1. When their rage rose to storm the ascent,
They brought docile camels with harnesses ready,
١. قَد قَرَّبَ الحَيُّ إِذ هاجوا لِإِصعادِ
بُزلاً مُخَيَّسَةً أَرمامَ أَقيادِ
2. With white saddle-cloths as though plant stalks were mixed in them,
From the churning of fate and misfortune.
٢. صُهباً كَأَنَّ عَصيمَ الوَرسِ خالَطَها
مِمّا تُصَرِّفُ مِن خَطرٍ وَإِلبادِ
3. A songster urges them while separated, confessing,
"I would have helped if the first guide had lingered."
٣. يَحدو بِهِم زَجِلٌ لِلبَينِ مُعتَرِفٌ
قَد كُنتُ ذا حاجَةٍ لَو يَربُعُ الحادي
4. "Do you not see how the weeping eye, when you parted,
Was attacked by people of malice and grudges?"
٤. أَلا تَرى العَينَ يَومَ البَينِ إِذ ذَرَفَت
هاجَت عَلَيكَ ذَوي ضِغنٍ وَأَحقادِ
5. "You comforted us from the grief of sadness in your yard,
If you wished, you could have quenched a forlorn wanderer's thirst."
٥. حَلَّأتِنا عَن قَراحِ المُزنِ في رَصَفٍ
لَو شِئتِ رَوّى غَليلَ الهائِمِ الصادي
6. "How many hostile people lurk below your abode,
O mother of Amr, Haddad and Haddad!"
٦. كَم دونَ بابِكِ مِن قَومٍ نُحاذِرُهُم
يا أُمَّ عَمروٍ وَحَدّادٍ وَحَدّادِ
7. "Is there any gift for the promised one you were stingy with?
And for the hostage whose ransom you demanded from his redeemer?"
٧. هَل مِن نَوالٍ لَمَوعودٍ بَخِلتِ بِهِ
وَلِلرَهينِ الَّذي اِستَغلَقتِ مِن فادي
8. "If only you had lied when you did not commit flagrant sins
With people who persist in tyranny and corruption."
٨. لَو كُنتِ كَذَّبتِ إِذ لَم تُؤتَ فاحِشَةٌ
قَوماً يَلُجّونَ في جَورٍ وَأَفنادِ
9. "For I have heard talk after our pact,
Of what you mentioned to Zayd and Shaddad."
٩. فَقَد سَمِعتُ حَديثاً بَعدَ مَوثِقِنا
مِمّا ذَكَرتِ إِلى زَيدٍ وَشَدّادِ
10. "The dwellings at al-Burdain have been ruined,
Nothing of the dwellings remains but ruins."
١٠. حَيِّ المَنازِلَ بِالبُردَينِ قَد بَلِيَت
لِلحَيِّ لَم يَبقَ مِنها غَيرُ أَبلادِ
11. "You can barely recognize this land, so changed
By the passage of years, as they changed our skins."
١١. ما كِدتَ تَعرِفُ هَذا الرَبعَ غَيَّرَهُ
مَرُّ السِنينَ كَما غَيَّرنَ أَجلادي
12. "I knew, though no one told me,
That passion steadily ruins the devoted."
١٢. لَقَد عَلِمتُ وَما أُخبِرتُ مِن أَحَدٍ
أَنَّ الهَوى بِنَقا يَبرينَ مُعتادي
13. "God destroyed a people and their followers-
Such are your Lord's ways with His servants."
١٣. اللَهُ دَمَّرَ عَبّاداً وَشيعَتَهُ
عاداتُ رَبِّكَ في أَمثالِ عَبّادِ
14. "The Commander of the Faithful told them,
'God knows nothing of your honesty and strife.'"
١٤. قَد كانَ قالَ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ لَهُم
ما يَعلَمُ اللَهُ مِن صِدقٍ وَإِجهادِ
15. "Whom God guides none can lead astray,
And whom He leads astray none can rightly guide."
١٥. مَن يَهدِهِ اللَهُ يَهتَد لا مُضِلَّ لَهُ
وَمَن أَضَلَّ فَما يَهديهِ مِن هادي
16. "When their affairs were obscured,
The people of Juhaifa were clearly misguided."
١٦. لَقَد تَبَيَّنَ إِذ غَبَّت أُمورُهُمُ
قَومُ الجُحافيِّ أَمراً غِبَّهُ بادي
17. "They met the onslaughts of the Commander of the Faithful upon them
Like a wind unleashed upon the wicked people of Aad."
١٧. لاقوا بُعوثَ أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ لَهُم
كَالريحِ إِذ بُعِثَت نَحساً عَلى عادِ
18. "With them are the angels of the Merciful, having nothing
But trust in God and glorification as provision."
١٨. فيهِم مَلائِكَةُ الرَحمَنِ ما لَهُمُ
سِوى التَوَكُّلِ وَالتَسبيحِ مِن زادِ
19. "The helpers of truth on spotted camels,
Your Lord's aid - they were the best aid."
١٩. أَنصارُ حَقٍّ عَلى بُلقٍ مُسَوَّمَةٍ
إِمدادُ رَبِّكَ كانوا خَيرَ إِمدادِ
20. "Juhaifa and his liars met
The draught of poison, unsheathed."
٢٠. لاقَت جُحافٌ وَكَذّابٌ أَقادَهُمُ
مَسقِيَّةَ السُمِّ شُهباً غَيرَ أَغمادِ
21. "Juhaifa met disgrace in their lives
And their souls did not bid their bodies farewell."
٢١. لاقَت جُحافٌ هَواناً في حَياتِهِمُ
وَما تُقُبِّلَ مِنهُم روحُ أَجسادِ
22. "The wasps that dwell in caves in Saba
Cannot penetrate the den of the slumbering lion."
٢٢. إِنَّ الوِبارَ الَّتي في الغارِ مِن سَبَأٍ
لَن تَستَطيعَ عَرينَ المُخدِرِ العادي
23. "When Satan led them astray, he said to them
'You have missed the tryst of God's command.'"
٢٣. لَمّا أَضَلَّهُمُ الشَيطانُ قالَ لَهُم
أَخلَفتُمُ عِندَ أَمرِ اللَهِ ميعادي
24. "The dreams of a people made more crazed by madness
Were like the dreams of a butterfly in the dusk."
٢٤. ما كانَ أَحلامُ قَومٍ زِدتَهُم خَبَلاً
إِلّا كَحِلمِ فِراشِ الهَبوَةِ الغادي
25. "When you said, 'Slaves of a dog oppress us,'
How could we draw near to wrongdoing and corruption?"
٢٥. إِذ قُلتَ عُمّالُ كَلبٍ ظالِمونَ لَنا
ماذا تَقَرَّبتَ مِن ظُلمٍ وَإِفسادِ
26. "Taste it, though you stood aloof from it,
A war flaming with zeal and fuel."
٢٦. ذوقوا وَقَد كُنتُمُ عَنها بِمُعتَزَلٍ
حَرباً تَحَرَّقُ مِن حَميٍ وَإيقادِ
27. "God bless not a people deluded
By the word of the Jews to the two-faced hypocrite."
٢٧. لا بارَكَ اللَهُ في قَومٍ يَغُرُّهُمُ
قَولُ اليَهودِ لِذي حَفَّينِ بَرّادِ
28. "See, the Commander of the Faithful - his origin
Is the highest branch, wherever the valleys converge."
٢٨. أَبصِر فَإِنَّ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لَهُ
أَعلى الفُروعِ وَحَيثُ اِستَجمَعَ الوادي
29. "He met the eternal mountains of Banu Marwan,
Sniffing bedrock and rousing the stones of the canyon."
٢٩. تَلقى جِبالَ بَني مَروانَ خالِدَةً
شُمَّ الرَواسِي وَتُنبي صَخرَةَ الرادي
30. "We praise the One who heals His creation
From every innovator in religion, a transgressor."
٣٠. إِنّا حَمِدنا الَّذي يَشفي خَليقَتَهُ
مِن كُلِّ مُبتَدِعٍ في الدينِ صَدّادِ
31. "So God subdued a folk without protection,
From alarmists, full of grudges and envy."
٣١. فَأَرغَمَ اللَهُ قَوماً لا حُلومَ لَهُم
مِن مُرجِفينَ ذَوي ضِغنٍ وَحُسّادِ
32. "The clan of Ash'ath the Kindite met, when they broke treaties,
And Ibn al-Muhallab, a war with twanging bowstrings."
٣٢. لاقى بَنو الأَشعَثِ الكِندِيِّ إِذ نَكَثوا
وَاِبنُ المُهَلَّبِ حَرباً ذاتَ عُصوادِ
33. "When the enemy tries to sever your watering places
They will meet from them a resolute defender."
٣٣. إِنَّ العَدُوَّ إِذا راموا قَناتَكُمُ
يَلقَونَ مِنها صَميماً غَيرَ مُنادِ
34. "You have ennobled, in strongholds between mountains,
The structure of possessions they built for you."
٣٤. شَرَّفتَ بُنيانَ أَملاكٍ بَنوا لَكُمُ
عادِيَةً في حُصونٍ بَينَ أَطوادِ
35. "When the generous count their efforts for you
You are superior in courage and ancestors."
٣٥. إِنَّ الكِرامَ إِذا عَدّوا مَساعِيَكُم
قِدماً فَضَلتَ بِئاباءٍ وَأَجدادِ
36. "By the greatest ones when they embark on a daring venture,
And the feeders of people when the cooking pots boil."
٣٦. بِالأَعظَمينَ إِذا ما خاطَروا خَطَراً
وَالمُطعِمينَ إِذا هَبَّت بِصُرّادِ
37. "The family of Mughira and Al 'Ayash during respites
Stretched out to you inexhaustible seas."
٣٧. آلُ المُغيرَةِ وَالأَعياصُ في مَهَلٍ
مَدّوا عَلَيكَ بُحوراً غَيرَ أَثمادِ
38. "And Al Harith the Virtuous, his fires of glory blazed
With ever-burning embers in unsheathed blades."
٣٨. وَالحارِثُ الخَيرُ قَد أَورى فَما خَمِدَت
نيرانُ مَجدٍ بِزَندٍ غَيرِ مَصلادِ
39. "The sea surging with waves does not prevent its ships
Rising above it, resistant to harm and debris."
٣٩. ما البَحرُ مُغلَولِباً تَسمو غَوارِبُهُ
يَعلو السَفينَ بآذيٍّ وَإِزبادِ
40. "One day with a broader range than your battles
Against the wicked and the repenting supplicant."
٤٠. يَوماً بِأَوسَعَ سَيباً مِن سِجالِكُمُ
عِندَ العُناةِ وَعِندَ المُعتَفي الجادي
41. "To Mu'awiyah the victorious - he has
A binding faith and a heart free of deviation."
٤١. إِلى مُعاوِيَةَ المَنصورِ إِنَّ لَهُ
ديناً وَثيقاً وَقَلباً غَيرَ حَيّادِ
42. "Never did the vision of the Marwanites falter
Out of fear of some people, nor incline to unbelief."
٤٢. مِن آلِ مَروانَ ما اِرتَدَّت بَصائِرُهُم
مِن خَوفِ قَومٍ وَلا هَمّوا بِإِلحادِ
43. "Until the kings of Rome came to you submissively,
Fettered in chains and shackles."
٤٣. حَتّى أَتَتكَ مُلوكُ الرومِ صاغِرَةً
مُقَرَّنينَ بِأَغلالٍ وَأَصفادِ
44. "A day that humiliated the necks of the Romans when it came -
Good tidings for those who were in caves and thickets."
٤٤. يَومٌ أَذَلَّ رِقابَ الرومِ وَقعَتُهُ
بُشرى لِمَن كانَ في غَورٍ وَأَنجادِ
45. "O Lord, never did those whom greed drove to You turn back,
So they praised the rain and yielded to the guides."
٤٥. يا رُبَّ ما اِرتادَكُم رَكبٌ لِرَغبَتِهِم
فَأَحمَدوا الغَيثَ وَاِنقادوا لِرُوّادِ
46. "They traveled roads whose courses led
To the green thickets, abundant in numbers."
٤٦. ساروا عَلى طُرُقٍ تَهدي مَناهِجُها
إِلى خَضارِمَ خُضرِ اللُجِّ أَعدادِ
47. "They traveled with feet bloodstained and stained with blood,
Their vanguards amidst twisting paths."
٤٧. ساروا مِنَ الأَدَمى وَالدامِ مُنعَلَةً
قوداً سَوالِفُها في مَورِ أَعضادِ
48. "Travel, for the Commander of the Faithful will rain on you
A beneficial rain, not mere drizzle."
٤٨. سيروا فَإِنَّ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لَكُم
غَيثٌ مُغيثٌ بِنَبتٍ غَيرِ مِجحادِ
49. "What do you see of dependents I have been burdened with
Whose number cannot be counted but by counting?"
٤٩. ماذا تَرى في عِيالٍ قَد بَرِمتُ بِهِم
لَم تُحصَ عِدَّتُهُم إِلّا بِعَدّادِ
50. "They were eighty, or eight more,
And were it not for hoping in you, I would have killed my children."
٥٠. كانوا ثَمانينَ أَو زادوا ثَمانِيَةً
لَولا رَجاؤُكَ قَد قَتَّلتُ أَولادي