1. In the early dawn, I recalled the ruins of Brammah
Whose inhabitants bore adversities as fate
١. حَيِّ الغَداةَ بِرامَةَ الأَطلالا
رَسماً تَحَمَّلَ أَهلُهُ فَأَحالا
2. The valleys and meadows have fled
Leaving open fields for the wind and its expanse
٢. إِنَّ السَوارِيَ وَالغَوادِيَ غادَرَت
لِلريحِ مُختَرَقاً بِهِ وَمَجالا
3. I have not found a dwelling like yours after your loss
And you were irrigated by the rain gushing forth
٣. لَم أَلْقَ مِثلَكَ بَعدَ عَهدِكَ مَنزِلاً
فَسُقيتَ مِن سَبَلِ السِماكِ سِجالا
4. After all your people, you became a mound of ruins
Once a populated settlement, now desolate and bare
٤. أَصبَحتَ بَعدَ جَميعِ أَهلِكَ دِمنَةً
قَفراً وَكُنتَ مَرَبَّةً مِحلالا
5. I am amazed how the abodes and their people change
And how time alters one thing into another
٥. وَلَقَد عَجِبتُ مِنَ الدِيارِ وَأَهلِها
وَالدَهرِ كَيفَ يُبَدِّلُ الأَبدالا
6. I saw the she-camel of youth had shortened her stride
After vigour and the toil of travel
٦. وَرَأَيتَ راحِلَةَ الصِبا قَد أَقصَرَت
بَعدَ الوَجيفِ وَمَلَّتِ التِرحالا
7. The resolve of the virtuous on the day of Burqah
Had become diseased, so ignorance increased
٧. إِنَّ الظَعائِنَ يَومَ بُرقَةِ عاقِلٍ
قَد هِجنَ ذا سَقَمٍ فَزِدنَ خِبالا
8. My heart quivered remembering them after they passed
While the wings of the stars in the night faded
٨. طَرِبَ الفُؤادُ لِذِكرِهِنَّ وَقَد مَضَت
بِاللَيلِ أَجنِحَةُ النُجومِ فَمالا
9. They made the defence of our days a few years
And made the lifespan of goats in the left-hand
٩. يَجعَلنَ مَدفَعَ عاقِلَينِ أَيامِناً
وَجَعَلنَ أَمعَزَ رامَتَينِ شِمالا
10. They never unite when they boast of victory
And enjoy the embellishment of prosperity and beauty
١٠. لا يَتَّصِلنَ إِذا اِفتَخَرنَ بِتَغلِبٍ
وَرُزِقنَ زُخرُفَ نِعمَةٍ وَجَمالا
11. The specter crept furtively to Umm Hazrah
And embraced the slender ghost closely
١١. طَرَقَ الخَيالُ لِأُمِّ حَزرَةَ مَوهِناً
وَلَحَبَّ بِالطَيفِ المُلِمِّ خَيالا
12. I wonder on the day of exhorting Sulsal
Whether you wanted my ruin or my guidance
١٢. يا لَيتَ شِعري يَومَ دارَةِ صُلصُلٍ
أَتُريدُ صُرمي أَم تُريدُ دَلالا
13. If the chastity of Uyaynah and Yathbul had heard
Your talk, it would have collapsed the mountain tops
١٣. لَو أَنَّ عُصمَ عَمايَتَينِ وَيَذبُلٍ
سَمِعَت حَديثَكِ أَنزَلَ الأَوعالا
14. You greeted in the morning those with no friend
When the young she-camels neigh and the cattle bellow
١٤. حُيِّيتِ لَستِ غَداً لَهُنَّ بِصاحِبٍ
بِحَزيزِ وَجرَةَ إِذ يَخِدنَ عِجالا
15. Some miscarried at six months
And others lost their slippers as they walked
١٥. أَجهَضنَ مُعجَلَةٌ لِسِتَّةِ أَشهُرٍ
وَحُذينَ بَعدَ نِعالِهِنَّ نِعالا
16. When daylight is short and its shadows contract
And the tired she-camel is listless and languid
١٦. وَإِذا النَهارُ تَقاصَرَت أَظلالُهُ
وَوَنى المَطِيُّ سَآمَةً وَكَلالا
17. The she-camel raises the hem of each emaciated man
Whose shirt tails sway as he struts proudly
١٧. رَفَعَ المَطِيُّ بِكُلِّ أَبيَضَ شاحِبٍ
خَلَقِ القَميصِ تَخالُهُ مُختالا
18. I am destined so I will never pardon the oppressors
And will be a punishment and vengeance upon the wrongdoers
١٨. إِنّي جُعِلتُ فَلَن أُعافي تَغلِباً
لِلظالِمينَ عُقوبَةً وَنَكالا
19. Cursed is Tughlib in the sight of God
They have become despicable to me, both horses and men
١٩. قَبَحَ الإِلَهُ وُجوهَ تَغلِبَ إِنَّها
هانَت عَلَيَّ مَراسِناً وَسِبالا
20. Cursed is Tughlib whenever pilgrims shout and say:
"God is great", performing their rights
٢٠. قَبَحَ الإِلَهُ وُجوهَ تَغلِبَ كُلَّما
شَبَحَ الحَجيجُ وَكَبَّروا إِهلالا
21. They worshipped the cross and denied Muhammad
And rejected Gabriel and Michael as well
٢١. عَبَدوا الصَليبَ وَكَذَّبوا بِمُحَمَّدٍ
وَبِجِبرَئيلَ وَكَذَّبوا ميكالا
22. When the Tughlibi sniffs, mocking settlements
He itches his beard and spouts proverbs
٢٢. وَالتَغلِبِيُّ إِذا تَنَحنَحَ لِلقِرى
حَكَّ اِستَهُ وَتَمَثَّلَ الأَمثالا
23. Did you forget your day at the island, after
Its consequences were calamitous upon you
٢٣. أَنَسيتَ يَومَكَ بِالجَزيرَةِ بَعدَما
كانَت عَواقِبُهُ عَلَيكَ وَبالا
24. The cavalry of Qais attacked you
Disheveled and frowning, bearing warriors
٢٤. حَمَلَت عَلَيكَ حُماةُ قَيسٍ خَيلَها
شُعثاً عَوابِسَ تَحمِلُ الأَبطالا
25. You still think, after them, every group is an army
Marching against you with men and horses
٢٥. ما زِلتَ تَحسِبُ كُلَّ شَيءِ بَعدَهُم
خَيلاً تَشُدُّ عَلَيكُمُ وَرِجالا
26. The roar of the chief Abul Huthayl destroyed you
He captured the women and seized the wealth
٢٦. زُفَرُ الرَئيسِ أَبو الهُذَيلِ أَبادَكُم
فَسَبى النِساءَ وَأَحرَزَ الأَموالا
27. When Ukhaydir saw their standards, he said
"O disgraceful Sergius, we want no fighting!"
٢٧. قالَ الأُخَيطِلُ إِذ رَأى راياتِهِم
يا مارَ سَرجِسَ لا نُريدُ قِتالا
28. Why not ask the shallows of the Tigris about you
Where corpses are collected, part by part
٢٨. هَلّا سَأَلتَ غُثاءَ دِجلَةَ عَنكُمُ
وَالخامِعاتُ تُجَمِّعُ الأَوصالا
29. Ukhaydir left his mother as if she was
A camel for hire, directing customers
٢٩. تَرَكَ الأُخَيطِلُ أُمَّهُ وَكَأَنَّها
مَنحاةُ سانِيَةٍ تُديرُ مَحالا
30. Ukhaydir hoped foolishly
For what would never be, an impossible dream
٣٠. وَرَجا الأُخَيطِلُ مِن سَفاهَةِ رَأيِهِ
ما لَم يَكُن وَأَبٌ لَهُ لِيَنالا
31. "Make way, for you have seen our destruction
Repelling destruction, writhing in anguish"
٣١. خَلِّ الطَريقَ فَقَد رَأَيتَ قُرومَنا
تَنفي القُرومَ تَخَمُّطاً وَصِيالا
32. "It is over, Ukhaydir, so prepare yourself"
I said, and Ukhaydir was shamed into silence
٣٢. تَمَّت تَميمي يا أُخَيطِلُ فَاِحتَجِز
خَزِيَ الأُخَيطِلُ حينَ قُلتُ وَقالا
33. If the walls of Kindah had collided
With an impenetrable mountain, it would be leveled
٣٣. لَو أَنَّ خِندِفَ زاحَمَت أَركانُها
جَبَلاً أَصَمَّ مِنَ الجِبالِ لَزالا
34. For the rhyme's bitterness is commanded
For Bani Fudawks when their reason was severed
٣٤. إِنَّ القَوافِيَ قَد أُمِرَّ مَريرُها
لِبَني فَدَوكَسَ إِذ جَدَعنَ عِقالا
35. You met a group of Khuzaimah below me
Whose towering heights humbled you
٣٥. وَلَقيتَ دوني مِن خُزَيمَةَ مَعشَراً
وَشَقاشِقاً بَذَخَت عَلَيكَ طِوالا
36. Khuzaimah rode out on steeds as if they were
Tame hawks alighting softly on the dunes
٣٦. راحَت خُزَيمَةُ بِالجِيادِ كَأَنَّها
عِقبانُ مُدجِنَةٍ نَفَضنَ طِلالا
37. That is how we prepare for the likes of that
Fed milk and donning ornate saddle-cloths
٣٧. إِنّا كَذاكَ لِمِثلِ ذاكَ نُعِدُّها
تُسقى الحَليبَ وَتُشعَرُ الأَجلالا
38. You did not meet horsemen of mine in battle
Inclining to you, or even glancing your way
٣٨. ما كُنتَ تَلقى في الحُروبِ فَوارِسي
ميلاً إِذا رَكِبوا وَلا أَكفالا
39. They bid farewell to the women of Tughlib and captured them
And Huthayl saw their white thighs
٣٩. صَبَّحنَ نِسوَةَ تَغلِبٍ فَسَبَينَها
وَرَأى الهُذَيلُ لِوِردِهِنَّ رِعالا
40. Qais and Kindah, if you count their deeds
Are better and nobler than those of your father
٤٠. قَيسٌ وَخِندِفُ إِن عَدَدتَ فَعالَهُم
خَيرٌ وَأَكرَمُ مِن أَبيكَ فَعالا
41. If they forbid you, you will be forbidden to enemies
Or if they permit you, you will be eaten lawfully
٤١. إِن حَرَّموكَ لَتَحرُمَنَّ عَلى العِدى
أَو حَلَّلوكَ لَتُؤكَلَنَّ حَلالا
42. Do you own any place in the sanctuary
Or descend in the shade from a hillock?
٤٢. هَل تَملِكونَ مِنَ المَشاعِرِ مَشعَراً
أَو تَنزِلونَ مِنَ الأَراكِ ظِلالا
43. For we are nobler in abode and higher in the sky
With mountains taller than yours
٤٣. فَلَنَحنُ أَكرَمُ في المَنازِلِ مَنزِلًا
مِنكُم وَأَطوَلُ في السَماءِ جِبالا
44. We guided Khuzaimah, as you know by force
And Huthayl wrung his hands in shackles
٤٤. قُدنا خُزَيمَةَ قَد عَلِمتُم عَنوَةً
وَشَتا الهُذَيلُ يُمارِسُ الأَغلالا
45. Husainah saw my horsemen grasp
The spoils and divide the booty
٤٥. وَرَأَت حُسَينَةُ بِالعَدابِ فَوارِسي
تَحوي النِهابَ وَتَقسِمُ الأَنفالا
46. If the clans of Tughlib gathered their allies
On the day of rivalry, they would not equal an atom
٤٦. وَلَوَ انَّ تَغلِبَ جَمَّعَت أَحسابَها
يَومَ التَفاضُلِ لَم تَزِن مِثقالا
47. Do not seek in-laws from Tughlib
For even Africans are nobler in-laws than them
٤٧. لا تَطلُبَنَّ خُؤولَةً في تَغلِبٍ
فَالزَنجُ أَكرَمُ مِنهُمُ أَخوالا
48. You cast at our valley-orchard the stones of Nasil
Seeking strife, so you found strife
٤٨. وَرَمَيتَ هَضبَتَنا بِأَفوَقَ ناصِلٍ
تَبغي النِضالَ فَقَد لَقيتَ نِضالا
49. If not for the penalty, the black lands and Tughlib
Would be spoils for the Muslims
٤٩. لَولا الجِزا قُسِمَ السَوادُ وَتَغلِبٌ
في المُسلِمينَ فَكُنتُمُ أَنفالا