩. نَسَجَ الجَنوبُ مَعَ الشَمالِ رُسومَها
وَصَباً مُزَمزِمَةُ الرَبابِ عَجولُ

10. Does your family live in tents while you have embarked
Between the leaves and the cooking pots are burdens

١٠. أَيُقيمُ أَهلُكَ بِالسِتارِ وَأَصعَدَت
بَينَ الوَريقَةِ وَالمَقادِ حُمولُ

11. Never has one like you been underestimated for a glance
The day you rode away into distant lands alone

١١. ما كانَ مِثلُكَ يُستَخَفُّ لِنَظرَةٍ
يَومَ المَطِيِّ بِغُربَةٍ مَرحولُ

12. No familiarity after them should be estranged
A trace of two effaced pillars still remaining

١٢. لا يَبعُدَن أَنَسٌ تَغَيَّرَ بَعدَهُم
طَلَلٌ بِبُرقَةِ رامَتَينِ مُحيلُ

13. It is as if the reed stalks were void of their sheaths
Then drooped, amongst them withering and decay

١٣. وَلَقَد تَكونُ إِذا تَحُلُّ بِغِبطَةٍ
أَيّامَ أَهلُكَ بِالدِيارِ حُلولُ

14. High shoulders that ornaments had once graced
But then neglect came, and they had no adornments

١٤. وَلَقَد تُساعِفُنا الدِيارُ وَعَيشُنا
لَو دامَ ذاكَ بِما نُحِبُّ ظَليلُ

15. Like the lote tree, its interior was stripped bare
So its soft inner fibers and leaves did wither and spoil

١٥. فَسَقى دِيارَكِ حَيثُ كُنتِ مُجَلجِلٌ
هَزِجٌ وَمِن غُرِّ الغَمامِ هَطولُ

16. You would be saved if when you saw the expanse of wilderness
Lengthening once and shortening another time

١٦. وَكَأَنَّ لَيلي مِن تَذَكَّرِيَ الهَوى
لَيلٌ بِأَطوَلِ لَيلَةٍ مَوصولُ

17. When the shadows overlap, greed manifests
On the ostrich's cheek, and in the gums excess persists

١٧. أَيَنامُ لَيلُكَ يا أُمَيمَ وَلَم يَنَم
لَيلُ المَطِيِّ وَسَيرُهُنَّ ذَميلُ

18. Each she-camel, sincere in pace, is as though
A heavily loaded ship with sails fully unfurled

١٨. يَكفيكَ إِذ سَرَتِ الهُمومُ فَلَم تُنِم
قُلُصٌ لَواقِحُ كَالقِسِيِّ وَحولُ

19. How many from far off places have come to you
Over rugged, twisting paths with no clear direction

١٩. نُجُبٌ مِنَ السِرِّ العَتيقِ نَمى بِها
فَوقَ النَجائِبِ شَدقَمٌ وَجَديلُ

20. Remote from springs, their banners collapsed
Amongst lifeless hills, almost to crumble and fall

٢٠. عَزَّت كَواهِلُها العَرائِكَ بَعدَما
لَحِقَ الثَميلُ فَما لَهُنَّ ثَميلُ

21. Allah adorned you with the caliphate and guidance
And Allah's decree is not subject to change

٢١. مِثلُ القَنا سَحَجَ الثِقافُ مُتونَهُ
فَاِهتَزَّ فيهِ لُدونَةٌ وَذُبولُ

22. The caliphate is rightfully with the one whom you chose
For there is no diverting its rule to another

٢٢. تَنجو إِذا عَلَمُ الفَلاةِ رَأَيتَهُ
في الآلِ يَقصُرُ مَرَّةً وَيَطولُ

23. The eminent rise when a grave matter enrages them all
An affair so heavy it cuts deep in the hearts

٢٣. وَإِذا تَقاصَرَتِ الظِلالُ تَشَنَّعَت
وَخدَ النَعامِ وَفي النُسوعِ فُضولُ

24. The guardians of the caliphate and honor are its fit people
Thus kingdom is glory and giving is plentiful

٢٤. مِن كُلِّ صادِقَةِ النِجادِ كَأَنَّها
قَرواءُ رافِعَةُ الشِراعِ جَفولُ

25. And so upon you is due payment from a people who did not witness
That indeed, Muhammad is the Messenger of God

٢٥. كَم قَد قَطَعنَ إِلَيكَ مِن مُتَماحِلٍ
جَدبِ المُعَرَّجِ ما بِهِ تَعليلُ

26. They followed misguidance, turning away from the right way
While the Taghlibi is blind of heart and lost

٢٦. نائي المَناهِلِ طامِسٍ أَعلامُهُ
مَيتِ الشُخوصِ بِهِ يَكادُ يَحولُ

27. The Qur'an rules over the crucifix and Taghlib
And for every position is a fitting interpretation

٢٧. اللَهُ طَوَّقَكَ الخِلافَةَ وَالهُدى
وَاللَهُ لَيسَ لِما قَضى تَبديلُ

28. Indeed the caliphate, prophethood, and guidance
Are, despite Taghlib's long life, abhorrent to them

٢٨. إِنَّ الخِلافَةَ بِالَّذي أَبلَيتُمُ
فيكُم فَلَيسَ لِمَلكِها تَحويلُ

29. You turned away from the path of prophethood, so yield
To the caliph's judgement, for the disgraced are disgraced

٢٩. يَعلو النَجِيَّ إِذا النَجِيُّ أَضَجَّهُم
أَمرٌ تَضيقُ بِهِ الصُدورُ جَليلُ

30. The Ukhaydir prevented your valor from equaling ours
More noble and grand is our origin handed down

٣٠. وَلِيَ الخِلافَةَ وَالكَرامَةَ أَهلُها
فَالمُلكُ أَفيَحُ وَالعَطاءُ جَزيلُ

31. Our line from Zayd Manat flourished with Mus'ab
When Zayd Manat rages, he is most fierce

٣١. فَعَلَيكَ جِزيَةُ مَعشَرٍ لَم يَشهَدوا
لِلَّهِ إِنَّ مُحَمَّداً لَرَسولُ

32. Among us are horsemen, none will come close to them
And we have a dignified lineage, most tall

٣٢. تَبِعوا الضَلالَةَ ناكِبينَ عَنِ الهُدى
وَالتَغلِبِيُّ عَمي الفُؤادِ ضَلولُ

33. Whenever the Hudhayl have raided us
The Hudhayl fail, and in their raids stumble

٣٣. يَقضي الكِتابُ عَلى الصَليبِ وَتَغلِبٍ
وَلِكُلِّ مُنزَلِ آيَةٍ تَأويلُ

34. The caliph has dragged the armies while you were
Between Suluw and the Euphrates as remnants

٣٤. إِنَّ الخِلافَةَ وَالنُبُوَّةَ وَالهُدى
رَغمٌ لِتَغلِبَ في الحَياةِ طَويلُ

35. Indeed, the horses of Qays have quenched my thirst for you
Among them are the Hudhayl, Malik, and 'Uqayl

٣٥. فارَقتُمُ سُبُلَ النُبُوَّةِ فَاِخضَعوا
بِجِزا الخَليفَةِ وَالذَليلُ ذَليلُ

36. So if you are afflicted by the war of Qays, they will not cease
To eternally be guides against you in battle

٣٦. مَنَعَ الأُخَيطِلُ أَن يُسامِيَ قَرمَنا
شَرَفٌ أَجَبُّ وَغارِبٌ مَجزولُ

37. What fine defenders they are when the swords are bared
Beneath their robes for the white blades is clanging

٣٧. قَرماً لِزَيدِ مَناةَ أَزهَرَ مُصعِباً
فَتَصولُ زَيدُ مَناةَ حينَ يَصولُ

38. If all of them gathered the morning after Khushayn
Were cast at a single enclosure, it would nearly crumble

٣٨. مِنّا فَوارِسُ لَن تَجيءَ بِمِثلِهِم
وَبِناءُ مَكرُمَةٍ أَشَمُّ طَويلُ

39. If not for the caliph, O Ukhaydir, none would have survived
The days of Dijlah, despicable plunderer

٣٩. فَإِذا ذَكَرتَ مِنَ الهُذَيلِ وَقَد شَتا
فينا الهُذَيلُ وَفي شَواهُ كُبولُ

40. Qays exceeds Rabee'ah in number
And the mountains of Khindif after are just extra

٤٠. جَرَّ الخَليفَةُ بِالجُنودِ وَأَنتُمُ
بَينَ السَلَوطَحِ وَالفُراتِ فُلولُ

41. The Ukhaydir lied, the women of Taghlib have no
Protector of cauldrons, nor do they have a tent-mate

٤١. وَلَقَد شَفَتني خَيلُ قَيسٍ مِنكُمُ
فيها الهُذَيلُ وَمالِكٌ وَعَقيلُ

42. The horsemen left behind women of Sulym
Camels for them weeping loudly in the meadow

٤٢. فَإِذا رُميتَ بِحَربِ قَيسٍ لَم يَزَل
أَبَداً لِخَيلِهِمُ عَلَيكَ دَليلُ

43. While he counted each shadow a horseman
And mistook his ostrich shadow and was confused

٤٣. نِعمَ الحُماةُ إِذا الصَفائِحُ جُرِّدَت
لِلبَيضِ تَحتَ ظُباتِهِنَّ صَليلُ

44. The women of Taghlib danced the camel dance in the meadow
Prancing like doves, with no lower garments

٤٤. لَو أَنَّ جَمعَهُمُ غَداةَ مُخاشِنٍ
يُرمى بِهِ حَضَنٌ لَكادَ يَزولُ

45. Where are the virgins when their women are dragged
Fighter and brigand on the day of the meadow

٤٥. لَولا الخَليفَةُ يا أُخَيطِلُ ما نَجا
أَيّامَ دِجلَةَ شِلوُكَ المَأكولُ

46. The gown was torn, and the winds of the women of Taghlib
Lentils popping in the stomachs and fava beans

٤٦. قَيسٌ تَزيدُ عَلى رَبيعَةَ في الحَصى
وَجِبالُ خِندِفَ بَعدَ ذاكَ فُضولُ

47. And if the head of an aged Ashhabi appears
Among the cooking pots, a soaked crumpet

٤٧. كَذَبَ الأُخَيطِلُ ما لِنِسوَةِ تَغلِبٍ
حامي الذِمارِ وَما يَغارُ حَليلُ

48. She calls out for the protection of Muharib, but modesty prevents her
As if its belt has come undone

٤٨. تَرَكَ الفَوارِسُ مِن سُلَيمٍ نِسوَةً
عُجُلاً لَهُنَّ عَلى الرَحوبِ عَويلُ

49. Their sons are the least respectable people
When drinking, completely mindless

٤٩. إِذ ظَلَّ يَحسَبُ كُلَّ شَخصٍ فارِساً
وَيَرى نَعامَةَ ظِلِّهِ فَيَحولُ

50. The Ukhaydir acted foolishly shielding his old woman
Like the roundness of an oil jug, as if a handkerchief

٥٠. رَقَصَت بِعاجِنَةِ الرَحوبِ نِساؤُكُم
رَقصَ الرِئالِ وَما لَهُنَّ ذُيولُ

51. She would have been burned in Jif by the Dijlah
Or been busy in the meadow fray

٥١. أَينَ الأَراقِمُ إِذ تَجُرُّ نِساؤُهُم
يَومَ الرَحوبِ مُحارِبٌ وَسَلولُ

52. As if the eagles swooped down upon them
Making hajj to the lower part of Dhi Majaz

٥٢. فُسِخَ العَباءُ وَريحُ نِسوَةِ تَغلِبٍ
عَدَسٌ يُقَرقِرُ في البُطونِ وَفولُ

53. You destroyed your people when you provoked them
Then you recoiled while the enemy gained hegemony

٥٣. وَإِذا تَدارَكَ رَأسُ أَشهَبَ شارِفٍ
في الحاوِياتِ وَحِمُّصٌ مَبلولُ

54. You have been shamed, seeking compensation while disabled
One day in the city drinking, the next urinating

٥٤. نادَت بِيالِ مُحارِبٍ وَيَكُفُّها
عِرضٌ كَأَنَّ نِطاقَهُ مَحلولُ

55. Say to the Ukhaydir, neither did your old woman birth
In labor, nor was your father of great ingenuity

٥٥. أَبناؤُهُنَّ أَقَلُّ قَومٍ حُرمَةً
عِندَ الشَرابِ وَما لَهُنَّ عُقولُ

56. Your hands fell short of valor, and many times
Your father was distanced from all that is noble

٥٦. سَفِهَ الأُخَيطِلُ إِذ يَقي بِعَجوزِهِ
كيرَ القُيونِ كَأَنَّهُ مِنديلُ

57. Delegations come constantly while Taghlib is exiled
Behind the scorching hot sands, and the old women too

٥٧. قَد كانَ في جِيَفٍ بِدِجلَةَ حُرِّقَت
أَو في الَّذينَ عَلى الرَحوبِ شُغولُ

58. He is called only to collect his provisions
And told you are most welcome to wander

٥٨. وَكَأَنَّ عافِيَةَ النُسورِ عَلَيهِمُ
حُجٌّ بِأَسفَلِ ذي المَجازِ نُزولُ

59. So gather its remnants to its ruins
And leave, for you have no place among travelers' camps

٥٩. أَهلَكتَ قَومَكَ إِذ حَضَضتَ عَلَيهِمُ
ثُمَّ اِنتَهَيتَ وَفي العَدُوِّ ذُحولُ

60. All who are base would not purchase even
The stench of murky swamp water for a pittance

٦٠. قُبِّحتَ مَوتوراً وَطالِبَ دِمنَةٍ
بِالحَضرِ تَشرَبُ تارَةً وَتَبولُ

61. The share of the Ukhaydir from his touching Devil's Ivy
Is a shiny scalp with spreading baldness

٦١. قُل لِلأُخَيطِلِ لا عَجوزُكَ أَنجَبَت
في الوالِداتِ وَلا أَبوكَ فَحيلُ

62. Let the caliph's judgment upon you be carried out
For you have no place among the saddled camels' packs

٦٢. قَصُرَت يَداكَ عَنِ الفَعالِ وَطالَما
غالَت أَباكَ عَنِ المَكارِمِ غولُ

63. Each despicable weakling who would not hire himself out
Has never gotten a whiff of the barn's odorous boy

٦٣. تَفِدُ الوُفودُ وَتَغلِبٌ مَنفِيَّةٌ
خَلفَ الزَوامِلِ وَالعَواتِقُ ميلُ