
Do you forget my homeland, plateaus of Ghawl,

أتنسى دارتي هضبات غول

1. Do you forget my homeland, plateaus of Ghawl,
And when the valley of Dhariyah is the best valley,

١. أَتَنسى دارَتي هَضَباتِ غَولٍ
وَإِذ وادي ضَرِيَّةَ خَيرُ وادي

2. And a blamer blames me, so I said: wait,
I have no injustice upon you, nor stinginess.

٢. وَعاذِلَةٍ تَلومُ فَقُلتُ مَهلاً
فَلا جَوري عَلَيكِ وَلا اِقتِصادي

3. If only the blamers would stop blaming me,
And if only worries would stop haunting me,

٣. فَلَيتَ العاذِلاتِ يَدَعنَ لَومي
وَلَيتَ الهَمَّ قَد تَرَكَ اِعتِيادي

4. We see a drink that has a law, a torture,
So we are deprived while hearts are its hunters.

٤. نَرى شِرباً لَهُ شُرُعٌ عِذابٌ
فَنُمنَعُ وَالقُلوبُ لَهُ صَوادي

5. Little of Sulayma comes your way,
Despite the closeness and distance.

٥. قَليلٌ ما يَنالُكَ مِن سُلَيمى
عَلى طولِ التَقارُبِ وَالبِعادِ

6. I was determined and steadfast,
Upon the necks of Taghlib and relying.

٦. خَصَيتُ مُجاشِعاً وَشَدَدتُ وَطئي
عَلى أَعناقِ تَغلِبَ وَاِعتِمادي

7. Al-Ukhaydir did not intend my qualities,
When I shattered the rock of whoever I wanted.

٧. وَما رامَ الأُخَيطِلُ مِن صَفاتي
وَقَد صَدَّعتُ صَخرَةَ مَن أُرادي

8. Do you judge for Qays you lied, we
Inherited glory before the inheritance of 'Aad.

٨. أَتَحكُمُ لِلقُيونِ كَذَبتَ إِنّا
وَرِثنا المَجدَ قَبلَ تُراثِ عادِ

9. And Yarbou' is a horseman not inclined,
When the coward refrains from the chase.

٩. وَيَربوعٌ فَوارِسُ غَيرُ مَيلٍ
إِذا وَقَفَ الجَبانُ عَنِ الطِرادِ

10. Qays did not witness us the morning after we startled,
The clan of Duhl and the alive clan of Masad.

١٠. فَما شُهِدَ القُيونُ غَداةَ رُعنا
بَني ذُهلٍ وَحَيَّ بَني مَصادِ

11. And we startled the horsemen of Bishr
At Dhat al-Shaykh from the roads of Eeyad.

١١. وَقَد رُعنا فَوارِسَ آلِ بِشرٍ
بِذاتِ الشيحِ مِن طُرُقِ الإِيادِ

12. Hudhayl disliked us, so you did not
Incline with a protector that day, nor a refuge.

١٢. عَنا فينا الهُذَيلُ فَما عَطَفتُم
بِحامٍ يَومَ ذاكَ وَلا مُفادِ

13. He rides a brown stallion, short step,
Humble lead, compact built.

١٣. يُمارِسُ غُلَّ أَسمَرَ سَمهَرِيٍّ
قَصيرَ الخَطوِ مُختَضِعَ القِيادِ

14. And not the people of Ukhaydir when they called them
At Ghurr in the evening, not even remains.

١٤. وَما رَهطُ الأُخَيطِلِ إِذ دَعاهُم
بِغُرٍّ بِالعَشِيِّ وَلا جِعادِ

15. The Taghlibi sleeps and does not pray,
And sacrifices without raising his pillow.

١٥. يَنامُ التَغلِبِيُّ وَما يُصَلّي
وَيُضحي غَيرَ مُرتَفِعِ الوِسادِ

16. They are people who grow from bad seeds,
And the seeds of evil are found in the harvest.

١٦. أُناسٌ يَنبُتونَ بِشَرِّ بَذرٍ
وَبَذرُ السوءِ يوجَدُ في الحَصادِ