1. Send word to those friends whose affections found me too hard to retain,
And be tender to them, however perverse I have been.
١. أَبلِغ رِياحاً مُردَها وَكُهولَها
عَنّي وَعَمِّم فيهِمُ وَتَخَصَّصِ
2. Tell them the fear I betrayed and the passion I would not reveal-
What cared Ibn Wakkas or Akhtal for such as I feel?
٢. إِنّي أُهابُ وَما أُراني فاعِلاً
رَهطَ اِبنِ وَقّاصٍ وَرَهطَ الأَخوَصِ
3. Had they not veiled me with victim and fate I inherited,
I would have shown them a passion as warm as Akhtal's could be.
٣. لَولا الَّذي عَهِدَت إِلَيَّ سَراتُهُم
لَجَهِدتُ جُهدَ بَديهَةِ اِبنِ الأَخوَصِ