
Send word to those friends whose affections found me too hard to retain,

أبلغ رياحا مردها وكهولها

1. Send word to those friends whose affections found me too hard to retain,
And be tender to them, however perverse I have been.

١. أَبلِغ رِياحاً مُردَها وَكُهولَها
عَنّي وَعَمِّم فيهِمُ وَتَخَصَّصِ

2. Tell them the fear I betrayed and the passion I would not reveal-
What cared Ibn Wakkas or Akhtal for such as I feel?

٢. إِنّي أُهابُ وَما أُراني فاعِلاً
رَهطَ اِبنِ وَقّاصٍ وَرَهطَ الأَخوَصِ

3. Had they not veiled me with victim and fate I inherited,
I would have shown them a passion as warm as Akhtal's could be.

٣. لَولا الَّذي عَهِدَت إِلَيَّ سَراتُهُم
لَجَهِدتُ جُهدَ بَديهَةِ اِبنِ الأَخوَصِ