
I insulted saying the truth, guided,

شتمتما قائلا بالحق مهتديا

1. I insulted saying the truth, guided,
In the presence of the Caliph while words flutter about.

١. شَتَمتُما قائِلاً بِالحَقِّ مُهتَدِياً
عِندَ الخَليفَةِ وَالأَقوالُ تَنتَضِلُ

2. Do you insult a fool - the best of you in lineage?
So in you two are vanity and prattle.

٢. أَتَشتُمانِ سِفاهاً خَيرَكُم حَسَباً
فَفيكُما وَإِلَهي الزَورُ وَالخَطَلُ

3. Do you insult him for elevating me and debasing you both?
You remain in vileness, O you vile!

٣. أَتَشتُماهُ عَلى رَفعي وَوَضعِكُما
لا زِلتُما في سِفالٍ أَيُّها السَفَلُ