
When the emigrant extends his hand,

إن المهاجر حين يبسط كفه

1. When the emigrant extends his hand,
The offspring of the luxuriant, long of mighty arm,

١. إِنَّ المُهاجِرَ حينَ يَبسُطُ كَفَّهُ
سَبطُ البَنانِ طَويلُ عَظمِ الساعِدِ

2. A leader if the notables show humility,
Exalted above the seed with ancestral nobility ascending,

٢. قَرمٌ أَغَرُّ إِذا الجُدودُ تَواضَعَت
سامى مِنَ البَزَرى بِجَدٍّ صاعِدِ

3. O son of branches nourished by the goodness of soil,
And son of horsemen and captain and guide,

٣. يا اِبنَ الفُروعِ يَمُدُّها طيبُ الثَرى
وَاِبنُ الفَوارِسِ وَالرَئيسِ القائِدِ

4. Zealous in warding off from sanctities and preserves,
May you never lack support against any transgressor,

٤. حامٍ يَذودُ عَنِ المَحارِمِ وَالحِمى
لا تَعدَمُنَّ ذِيادَهُ مِن ذائِدِ

5. You have ruled and your rule was satisfactory,
Created to adorn platforms and mosques,

٥. وَلَقَد حَكَمتَ فَكانَ حُكمُكَ مَقنَعاً
وَخُلِقتَ زَينَ مَنابِرٍ وَمَساجِدِ

6. When disputants crowded your doors,
You did not neglect for a witness their absent adversary,

٦. وَإِذا الخُصومُ تَبادَروا أَبوابَهُ
لَم يَنسَ غائِبَهُم لِخَصمٍ شاهِدِ

7. And the aggressive, when they saw you, were humbled,
Fearing the onslaught of a furious warring lion,

٧. وَالمُعتَدونَ إِذا رَأَوكَ تَخَشَّعوا
يَخشَونَ صَولَةَ ذي لُبودٍ حارِدِ

8. I praise you when you alight in their land,
And when you depart, with the praise of a praising neighbor,

٨. أُثني عَلَيكَ إِذا نَزَلتَ بِأَرضِهِم
وَإِذا رَحَلتَ ثَناءَ جارٍ حامِدِ

9. My Lord has given you from His abounding bounty,
Until you were pleased and the envy of enviers prolonged,

٩. أَعطاكَ رَبّي مِن جَزيلِ عَطائِهِ
حَتّى رَضيتَ فَطالَ رَغمُ الحاسِدِ

10. Your chosen forebears, intimate with the Divine,
And their spear points glistened in the hands of the glorious,

١٠. آباؤُكَ المُتَخَيَّرونَ أُلو اللُهى
وَرِيَت زِنادُهُمُ بِكَفَّي ماجِدِ

11. Who left the disobedient abased in His religion,
And the aggressors, and every unruly rebel,

١١. تَرَكَ العُصاةَ أَذِلَّةً في دينِهِ
وَالمُعتَدينَ وَكُلَّ لِصٍّ مارِدِ

12. Discerning in it the religion of guidance,
Receive tidings of the station of the enduring settler,

١٢. مُستَبصِرٍ فيها عَلى دينِ الهُدى
أَبشِر بِمَنزِلَةِ المُقيمِ الخالِدِ

13. Who wore out his coat of mail feared for havoc,
In days of ordeal and struggle and combat,

١٣. أَبلى بِبُرجَمَةَ المَخوفِ بِها الرَدى
أَيّامَ مُحتَسِبِ البَلاءِ مُجاهِدِ

14. How often you have shown clemency and honored me
And warded off from me many a warring adversary,

١٤. كَم قَد جَبَرتَ وَنِلتَني بِكَرامَةٍ
وَذَبَبتَ عَنّي مِن عَدُوٍّ جاهِدِ

15. Were they able with other than what you endured them,
You would have had to drink poison of serpents and dragons,

١٥. لَو يَقدُرونَ بِغَيرِ ما أَبلَيتَهُم
لَسُقيتَ سَمَّ أَراقِمٍ وَأَساوِدِ

16. O killer of the wintry nights, whenever
The evening grows cold from the biting north wind,

١٦. يا قاتِلَ الشَتَواتِ عَنّا كُلَّما
بَرَدَ العَشِيُّ مِنَ الأَصيلِ البارِدِ