
The rulers from Quraysh say,

يقول ذوو الحكومة من قريش

1. The rulers from Quraysh say,
Do you still boast, although your neighbor is struck with calamity?

١. يَقولُ ذَوُو الحُكومَةِ مِن قُرَيشٍ
أَتَفخَرُ بَعدَ جارِكُمُ المُصابُ

2. You betrayed, and did not fulfill the loyalty of sorrow,
So you made loyalty the inheritance of generous sons.

٢. غَدَرتَ وَما وَفَيتَ وَفاءَ حَزنٍ
فَأَورَثتَ الوَفاءَ بَني جَنابِ